Reynaldo (Rey) Martinez (R-SH111)
Email - Web Site
Capitol: 404.656.0254 FAX: 404.656.5644 District: 770.284.8146
Georgia House of Representatives
Room 601-B Coverdell Legislative Office Building 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
District Office: 18 Capitol Square, SW Atlanta, GA 30334
Elected: 2022 Next Election: 2026 | Spouse: Ana Maria Lopez Valdes |
BioMartinez, Georgia's first Latino mayor, is hoping to move out of municipal government and on to the state Capitol. He's running for an open House seat. He has been involved in city politics in Loganville for years, first as a two-term city councilman and as mayor from 2018 until late 2021. In announcing his candidacy, Martinez said he wants to use his energy, passion and love of service to help bring unity to his community, state and country.