Capitol: 850.717.5064 FAX: 850.488.9707 District: 813.673.4673
Room 1003 The Capitol 402 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300
District Office: 2221 North Himes Avenue Tampa, FL 33607-3139
Elected: 2018 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Gerardo (Gerry) Valdes, Jr. DOB: 11/3/1964 |
BioBiographical Information
City of Residence- Tampa
Occupation- Practice Administrator
Spouse- Gerardo "Gerry" Valdes, Jr. of New York City, NY
Child(ren)- Mallory, Alexander, Jean-Luc Valdes
Grandchild(ren)- Julisa, Alexander "AJ" Jr., Lucinda, Madison, Aveline
Born- November 3, 1964, New York City, NY
Moved to Florida- 1972
Religious Affiliation- Catholic
Recreational Interest- dance, music, reading, theater
Legislative Service
Elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 2018, reelected subsequently
Hillsborough County Public School Board, member