Legislation with Tracking Level = Introduced (7)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 1/17/2024

HB 2006 IntroducedSchools; expense orders; designee signature John Fillmore
2/3/2020 House - House ED Committee action: Held, voting: (0-0-0-0-0-0) Rules --
HB 2012 IntroducedData governance commission; membership; extension John Fillmore
2/3/2020 House - House ED Committee action: Discussed and Held, voting: (0-0-0-0-0-0) Rules --
School Finance
HB 2097 IntroducedSchools; child abuse hotline Jay Lawrence
3/2/2020 Senate - Senate read second time Rules Education Accountability and Reform -
HB 2107 IntroducedSchool districts; minor boundary changes Michelle Udall
2/3/2020 House - House ED Committee action: Discussed and Held, voting: (0-0-0-0-0-0) Rules --
Local Control
HB 2206 IntroducedSchools; dress codes; graduation ceremonies Arlando Teller
2/10/2020 House - House ED Committee action: Held, voting: (0-0-0-0-0-0) Rules --
HB 2278 IntroducedSchool functions; food; beverages Daniel Hernandez
2/3/2020 House - House ED Committee action: Held, voting: (0-0-0-0-0-0) Rules --
Miscellaneous School Finance
HB 2296 IntroducedArizona health education centers; increase Thomas Shope
3/9/2020 Senate - Senate read second time Rules Higher Education and Workforce Development -
Local Control Miscellaneous
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.