Mark (Mark) D. McElroy (R-SH062)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 501.682.7771
FAX: 501.682.1936
District: 870.222.8217
Arkansas House of Representatives
Room 350 State Capitol Building 500 Woodlane Street
Little Rock, AR 72201

District Office:
2645 Highway 138 East
Tillar, AR 71670-9372
Elected: 2020    Next Election: 2026
Committee Assignments
MemberHouse Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs
MemberHouse Committee on Public Transportation
MemberJoint Committee on Performance Review
MemberJoint Committee on Legislative Auditing
Counties Representing
Independence / Izard / Scott / Sebastian / Sharp / Stone


Rep. Mark D. McElroy is serving his fifth term in the Arkansas House. He represents District 62 which includes all of Lee and Phillips County and a portion of Monroe, Arkansas, and Desha Counties.

For the 94th General Assembly, Rep. McElroy serves as the Vice Chair of the House State Agencies and Governmental Affairs Committee. He also serves on the House Public Transportation Committee.