Nicholas (Nick) Burkes (R-SH014)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 501.682.6211
FAX: 501.682.1936
District: 479.966.9533
Arkansas House of Representatives
Room 350 State Capitol Building 500 Woodlane Street
Little Rock, AR 72201

District Office:
PO Box 2975
Bentonville, AR 72712
Elected: 2024    Next Election: 2026
Committee Assignments
MemberSubcommittee on Special Language
MemberSubcommittee on Administrative Rule Review
MemberHouse Committee on Aging, Children and Youth, Legislative and Military Affairs
MemberHouse Committee on Public Transportation
MemberJoint Committee on Budget
Counties Representing
Arkansas / Jefferson / Lonoke / Prairie / Pulaski


Rep. Nick Burkes is serving his first term in the Arkansas House. He represents the residents of District 14 which includes a portion of Benton County.

For the 95th General Assembly, Rep. Burkes serves on the House Public Transportation Committee, the House Aging, Children and Youth, Legislative and Military Affairs Committee, and the Joint Budget Committee.

Rep. Burkes is a graduate of Baylor University and received a master's degree in accounting from Rice University.

In addition to his legislative work, Rep. Burkes works as an accountant and resides in Bentonville.