Legislation Sponsored by Bruce Bannister (3)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 7/23/2024

H 3604 Authorizes the expenditure of funds from the state disbursement of the American Rescue Plan Act of 202101.12.2023 The House Ways and Means Committee gave this bill a favorable report as amended by the subcommittee. The full committee added an amendment that clarifies that ARPA funds received by the SC Office of Resilience pursuant to Act 244, continue to be used in the manner in which they were approved.01.12.2023 The House Ways and Means Revenue Policy subcommitte gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment includes $586.6 million to the SC Rural Infrastructure Authority to continue the SC Infrastructure Investment Program and $500 million from the contingency reserve fund to the SC Department of Commerce for infrastructure funding related to economic development projects that were approved by the Joint Bond Review Committee and the State Fiscal Accountability Authority. Summary of the bill as introduced: Authorizes the expenditure of funds from the state disbursement of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 and the contingency reserve fund.
Sponsor: Bruce Bannister House Com: WM Senate Com: Fin
Status: Act No. 3 Status Date: 3/23/2023
Keywords: Finance/Revenue/Taxes
H 4299 Continues to pay the expenses of state government if the FY 2023-2024 begins without a General Appropriations Act Summary of the bill as introduced: Continues to pay the expenses of state government if the FY 2023-2024 begins without a General Appropriations Act.
Sponsor: Bruce Bannister House Com: WM Senate Com:
Status: Effective date 07/01/23 Status Date: 6/5/2023
Keywords: Finance/Revenue/Taxes
H 4720 Continues to fund the operations of state government if the fiscal year begins without a General Appropriations Act02.27.2024 The Senate Finance Committee gave this bill a favorable report.02.06.2024 The Senate Finance Sales and Income Tax subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report.Summary of the bill as introduced: Continues to fund the operations of state government if the fiscal year begins without a General Appropriations Act.
Sponsor: Bruce Bannister House Com: Senate Com: Fin
Status: Effective date 07/01/24 Status Date: 5/29/2024
Keywords: Finance/Revenue/Taxes

Municipal Association of South Carolina
1411 Gervais St., PO Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211
Phone: 803.799.9574, Fax: 803.933.1299, mail@masc.sc