Frequently Asked Questions

Determining readiness to seek National Board Certification should come only after you have acquired as much knowledge as possible about the process. If your school or school district is interested in providing teachers more information on the National Board Certification process, PAGE staff will provide seminars on the topic. If you are personally interested in pursuing National Board Certification, PAGE staff will provide individual support.

Q: I learned recently that I am not among those earning National Board Certification this year. Where can I go to get help so I can complete the certification process next year?
A: The PAGE Foundation offers Saturday workshops, beginning in September and lasting through May, for teachers pursuing National Board Certification, and mentors in those workshops can offer guidance. In addition to PAGE mentors, other National Board Certification candidates provide a valuable professional resource, and we encourage teachers to work together as they complete the certification process.
Q: Saturday workshops are not an option for me. Where else can I go for this sort of help?
A: The Georgia Teachers Center is working to support candidates through work sessions that occur after school. You can contact the center in Kennesaw, Georgia at (770) 420-4422. Their web site also contains valuable information Personal mentors can be very helpful as you pursue your goal, and the Professional Standards Commission can offer suggestions on how to locate someone willing to assist you. Contact Dr. Gail Sherer at the PSC at (404) 657-9006.
Q: Does the PAGE Foundation offer financial assistance as I continue my efforts to achieve National Board Certification?
A: The foundation offers scholarships through a competitive process for teachers who set out to pursue National Board Certification. In 2002 and for the first time, PAGE will offer a limited number of one-time $300 scholarships to “bankers,” those NBPTS candidates who are retaking a portion of their requirements. As you probably know, the State of Georgia will reimburse you for most of your National Board Certification fees after you complete the process and earn your certification.
Q: I recently completed the National Board Certification process and want to receive reimbursement from the state for the fees I paid during the past year. What should I do?
A: Reimbursements are handled exclusively by the Professional Standards Commission. Please contact Dr. Gail Sherer at the PSC at (404) 651-5672.
Q: Can I seek reimbursement for the $300 fee I paid when I submitted my application?
A: No. This fee is not covered under the state’s reimbursement policy
Q: I did not earn National Board Certification this past year despite the fact that I worked extremely hard, and I feel like a real failure. I am trying to determine whether to keep trying or just quit. What should I do?
A: Approximately two out of three teachers nationwide do not achieve National Board Certification on their first attempt, and we encourage candidates to think about certification as a tremendous learning experience that can take up to three years to complete. The rigor of the National Board Certification process communicates to everyone that it is a very significant achievement when teachers earn this prestigious award. There are lots of teachers who are banking their scores and moving forward, and we encourage you to persevere in your work.

Remember, PAGE is here to assist you in reaching the goal of becoming a National Board Certified Teacher!