Sylvia (Sylvia) Santana (D-SS02)
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Capitol: 517.373.0990
FAX: 517.373.9635
District: 313.418.0159
Michigan State Senate
Room 5600 Connie B. Binsfeld Office Building 201 Townsend Street
Lansing, MI 48933

District Office:
201 Townsend Street
Lansing, MI 48933
Elected: 2018    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Harvey   DOB: 11/23/1979
Committee Assignments
ChairmanSubcommittee on DHHS
Vice ChairSenate Committee on Health Policy
Vice ChairSubcommittee on Corrections and Judiciary
Vice ChairSubcommittee on LARA/DIFS
Vice ChairSenate Committee on Housing and Human Services
MemberSenate Committee on Veterans and Emergency Services
MemberSenate Committee on Elections and Ethics
MemberSenate Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary and Public Safety
MemberSubcommittee on Joint Capitol Outlay
MemberSenate Committee on Regulatory Affairs
MemberSenate Committee on Appropriations
Counties Representing


Senator Sylvia Santana is a dedicated wife, mother and public servant who has successfully helped reform the state's justice system for adults and juveniles alike. She has also championed improvements to local government funding, increased funding to Michigan's public schools so students are well-prepared for their future and continues to work on policies that reduce racial disparities in health outcomes. She is serving her second term in the Michigan Senate.

Santana is very involved in her community, where she supports uplifting local organizations and individuals who are working hard to make the area the best place to live, work, and play. She is proud of the many cultures across the district and is deeply invested in efforts toward equity for women of color as it relates to businesses, health care, and more.

Santana majored in finance at Eastern Michigan University and graduated with a bachelor's degree in business. She and her husband, Harvey, reside in Warrendale with their three children.