Todd Edwards (171)
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Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0002 EvaluatingGeorgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2019; enact Matt Gurtler
2/6/2019 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
2019/01/31 Report Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
HB 0005 OpposeProhibit Employer From Using Salary History of New Job Applicant Park Cannon
1/16/2019 House Second Readers Industry and Labor --
2019/01/16 Test Report General County Government Personnel/Employment Todd Edwards
This legislation would prohibit an employer from using the salary history of a job applicant to determine their compensation.  It would only apply to applicants that are not currently working for the employer in another position.
HB 0022 SupportAuthorization for Telephone Coops to Provide Broadband Service Penny Houston
4/2/2019 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Economic Development and Tourism --
2019/01/31 Report Broadband Econ. Dev. & Transportation Land Use/Zoning Policy Council
Preemption Todd Edwards Utilities
Mirroring SB 17, this legislation authorizes Georgia's Telephone Cooperatives to provide broadband services, either directly or indirectly through a contractual arrangement or through an affiliate.  Coops will also be eligible to apply for federal or state loans and grants to provide this service.  This proposal is part of the House Rural Development Council's recommendations to facilitate broadband deployment to rural areas of the state.
HB 0023 SupportAuthorization for EMCs to Provide Broadband Service Penny Houston
1/13/2020 Senate Recommitted Economic Development and Tourism Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2019/01/31 Report Broadband Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development Land Use/Zoning
Todd Edwards

Mirroring SB 2, this legislation authorizes Georgia's Electric Membership Corporations (EMCs) to provide broadband services, either directly or indirectly through a contractual arrangement or through an affiliate.  EMCs are prohibited from cross-subsidizing broadband services through funds from their electric or gas accounts, and an annual audit will be conducted to ensure this prohibition.  Furthermore, EMC members in good standing can sue (in the superior court of the county where the EMC is headquartered) to also ensure no cross-subsidization. EMCs will not be able to disconnect, or threaten to disconnect, a customer from their electric or gas services for failure to pay their broadband bill.  EMCs will be eligible to apply for federal or state loans and grants to provide broadband service.  This proposal is part of the House Rural Development Council's recommendations to facilitate broadband deployment to rural areas of the state.  

HB 0024 NeutralAppointments to Local Boards, Authorities and Commissions Vernon Jones
4/2/2019 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Governmental Affairs --
2019/01/18 Report 2019/02/15 Report General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation restricts appointments to local boards, authorities and commissions to those made by an elected official or officials. 
HB 0033 NeutralWeapons Permit - Renewal Extension for Active Military Eddie Lumsden
7/1/2019 Effective Date Public Safety and Homeland Security Veterans, Military and Homeland Security -
2019/03/01 Report 2019/03/29 Report Todd Edwards
This legislation enables active duty military service members to have an extension on renewing their weapons carry license.  If said license expires while the service member is on active duty outside the state, the individual has within six months of their return to renew it, via the presentation of their official military orders, without being required to obtain a new license.     
HB 0057 EvaluatingAbsentee Ballots - Mail to all Electors for all Elections Dar'shun Kendrick
1/30/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
2019/01/31 Report Elections Todd Edwards
This bill mandates that the local board of registrars or absentee ballot clerks mail absentee ballots, and return envelopes, to all eligible voters for each presidential preference primary, general primary, general election, and special primary and special election where there is a candidate for a federal office on the ballot.  Absentee ballots must be mailed no more than 49 days but not less than 45 days prior to each election.   Shorter time periods apply to municipal other special elections.  Voters would still be eligible for advance and election day voting in person.    
HB 0076 NeutralLocals May Reduce State Distance Restrictions on Alcohol Sales Ron Stephens
4/2/2019 Senate Passed/Adopted By Substitute Regulated Industries Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2019/01/31 Report 2019/02/22 Report 2019/03/01 Report 2019/03/08 Report Alcohol/Tobacco
General County Government Land Use/Zoning Todd Edwards
Currently, state law prohibits the sale of distilled spirits within 100 yards of churches and within 200 yards of schools and college campuses.  Under this bill, local governments may authorize the sale of packaged alcohol (for consumption off premise) within 200 yards of a college via a less restrictive ordinance; however they cannot enact any greater distances - a more restrictive ordinance.  The term "College" shall include, but not be limited to, all buildings, campuses and grounds of a college.       
HB 0100 SupportAuthorization for EMCs to Provide Broadband Services Don Parsons
2/6/2019 House Second Readers Economic Development and Tourism --
Telecommunications Todd Edwards Utilities
This legislation, similar to HB 23 and SB 2, authorizes Georgia's EMCs to provide broadband service.   
HB 0110 NeutralPaying Employees - Employer has Discretion over Payment by Check Tom Kirby
4/2/2019 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Industry and Labor --
General County Government Personnel/Employment Todd Edwards
Current law requires employers to pay employees by cash, check, credit transfer (with the consent of the employee) or by credit into payroll card account.  This law allows the payment by check (upon the discretion of the employer.   
HB 0116 NeutralIncrease the State's Minimum Wage Dewey McClain
2/6/2019 House Second Readers Industry and Labor --
General County Government Personnel/Employment Todd Edwards
This legislation increases Georgia's minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to $15 per hour.  It also stipulates that those employees that meet the eligibility requirements for the tip credit can credit tip toward the satisfaction of up to 50 percent of the minimum wage.     
HB 0117 NeutralElections - Electors Can Vote in any Precinct Roger Bruce
2/6/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
2019/01/31 Report Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This bill authorizes counties to allow any elector within the county to vote in any precinct of the county that the elector choses in a primary, election or runoff.  The election superintendent has to ensure certain safeguards such as preventing electors from voting more than once, providing sufficient ballot styles at each precinct, and ensuring that each precinct has enough voting equipment and poll workers.  Should this bill progress, ACCG would like to see friendly amendments, including that counties could then be authorized to reduce polling places, addressing counties in which polling places do not have an internet connection, ensuring counties have the appropriate amount of equipment to carry this out, and eliminating the provision that counties would have to make this decision before each and every election.         
HB 0122 WatchGuns - Remove Exemptions for Carrying in School Safety Zones Robert Trammell
2/7/2019 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
Firearms/Carry Laws Intern 1 Todd Edwards
This legislation removes recently-enacted exemptions for carrying a weapon in school safety zones.  
HB 0136 OpposeAnimal Shelters - Must Post Picture of Impounded Animal on Website Demetrius Douglas
2/7/2019 House Second Readers Agriculture and Consumer Affairs --
2019/02/08 Report Animal Control General County Government Todd Edwards

Current law requires county animal shelters which impound an animal to notify the owner immediately upon impoundment, then go through certain steps if the owner cannot be reached.  This bill additionally requires animal shelters to immediately post a photograph of the animal, along with the animal's breed, on the animal shelter's website.   ACCG believes there is indeed good intent behind this legislation; however, there are many counties that simply lack the resources to do this and there are too many variables and challenges which make this infeasible.  

HB 0175 EvaluatingNo Confederate Monuments on Public Property Renitta Shannon
2/8/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation prohibits local governments from having a publicly or privately owned monument, memorial, plaque, marker, or memorabilia dedicated to, honoring, or recounting the Confederate States of America displayed on public property.  Such monuments may be displayed in museums.       
HB 0176 EvaluatingElections - All Offices Which Utilize Applications for Services are to be Voter Registration Agencies Renitta Shannon
2/8/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
2019/02/08 Report Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation requires that all offices in the state "which utilize applications for services" serve as voter registration locations.    
HB 0184 SupportSmall Cell (5G) Legislation - ACCG Compromise Language Brett Harrell
1/13/2020 Senate Recommitted Economic Development and Tourism Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2019/02/08 Report 2019/02/15 Report 2019/03/15 Report General County Government Todd Edwards

Mirroring SB 66, this is the compromise Small Cell (5G) legislation.  By way of background, over the past two years, ACCG has opposed legislation which would have greatly preempted local government of the public's rights of way for the placement of small cell (5G) poles, antennas and equipment.  At the urging of the General Assembly, ACCG, GMA, Verizon and AT&T negotiated this reasonable compromise over the 2018 interim that has incorporated many safeguards which ACCG had called for in previous legislation.  

Key points of this ACCG compromise include: incentives for collocation in order to limit new poles; protections for historic districts and residential areas; the requirement that telcoms share build-out plans prior to deploying new facilities; a safe-harbor in case the current FCC order preempting state and local regulation of 5G deployment is overturned; the prohibition of speculative permit requests by third parties; and safeguards for local aesthetic and decorative pole conditions, among many others.  For a summary of the bill's key provisions, please click here. 

For a detailed, section-by-section summary of the bill, please click here.  

HB 0191 EvaluatingElections; law regarding ballot access for political body and independent candidates; revise provisions Dar'shun Kendrick
2/11/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
HB 0208 NeutralLocals Can Contract for Utilities for up to 20 Years Tom McCall
2/26/2019 Senate Read and Referred Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2019/02/15 Report 2019/03/01 Report General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation authorizes cities, counties and local government to enter into contracts for utility services (electric, natural gas or water services) for terms up to 20 years.  Current law allows local governments/authorities to contract for said services for up to 10 years.   
HB 0210 NeutralElections: If Polling Places Open After 7:00 a.m., then Must Stay Open Later Donna McLeod
2/12/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This bill stipulates that if a polling place does not open by 7:00 a.m. on election day, then it must remain open for a time beyond the closing time equal to the time that the polling place was delayed opening.  The polling place must also notify those waiting in line at the time of the delay that it will remain open later.      
HB 0211 NeutralElections - Accept Student ID as Proper ID to Vote Donna McLeod
2/12/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
There are current six acceptable forms of identification which can be displayed in order to vote.  This bill authorizes a seventh: a valid student identification card containing a photograph of the elector issued by a public or private college or university in Georgia.  
HB 0243 OpposeTelecom - Another Attempt to Reduce Local Right of Way Fees - Another State Double Standard Lee Hawkins
2/13/2019 House Second Readers Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications --
2019/02/15 Report Franchise Fees General County Government Todd Edwards

This bill significantly reduces the amount of franchise and other fees that cities may charge for telephone/fiber/video wires running through their jurisdictions.  Ironically, the same limits do not apply to the State Department of Transportation’s rights of way, creating yet another state/local double standard in the administration of fees.  

HB 0244 SupportEMCs - Public Service Commission to Determine Pole Attachment Fees Ron Stephens
1/1/2021 Effective Date Economic Development and Tourism Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2019/02/15 Report 2020/02/07 2020/03/13 Report 2020/06/19 Report General County Government
Telecommunications Todd Edwards

This legislation alters the process by which Georgia’s Electric Membership Corporations (EMCs) determine the fees charged to communications service providers which place telecommunications equipment on EMC utility poles.  The fee/rate will be determined by the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) after the PSC considers what is just, reasonable, nondiscriminatory and commercially reasonable.  The PSC will promulgate, by January 1, 2021, the rules explaining how the above factors will be determined.  Current PSC charges will remain in effect until the date of their natural or lawful determination.           

HB 0248 EvaluatingElections - Absentee Ballot Revision Kimberly Alexander
2/13/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Elections Todd Edwards
This legislation alters the process by which absentee ballots are signed and by which disabled persons cast their ballot.  
HB 0249 EvaluatingElections - Absentee Ballot Revisions Kimberly Alexander
2/13/2019 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Elections Todd Edwards
This legislation alters the grounds by which an absentee ballot can be rejected, and by which those voters whose ballots have been rejected are notified.   
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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