Nancy (Nancy) J. King (D-SS39)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 410.841.3686
FAX: 410.841.3670
District: 410.841.3686
Room 120 James Senate Office Building 11 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-1991

District Office:
11 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-1991
Elected: 2007    Next Election: 2026
DOB: 10/7/1949
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSubcommittee on Education, Business and Administration
MemberJoint Committee on Gaming Oversight
MemberJoint Committee on Legislative Information Technology and Open Government
MemberSubcommittee on Procurement
MemberSubcommittee on Capital Budget
MemberJoint Committee on Legislative Ethics
MemberSenate Committee on Budget and Taxation
MemberSenate Committee on Rules
Ex-OfficioJoint Committee on Legislative Policy
MemberSenate Committee on Executive Nominations
Ex-OfficioJoint Committee on Spending Affordability
Counties Representing


Member of the Senate since 2007. Sworn in on September 5, 2007.

Current Assignments 2020 Majority Leader 2007 Budget and Taxation Committee (Chair 2019-20) 2021 Capital Budget Subcommittee of the Budget and Taxation Committee 2021 Chair, Education, Business, and Administration Subcommittee of the Budget and Taxation Committee 2019 Rules Committee 2019 Executive Nominations Commttee 2023 Special Joint Legislative Committee to Select the State Treasurer 2023 2019 Legislative Policy Committee 2017 Spending Affordability 2017 Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics 2007 Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families (Chair, 2008-2019)(2020 ex oficio) 2015 Joint Committee on Legislative Information Technology and Open Government 2013 Joint Committee on Gaming Oversight (Senate Chair, 2014-2019) 2018 Maryland Veterans Caucus 2003 Women Legislators of Maryland 2018 Maryland Veterans Caucus Past Senate Service Assistant Deputy Majority Leader, 2014-2016; Assistant Deputy Majority Whip, 2011-2014; Chair, Reapportionment and Redistricting Committee, 2022; Assessment and Funding of School Facilities Workgroup, 2019-2021; Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education, 2016-2019; Chair, Education, Business and Administration Subcommittee of the Budget and Taxation Committee, 2015-2019; Capital Budget Subcommittee of the Budget and Taxation Committee, 2008-2019; Health, Education and Human Resources Subcommittee of the Budget and Taxation Committee, 2008-2010; Vice Chair, Standing Committee on Reapportionment and Redistricting, 2011-2012; Joint Committee on Administrative, Executive and Legislative Review, 2007-2009; Joint Committee on Transparency and Open Government, 2011-2014; Joint Covid-19 Response Workgroup, 2020; Workgroup to Study the Maryland State Department of Education and the Maryland Higher Education Commission, 2019; 21st Century School Facilities Commission, 2016-2017; Special Joint Legislative Committee to Select the State Treasurer, 2021; Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 2015; Chair, Senate Select Committee No. 6, Montgomery County, 2014-2018.

Past House Service 2003-2007 Assistant Deputy Majority Whip, 2007; Chair, Education Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, 2007; House Chair, Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, 2007; Deputy Majority Whip, 2006-2007; Ways and Means Committee, 2003-2007; Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 2003-2007; Tax and Revenue Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, 2004-2006; Joint Advisory Committee on Legislative Data Systems, 2004-2006; Children and Youth Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, 2003-2004; Election Law Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, 2003-2004; Joint Committee on the Selection of the State Treasurer, 2001.

Public Service National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board, 2021-; Board of Directors, University of Maryland Medical System, 2018-; Commission to Review Maryland's Use of Assessments and Testing in Public Schools, 2015-2017; Education Commission of the States, Maryland Senate Representative, 2015-; State Early Childhood Advisory Council, 2014-; Chesapeake Bay Commission, 2014-2016; State Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Board, 2013-; P-20 Leadership Council of Maryland, 2010-; Maryland Business Tax Reform Commission, 2008-2010; State Plan for Postsecondary Education Work Group, 2008-2009; Chair, Education Committee, National Conference of State Legislatures (Member, 2005), 2008-; Education Committee, Southern Legislative Conference, 2008-; Commission to Develop the Maryland Model for Funding Higher Education, 2007; Transportation Committee, Montgomery County Delegation, 2007; Land Use and Transportation Committee, Montgomery County Delegation, 2007; Co-Chair, Task Force on School Safety, 2006-2007; Montgomery County Delegation, 2003-2007; Bi-County Committee, Montgomery County Delegation, 2003-2007; Governor's Commission on Quality Education in Maryland, 2004-2005; Board of Education, Representing District 1, Montgomery County, 1994-2002; President, Board of Education, Representing District 1, Montgomery County, 2000-2001, 1997-1998; Chair, Audit Committee, Board of Education, Representing District 1, Montgomery County, 1998; Vice President, Board of Education, Representing District 1, Montgomery County, 1996-1997; Policy Committee, Board of Education, Representing District 1, Montgomery County; Chair, Subcommittee on Long-Range and Strategic Planning, Board of Education, Representing District 1, Montgomery County.

Memberships Maryland Democratic Business Caucus (Steering Committee), 2005-; Maryland Green Caucus, 2003-; Women Legislators of Maryland (President, 2013-2014; Secretary, 2009-2011; 2nd Vice Pres., 2011-2012; President-elect, 2012-2013), 2003-; Board of Directors, Reginald S. Lourie Center for Infants and Young Children, 2001-; Advisory Board, "Care for Kids" Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County, 1999-; Board of Directors, Montgomery Village Foundation, 1991-1996; President, Montgomery County Council of Parent-Teacher Associations (PTAs), 1993-1994; President and Coordinator, Gaithersburg Meals on Wheels, 1982-1992.

Awards John R. Hargreaves Distinguished Legislative Fellow, Salisbury University, 2018; First Citizen Award, Maryland Senate, 2017; Maryland's Top 100 Women, The Daily Record, 2014; Certificate of Appreciation, Maryland Municipal League, 2008-2010; Municipal Super Star, Maryland Municipal League, 2009.

Biographical Information Born, Niagara Falls, New York, October 7, 1949; LaSalle High School, Niagara Falls, New York; Niagara County Community College, 1967-69; Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Trecor, Inc. (a family-owned consulting and forensic engineering company), 1987-; Married; three daughters; two grandchildren.