Matthew (Matt) Deneen (R-SS10)
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Capitol: 502.564.8100
FAX: 502.564.6543
District: 270.765.4565
Kentucky Legislature
Room 209-A Capitol Annex 702 Capitol Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601

District Office:
702 Capitol Avenue
Frankfort, KY 40601
Elected: 2022    Next Election: 2026
DOB: 9/19/1968
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSenate Committee on Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protection
Co-ChairBudget Review Subcommittee on Education
Co-ChairJoint Statutory Committee Education Assessment and Accountability Review Subcommittee
MemberStatutory Committee 2024-2026 Budget Preparation and Submission
MemberSenate Committee on Families and Children
MemberInterim Joint Committee on Judiciary
MemberInterim Joint Committee on Veterans, Military Affairs and Public Protection
MemberSenate Committee on Agriculture
MemberInterim Joint Committee on Agriculture
MemberSenate Committee on Judiciary
MemberInterim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue
Counties Representing
Hardin / Jefferson


Bio Born September 19, 1968. Baptist. Elizabethtown HS. GC, BA Education/Business. WKU, MA/Rank 1. Elizabethtown Airport Board. Elizabethtown Trail Town Advisory Board, Chairman. Greenspace, Board Member. Deneen Properties LLC, Present. KY Leadership Academy. Who's Who of American High School Teachers. Elizabethtown High School Athletic Hall of Fame, Inductee. Georgetown College Athletic Hall of Fame, Inductee. 2 time National Award Recipient for Technology in Education and Community Conservation.