HB 0002 |
Evaluating | Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2019; enact |
Matt Gurtler |
2/6/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Public Safety and Homeland Security |
- | - |
| |
HB 0022 |
Support | Authorization for Telephone Coops to Provide Broadband Service |
Penny Houston |
4/2/2019 |
House Withdrawn, Recommitted |
Economic Development and Tourism |
- | - |
| Mirroring SB 17, this legislation authorizes Georgia's Telephone Cooperatives to provide broadband services, either directly or indirectly through a contractual arrangement or through an affiliate. Coops will also be eligible to apply for federal or state loans and grants to provide this service. This proposal is part of the House Rural Development Council's recommendations to facilitate broadband deployment to rural areas of the state. |
HB 0023 |
Support | Authorization for EMCs to Provide Broadband Service |
Penny Houston |
1/13/2020 |
Senate Recommitted |
Economic Development and Tourism |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| Mirroring SB 2, this legislation authorizes Georgia's Electric Membership Corporations (EMCs) to provide broadband services, either directly or indirectly through a contractual arrangement or through an affiliate. EMCs are prohibited from cross-subsidizing broadband services through funds from their electric or gas accounts, and an annual audit will be conducted to ensure this prohibition. Furthermore, EMC members in good standing can sue (in the superior court of the county where the EMC is headquartered) to also ensure no cross-subsidization. EMCs will not be able to disconnect, or threaten to disconnect, a customer from their electric or gas services for failure to pay their broadband bill. EMCs will be eligible to apply for federal or state loans and grants to provide broadband service. This proposal is part of the House Rural Development Council's recommendations to facilitate broadband deployment to rural areas of the state. |
HB 0034 |
Support | Qualifications and Removal of Development Authority Directors |
Rhonda Burnough |
4/2/2019 |
House Withdrawn, Recommitted |
Governmental Affairs |
- | - |
| This legislation authorizes licensed business owners paying property taxes to be a development authority director without living in the county or city that created the authority. It also authorizes directors to be removed by the governing authority for cause. |
HB 0035 |
Neutral | Sales Tax Exemption on Poultry Diagnostic and Disease Monitoring Services |
Sam Watson |
7/1/2019 |
Effective Date |
Ways and Means |
Finance |
- |
| This legislation exempts state and local sales tax on poultry diagnostic and disease monitoring services provided by a nonprofit 501(c)(5) organization. |
HB 0048 |
Negotiating | Exempt Public Mass Transit Vehicles and School Buses from State Motor Fuel Tax |
Carl Gilliard |
1/30/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Ways and Means |
- | - |
| This legislation exempts public mass transit vehicles, public school systems (school buses) and public campus transportation systems from the state motor fuel excise tax. |
HB 0057 |
Evaluating | Absentee Ballots - Mail to all Electors for all Elections |
Dar'shun Kendrick |
1/30/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Governmental Affairs |
- | - |
| This bill mandates that the local board of registrars or absentee ballot clerks mail absentee ballots, and return envelopes, to all eligible voters for each presidential preference primary, general primary, general election, and special primary and special election where there is a candidate for a federal office on the ballot. Absentee ballots must be mailed no more than 49 days but not less than 45 days prior to each election. Shorter time periods apply to municipal other special elections. Voters would still be eligible for advance and election day voting in person. |
HB 0065 |
Support | Cloud Based Services Eligible for SPLOST |
Eddie Lumsden |
1/30/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Ways and Means |
- | - |
| This legislation adds cloud based software services to the list of eligible types of capital projects in the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax Law. |
HB 0073 |
Watch | Bail Bondsman Restrictions from Elected Office |
Marc Morris |
1/30/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Governmental Affairs |
- | - |
| This legislation restricts county elected officials, and court officers and attorneys from engaging in the bail bond business. The bill specifically exempts a local elected school board member from the restriction. |
HB 0074 |
Watch | Ride Share Drivers No Restrictions on Weapons Carry |
Scot Turner |
1/30/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Public Safety and Homeland Security |
- | - |
| This legislation prohibits ride share network services and transportation referral services from disallowing drivers who are weapons carry license holders from possessing weapons in a vehicle used for ride share purposes, whether directly employed by ride share service or a contractor. |
HB 0075 |
Support | Clarify Law on Passing a Stopped School Bus |
Bill Hitchens |
1/30/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Public Safety and Homeland Security |
- | - |
| This legislation clarifies when it is illegal to pass a stopped school bus on a divided highway. This clarification is part of ACCG's 2019 Policy Agenda. The language of this bill is the same as SB 25. |
HB 0076 |
Neutral | Locals May Reduce State Distance Restrictions on Alcohol Sales |
Ron Stephens |
4/2/2019 |
Senate Passed/Adopted By Substitute |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| Currently, state law prohibits the sale of distilled spirits within 100 yards of churches and within 200 yards of schools and college campuses. Under this bill, local governments may authorize the sale of packaged alcohol (for consumption off premise) within 200 yards of a college via a less restrictive ordinance; however they cannot enact any greater distances - a more restrictive ordinance. The term "College" shall include, but not be limited to, all buildings, campuses and grounds of a college. |
HB 0085 |
Support | Organ Procurement Organizations Sales Tax Exemption |
Penny Houston |
4/2/2019 |
House Disagreed Senate Amend or Sub |
Ways and Means |
Finance |
- |
| This bill would grant a sales tax exemption to nonprofit organ procurement organizations, similar to the existing to the sales tax exemption for blood banks. The text of this bill was added to SB 104. |
HB 0093 |
Neutral | Solid Waste Management - Notification Requirements for Coal Ash Pond Dewatering |
Jeff Jones |
6/20/2020 |
Senate - Senate Read Second Time |
Natural Resources and Environment |
Natural Resources and the Environment |
- |
| The bill requires written notice be required to the local governing authority no later than three days prior to commencing the dewatering of coal combustion residual surface impoundments (coal ash ponds) has begun.
"Dewatering" is a task in the process of closing coal ash ponds.
HB 0094 |
Neutral | Solid Waste Management - Landfill Requirements for Accepting Coal Ash |
Jeff Jones |
2/5/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Natural Resources and Environment |
- | - |
| This legislation requires municipal solid waste landfill owners/operators who are seeking a minor modification of an existing permit to allow for the receipt of coal combustion residuals (CCR) to notify the public of the intent to receive CCR. The bill also includes new requirements for construction and ground-water detection monitoring for landfills who are accepting CCR. |
HB 0101 |
Neutral | Expand Sales Tax Exemption on All-terrain Vehicles |
Jason Ridley |
7/1/2019 |
Effective Date |
Ways and Means |
Finance |
- |
| This legislation would expand the sales tax exemption on 4-wheel all-terrain vehicles to also include certain 3-wheel ATVs. |
HB 0102 |
Oppose | Expand Property Tax Exemption on Properties Owned by Charities |
Charles Martin |
2/6/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Ways and Means |
- | - |
| This bill would expand the statutory exemption from property taxes for certain charitable institutions. The bill would eliminate the existing statute's requirement that a building be used "exclusively" for the institution's charitable purposes in order to be tax-exempt. The bill would also allow such buildings and accompanying land to be used for the primary or incidental purpose of raising revenue for charitable purposes. |
HB 0104 |
Neutral | Inventory Tax Exemption on Boll Weevil Eradication Supplies |
Sam Watson |
2/6/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Ways and Means |
- | - |
| This bill would exempt from property taxes equipment (traps, lures, etc.) that are held in inventory for the purpose of eradication of boll weevils. The exemption would only apply to certain agricultural entities that are tax-exempt under federal law. |
HB 0106 |
Watch | Require the Department of Driver Services Driver's Manual to Include Best Practices for Traffic Stop |
Sandra Scott |
2/6/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Judiciary - Non-Civil |
- | - |
| This legislation requires the Department of Driver Services to include a chapter in their Driver's Manual that includes best practices for facilitating the safety of all parties during a traffic stop by law enforcement. |
HB 0107 |
Evaluating | Change in Burden of Proof Required for Law Enforcement to Initiate a Civil Forfeiture |
Scot Turner |
2/6/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Judiciary |
- | - |
| This legislation increases the burden of proof for law enforcement to initiate a civil forfeiture proceeding against an individual charged with a crime. The burden of proof is currently a preponderance of the evidence, this bill would increase that burden to "clear and convincing evidence" which is a tougher standard. |
HB 0111 |
Evaluating | Increased Reporting Requirements for Law Enforcement Agencies on Property and Proceeds from Civil Forfeiture Actions |
Scot Turner |
2/6/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Judiciary |
- | - |
| This legislation increases the current reporting requirements for law enforcement agencies on civil forfeiture actions to clearly identify which proceeds are attached to which criminal cases and the disposition of those cases. |
HB 0114 |
Neutral | Sales Tax Exemption Renewal on Qualified Job Training Organizations |
Heath Clark |
2/6/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Ways and Means |
- | - |
| This bill would make permanent the sales tax exemption for purchases by "qualified job training organizations." Under current law, that exemption is scheduled to expire in 2020. |
HB 0115 |
Evaluating | Prohibition of use of Federal Forfeiture Laws by Local Law Enforcement to Circumvent State Forfeiture Law |
Scot Turner |
2/6/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Judiciary |
- | - |
| This legisaltion prohibits the common practice of local law enforcement of seizing property and proceeds under the federal forfeiture statute to avoid the requiements of the state forfeture statute. |
HB 0117 |
Neutral | Elections - Electors Can Vote in any Precinct |
Roger Bruce |
2/6/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Governmental Affairs |
- | - |
| This bill authorizes counties to allow any elector within the county to vote in any precinct of the county that the elector choses in a primary, election or runoff. The election superintendent has to ensure certain safeguards such as preventing electors from voting more than once, providing sufficient ballot styles at each precinct, and ensuring that each precinct has enough voting equipment and poll workers. Should this bill progress, ACCG would like to see friendly amendments, including that counties could then be authorized to reduce polling places, addressing counties in which polling places do not have an internet connection, ensuring counties have the appropriate amount of equipment to carry this out, and eliminating the provision that counties would have to make this decision before each and every election. |
SB 0025 |
Support | Passing Stopped School Bus |
Bill Heath |
2/15/2019 |
Effective Date |
Public Safety and Homeland Security |
Public Safety |
- |
| Senate Bill 25 allows drivers to continue driving past a stopped school bus on a highway with separate roadways only when the roadways are separated by a grass median, unpaved area, or physical barrier when the bus is on the separate roadway. |