Jack (Jack) Ladyman (R-SH032)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 501.682.7771
FAX: 501.682.1936
District: 870.340.7499
Arkansas House of Representatives
Room 350 State Capitol Building 500 Woodlane Street
Little Rock, AR 72201

District Office:
2204 Doral Drive
Jonesboro, AR 72404
Elected: 2014    Next Election: 2024
Spouse: Linda   
Committee Assignments
MemberSubcommittee on Labor and Environment
MemberSubcommittee on Utilities
Co-ChairSubcommittee on Policy-Making
MemberHouse Committee on Public Health, Welfare and Labor
MemberHouse Committee on Insurance and Commerce
MemberJoint Committee on Boys State
MemberSubcommittee on Medical Marijuana Oversight
MemberSubcommittee on Occupational Licensing Review
MemberSubcommittee on PEER (Performance Evaluation and Expenditure Review)
MemberJoint Committee on Energy
MemberJoint Legislative Council
Counties Representing


Rep. Jack Ladyman is serving his fourth term in the Arkansas House. He represents District 59 which includes a portion of Craighead County.

For the 93rd General Assembly, Rep. Ladyman serves as Chairperson of the House Public Health, Welfare & Labor Committee. He also serves on Arkansas Legislative Council, the Joint Committee on Energy, and the House State Agencies & Govt'l Affairs Committee.

He has an Associate's Degree from Williams Baptist College and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Arkansas Fayetteville. He is currently an engineer for Nordex in Jonesboro. Rep. Ladyman is the President of Corning Jaycees, Vice-President of Arkansas Jaycees, and serves as a member of the Craighead County Soccer Association Board. He serves on the Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission and is the Co-Chair for the Craighead County Emergency Response Preparedness Committee.

He enjoys hunting, fishing, football, basketball, and golf. He is a father of three and resides in Jonesboro with his wife, Linda.