Staff Analysis of the Legislation
SUMMARY: LC 49 0912 LC 49 0973S
This bill mostly puts into Title 20 provisions that are already part of the Open Meetings Act -- that all meetings of a local board of education be open to the public except as otherwise provided by law; that the public is at all times afforded access to those public meetings; that notice of the meeting is published including on its website; that visual and sound recording be permitted at all its public meetings.
It also repeats the statute requiring public comments at the regularly scheduled meeting of the local board.
By October 1, 2022, and by August 1st each year thereafter, each local board shall adopt rules of conduct of public meetings of the local board and shall publish those rules in a prominent manner on its website. The rules shall include provisions for the removal of members of the public for actual disruption of a public meeting of the local board.
A member of the public may be removed from a public meeting of a local board for an actual disruption of the proceedings as determined according to the rules of conduct for meetings open to the public adopted and published by the local board.
Nothing in the bill is to be construed to limit the authority of any law enforcement officer or the application or enforcement of the Open Meetings Act.
EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1, 2022 |