HB 0234 |
Neutral | Anti-Human Trafficking Protect Response Act |
Chuck Efstration |
3/5/2019 |
Senate Read and Referred |
Juvenile Justice |
Judiciary |
- |
| This legislation allows the Department of Family and Children Services to provide emergency care and supervision without a court order for a period of seven days if the child is a victim of sex trafficking. |
HB 0438 |
Evaluating | Prohibit Use of Restraints on any Child Appearing in Juvenile Court |
Mandi Ballinger |
2/26/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Juvenile Justice |
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| This legislation prohibits the use of restraints on any child appearing in juvenile court unless the court has issued an order finding the use of such restraints is necessary for a particular child. If restraints are ordered such order shall include findings of fact to support the order and shall require the least restrictive restraints necessary. |
HB 0439 |
Evaluating | Require Juvenile Court Judges to be Elected in the Judicial Circuit in which the Judge is to Serve |
Mandi Ballinger |
2/26/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Juvenile Justice |
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| This legislation proposes to divide juvenile courts into judicial circuits the same as superior court. Each judge of the juvenile court shall be elected on a nonpartisan basis and serve for a term of four years. The bill also requires that the compensation of the juvenile court judge be no less than $115,000, however the state grant remains at $100,000 per juvenile court judge. |
HB 0440 |
Oppose | Increase Juvenile Court Jurisdiction to Include Children Under the Age of 18 |
Mandi Ballinger |
3/9/2020 |
House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute |
Juvenile Justice |
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| This legislation proposes changes the definition of "child" to include individuals under the age of 18 years when alleged to have committed a delinquent act; individuals under the age 22 and in the care of DFCS; under the age of 23 and eligible for and receiving independent living services through DFCS; and individuals under the age of 21 who committed an act of delinquency before reaching the age of 18 who was placed under the supervision of the court. The superior court has exclusive original jurisdiction over the trial of any child 13 - 18 years of age who is alleged to have committed murder, murder in the second degree, voluntary manslaughter, rape, aggravated sodomy, aggravated child molestation, aggravated sexual battery or armed robbery if committed with a firearm. |
HB 0441 |
Evaluating | Juvenile Code; treatment program within the juvenile court relating to the prevention and treatment of substance abuse; create |
Roger Bruce |
2/26/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Juvenile Justice |
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| |
HB 0472 |
Neutral | Revision of Procedures Concerning Removal of Children from the Home to Meet Requirements of the Federal Families First Act |
Albert Reeves |
4/18/2019 |
Effective Date |
Juvenile Justice |
Judiciary |
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| This legislation revises the procedures for removal considerations when DFCS is making a determination is custody matters. This revision will meet the requirements of the Federal Families First Act. |
HB 0958 |
Oppose | The Maternity Supportive Housing Act |
Ed Setzler |
6/17/2020 |
Senate - Senate Withdrawn & Recommitted |
Juvenile Justice |
Health and Human Services |
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| This legislation allows the establishment of maternity supportive housing, without any regulation or approval process, additionally zoning requirements for these home cannot exceed what is required for single family residences. |
HB 0971 |
Neutral | Require Training for Juvenile Intake Officers; Allow Hearsay Evidence in Juvenile Proceedings |
Micah Gravley |
2/24/2020 |
House Second Readers |
Juvenile Justice |
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| This legislation requires that all juvenile intake officers receive initial 8 hour training and 2 hours annually after the initial training. The bill also allows the court to consider hearsay evidence in juvenile proceedings if it is relevant to the case. |
SB 0335 |
Evaluating | Children and Youth; foster children and foster families; laws and supports; strengthen |
Matt Brass |
6/25/2020 |
House - House Postponed |
Juvenile Justice |
Judiciary |
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| |
SB 0439 |
Neutral | Improved Notice to Foster Preadoptive and Relative Caregivers |
Matt Brass |
1/1/2021 |
Effective Date |
Juvenile Justice |
Judiciary |
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| This bill provides for enhanced notice requirments in juvenile court proceedings for foster, preadoptive and realtive caregivers. |