John (John) Carter (R-31)

US Representative John Carter

John (John) Carter (R-31)
Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 202.225.3864
FAX: 202.225.5886
District: 512.591.9061
Room 2208 RHOB- Rayburn House Office Building 50 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20515-4331
4411 South IH-35
Georgetown, TX 78626
Residence:Round Rock, TX

Committee Assignments

ChairmanHouse Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies
Co-ChairCongressional Army Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Caucus on Intellectual Property Promotion and Piracy Prevention (IP)
FC MemberCongressional China Caucus
FC MemberHouse Caucus for Congressional World-Bank Dialogue
FC MemberCongressional Friends of Thailand Caucus
FC MemberCongressional International Creativity and Theft-Prevention Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Reclaim American Jobs Caucus
FC MemberMalaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases Caucus
FC MemberTea (Taxed Enough Already) Party Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Caucus for Competitiveness in Entertainment Technology (E-Tech Caucus)
FC MemberTextile Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Texas Maritime Caucus
FC MemberDutch Caucus
FC MemberDefense Communities Congressional Caucus
FC MemberI-14 Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Caucus on Human Trafficking
FC MemberCongressional HIV/AIDS Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Cement Caucus
FC MemberCongressional High Technology Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Services Caucus
FC MemberCrime Survivors and Justice Caucus
FC MemberVictory in Iraq Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Shipbuilding Caucus
FC MemberTEX-21 Congressional Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Songwriters Caucus
FC MemberSudan and South Sudan Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Immigration Reform Caucus
MemberHouse Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies
FC MemberCongressional Caucus on the Kingdom of the Netherlands
FC MemberTuberculosis Elimination Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Soils Caucus
FC MemberDairy Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Military Families Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Horse Caucus
FC MemberJoint Strike Fighter Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Army Aviation Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Natural Gas Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Community Health Center Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Addiction, Treatment and Recovery Caucus (ATR)
FC MemberHouse Cancer Caucus
FC MemberHouse Oceans Caucus
FC MemberUnited States Coast Guard Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues
FC MemberRural Health Care Coalition
FC MemberMilitary Veterans Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Cystic Fibrosis Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Rare Disease Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Election Integrity Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Counterterrorism Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Coal Caucus
MemberHouse Subcommittee on Defense
MemberHouse Committee on Appropriations
FC MemberNational Guard and Reserve Components Caucus
FC MemberBipartisan Congressional Dyslexia Caucus
FC MemberSecond Amendment Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Taiwan Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Modeling and Simulation Caucus
FC MemberHouse General Aviation Caucus
FC MemberHouse Impact Aid Coalition
FC MemberCongressional Career and Technical Education Caucus (CTE)
FC MemberInternational Conservation Caucus (ICC)
FC MemberCoalition for Autism Research and Education (CARE)
FC MemberCongressional Border Security Caucus
FC MemberUSO Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Diabetes Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Prayer Caucus
FC MemberCongressional Coalition on Adoption
FC MemberRepublican Study Committee (RSC)
FC MemberCongressional Sportsmen's Caucus


When John Carter settled down in Central Texas with his wife, Erika, he knew it was the right place to raise his family because of the great schools, low taxes, and safe communities. John was a young lawyer who recently completed his bachelor's degree from Texas Tech and his law degree from University of Texas. At first, he was only one of two lawyers in Round Rock, Texas, but a decade later John Carter was appointed District Judge for the 277th District Court in Williamson County. During that time, he aptly earned the nickname that stuck with him to this day; Judge. On the bench, Judge was known for his no-nonsense approach to keeping our community safe. In fact, it was this mentality that encouraged him to run for Congress in 2002. When he watched the towers fall and saw his nation in mourning on September 11, 2001, he looked for ways to serve his country. As a judge, John was known for bringing justice to those who harmed others, and he realized that this experience would be useful in Congress as the nation went to war against a new enemy. Judge's expertise on protecting the homeland, his commitment to our military and their families, and his integrity for taking care of veterans, quickly catapulted him into leadership positions among the Republican caucus. Judge currently serves as the Chairman on the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Committee. He also sits on the Commerce, Justice and Science subcommittee and the Defense subcommittee. He is one of the few members that has passed legislation under Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump. Judge prides himself on delivering results for Texas' 31st district no matter the political environment, and does this by following his guiding principle, "listen more than you speak." It's this belief that has allowed Judge to pass legislation like the Veterans Transplant Coverage Act, which stemmed from a Leander constituent being denied live-donor coverage from the VA. When Representative Carter heard this story, he went to work and passed legislation to ensure that the VA can never deny another veteran life-saving donor coverage. To Judge, Central Texas is home, and Washington is simply where he works. That's why he chooses to sleep on a pull-out couch in his office when he works in DC and hops on the first flight back to God's Country after final votes. When he's not working, he's babysitting his six grandchildren and spending time with his wife of 53 years and their four children. Together, Erika and John have raised their family on strong Christian beliefs and Texas values.

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2002    Next Election: 2026
Spouse: Erika   DOB: 11/6/1941
Counties Representing