Rob (Rob) Bresnahan, Jr. (R-08)

US Representative Rob Bresnahan

Rob (Rob) Bresnahan, Jr. (R-08)
Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 202.225.5546
FAX: 202.226.0996
District: 570.371.0317
Room 1133 LHOB- Longworth House Office Building 15 Independence Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20515-3808

Committee Assignments


Born in Kingston and raised in Wyoming Borough and Hughestown, Rob Bresnahan Jr. lives and breathes Northeastern Pennsylvania. From an early age, Rob was an avid participant in his family's businesses, starting from sweeping the floors at 10 years old to running his grandfather's electrical contracting company after college. As CEO of Kuharchik Construction, he expanded the business to more than 150 employees. He later founded The Landmark, Pittston, a real estate development group in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Additionally, before coming to Congress, Rob served as Chairman of the Joint Apprentice Training Committee, was a Trustee for the Health Wellness and Annuity for IBEW 163, was the treasurer for tecBridge, and previously served on the boards of Junior Achievement, the Wilkes-Barre Catholic Youth Center, Luzerne County SPCA, National Electrical Contractors Penn-Del-Jersey, and the Forty Fort Cemetery Association. As a new Member of the 119th Congress, Rob was chosen to serve on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, the House Committee on Agriculture, and the House Committee on Small Business.

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2024    Next Election: 2026
Counties Representing