Mary (Mary) A. Lehman (D-SH21A)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 410.841.3114
FAX: 410.946.5080
District: 301.858.3114
Room 163 Lowe House Office Building 6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-1912

District Office:
6 Bladen Street
Annapolis, MD 21401-1912
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Dale   
Committee Assignments
MemberSubcommittee on Environment
MemberSubcommittee on Land Use and Ethics
MemberSubcommittee on Local Government and Bi-County Issues
MemberJoint Committee on Ending Homelessness
MemberHouse Committee on Environment and Transportation
MemberJoint Committee on Audit and Evaluation
Counties Representing
Anne Arundel / Prince George's


First elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in 2018. Member of the House since January 9, 2019.

Current Assignments 2019 Environment and Transportation Committee 2023 Land Use and Ethics Subcommittee of the Environment and Transportation Committee 2023 Local Government and Bi-County Agencies Subcommittee of the Environment and Transportation Committee 2019 Housing and Real Property Subcommittee of the Environment and Transportation Committee 2023 Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee 2021 Joint Committee on Ending Homelessness 2019 Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus, Associate Member 2019 Women Legislators of Maryland Past House Service Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Open Space Subcommittee of the Environment and Transportation Committee, 2019-2023.

Public Service Board of Health, Prince George's County, 2010-2018; Climate, Energy and Environment Policy Committee, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, 2016-2018, 2011; Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee, Metropolitan Wasihngton Council of Governments, 2012-2015; West Laurel Civic Association, Board of Directors (President 2005-09); Co-Founder, Citizens for an Elected School Board; Laurel Historical Society (President, 1992-94).

Memberships Maryland Legislative Transit Caucus, 2019-; Laurel Rotary Club.

Awards Local Elected Official of the Year, Maryland Food Access and Nutrition Network, 2015.

Biographical Information Born, Cheverly, Maryland; University of Maryland, College Park, B.A., English Literature, B.S. Journalism; Journalist; Educational Liaison to Thomas E. Dernoga, Prince George's County Council, 2003-2007; Legislative Aide to Delegate Joseline Pena-Melnyk, 2007-2010; Prince George's County Council, 2010-1018; Married; four children.