Bills Assigned to Keyword - Week of 03.11.2019 (14)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 7/23/2024

H 4238 Requires the governing bodies of special purpose districts and public service districts to be composed of no less than five membersSummary of the bill as introduced: Requires the governing bodies of special purpose districts and public service districts to be composed of no less than five members.
Sponsor: Dwight Loftis House Com: LCI Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Labor, Commerce and Industry Status Date: 3/13/2019
Keywords: General Governance Week of 03.11.2019
Of Interest
H 4240 Increases the wait time from one to five years for public officials to serve as a lobbyist after leaving elected officeSummary of the bill as introduced: Increases the wait time from one to five years for public officials to serve as a lobbyist after leaving elected office.
Sponsor: McLain Toole House Com: Judy Senate Com:
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 3/13/2019
Keywords: General Governance Week of 03.11.2019
Of Interest
H 4243 Amends the job tax credit law to include professional sports teams03.20.2019 The House Ways and Means Committee gave this bill a favorable report.03.19.2019 The House Ways and Means Economic Development and Natural Resources subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Amends the job tax credit law to include professional sports teams.
Sponsor: Gary Simrill House Com: WM Senate Com: Fin
Status: Act No. 83 Status Date: 6/10/2019
Keywords: Finance/Revenue/Taxes Week of 03.11.2019 Week of 03.18.2019
Of Interest
S 0636 Clarifies that medical treatment and supplies are furnished for an additional period of time 03.28.2019 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee carried this bill over.Summary of the bill as introduced: Clarifies that medical treatment and supplies are furnished for any additional time that the judgment of the Workers' Compensation Commission established by evidence in the medical records or by the opinion of a medical provider.
Sponsor: Bradley Hutto House Com: Senate Com: Judy
Status: Senate - Referred to Subcommittee: Young (ch), Sabb, M.B.Matthews, Goldfinch, Talley Status Date: 3/15/2019
Keywords: Week of 03.11.2019 Week of 03.25.2019 Workers' Comp
Of Interest
S 0637 Requires the results of a toxicology report on a state or local government employee be released if the report was the result of an accident or incidentSummary of the bill as introduced: Requires the results of a toxicology report on a state or local government employee be released to the public if the report was the result of an accident or incident while in the course of employment.
Sponsor: Thomas Davis House Com: Senate Com: Judy
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 3/12/2019
Keywords: FOIA Week of 03.11.2019
Of Interest
S 0638 Enacts the SC Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act Summary of the bill as introduced: Prohibits state or local governments with control over rights of way from stopping, regulating or charging for the collocation of certain small wireless facilities.
Sponsor: Michael Gambrell House Com: Senate Com: Judy
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 3/12/2019
Keywords: Telecommunications Week of 03.11.2019
S 0639 Makes multiple changes to criminal penalties and sentencing guidelinesSummary of the bill as introduced: Makes multiple changes to criminal penalties and sentencing guidelines.
Sponsor: Gerald Malloy House Com: Senate Com: Judy
Status: Scrivener's error corrected Status Date: 3/19/2019
Keywords: Courts Public Safety Week of 03.11.2019
Of Interest
S 0640 Requires clerks of court to make certain reports to SLED within a certain time period03.26.2019 The Senate Judiciary Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment changes the language on indictments from "issuance of" to "receipt of."03.21.2019 A Senate Judiciary subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Requires that every clerk of court report to SLED within 10 days the disposition of each case in general sessions court. The bill also requires municipal judges to report the issuance of a restraining order, order of protection, order for the prevention of possession of a firearm, convictions or orders related to domestic violence, and convictions or orders related to stalking or harassment within 48 hours of the issuance. It also requires police departments to report the filing of incident reports and various protection or restraining orders to SLED within 24 hours.
Sponsor: Gerald Malloy House Com: Senate Com: Judy
Status: Scrivener's error corrected Status Date: 3/28/2019
Keywords: Courts Week of 03.11.2019 Week of 03.18.2019 Week of 03.25.2019
Of Interest
S 0655 Amends the job tax credit law to include professional sports teams03.20.2019 The Senate Finance Committee gave this bill a favorable report. 03.19.2019 The Senate Finance Sales and Income Tax subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Amends the job tax credit law to include professional sports teams.
Sponsor: Harvey Peeler House Com: Senate Com: Fin
Status: Senate - Recommitted to Committee on Finance Status Date: 1/14/2020
Keywords: Finance/Revenue/Taxes Week of 03.11.2019 Week of 03.11.2019 Week of 03.18.2019
Of Interest
S 0657 Requires an electrical utility to make net energy metering available to customer-generators on a first-come first-serve basisSummary of the bill as introduced: Requires an electrical utility to make net energy metering available to customer-generators on a first-come first-serve basis using the methodology established by the Public Service Commission.
Sponsor: Michael Gambrell House Com: Senate Com: Judy
Status: Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 3/14/2019
Keywords: Electric Week of 03.11.2019
Of Interest
S 0658 Exempts vehicles owned by churches from property taxesSummary of the bill as introduced: Exempts vehicles owned by churches from property taxes.
Sponsor: Lawrence Grooms House Com: Senate Com: Fin
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Finance Status Date: 3/14/2019
Keywords: Property Taxes Week of 03.11.2019
Of Interest
S 0660 Revises the definition of major utility facility Summary of the bill as introduced: Revises the definition of major utility facility.
Sponsor: Paul Campbell House Com: Senate Com: Judy
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 3/14/2019
Keywords: Utilities Week of 03.11.2019
Of Interest
S 0666 Allows a municipality to adopt an ordinance that allows for the operation of golf carts that have working headlights during non-daylight hours03.20.2019 The Senate Transportation Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment restricts nighttime golf cart use to golf carts with lights in cities and towns with fewer than 20,000 residents, for use only on city or county-owned roads with a speed limit of 25 mph or less and for no more than one hour after sunset.03.20.2019 A Senate Transportation subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Allows a municipality to adopt an ordinance that allows for the operation of golf carts that have working headlights and rear lights during non-daylight hours.
Sponsor: David Climer House Com: EdPW Senate Com: Tran
Status: House - Referred to Committee on Education and Public Works Status Date: 4/9/2019
Keywords: General Governance Transportation Week of 03.11.2019 Week of 03.18.2019
S 0669 Clarifies the meaning of "contiguous" relating to annexation in a special purpose districtSummary of the bill as introduced: Clarifies the meaning of "contiguous" relating to a municipality that is located entirely within the borders of a special purpose district annexing unincorporated property that is also located within the same special purpose district as the annexing municipality.
Sponsor: George Campsen House Com: Senate Com: Judy
Status: Senate - Referred to Committee on Judiciary Status Date: 3/14/2019
Keywords: Annexation Week of 03.11.2019

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