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HB 0023 - Local government; allow affected local schools systems to participate in the annexation dispute resolution process

Tracking Level: Watch
Sponsor: Mary Oliver (D)
Last Action: 1/14/2021 - House - House Second Readers
House Committee: Governmental Affairs
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Staff Analysis of the Legislation

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SUMMARY: LC 47 0624

Would require a city to notify the school board if they receive a petition of annexation.  The board, by majority vote, may object to the annexation because of increased burden due to proposed zoning changes, increased density, or infrastructure demands due to the proposed change.  The proposed change in zoning or land use must result in a significant impact in the student capacity of schools servicing the areas to be annexed for a valid objection. The objection would be handled through the existing dispute process. 



July 1, 2021 

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text