Capitol: 502.564.8100 FAX: 502.564.6543 District: 502.724.7529
Representative Kentucky Legislature
Room 451-A Capitol Annex 702 Capitol Avenue Frankfort, KY 40601
District Office: 2306 Pikes Peak Boulevard Louisville, KY 40214
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | |
BioBorn March 25, 1997. Contract Worker. Former, Metro Council Legislative Aide. Catholic. Notre Dame Academy. Holy Cross High School. U of L, BS Political Science. The Little Loomhouse, Board President. Pi Beta Phi KY Alpha. The Political Women's Council. The League of Women Voters. The Southwest Dream Team. Louisville Girls Leadership, Alumni. St. Lawrence Catholic Parish. Class of 2015, Salutatorian.
House 2023 - Present