Legislation Assigned to the House Regulated Industries Committee (20)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0076 NeutralLocals May Reduce State Distance Restrictions on Alcohol Sales Ron Stephens
4/2/2019 Senate Passed/Adopted By Substitute Regulated Industries Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2019/01/31 Report 2019/02/22 Report 2019/03/01 Report 2019/03/08 Report Alcohol/Tobacco
General County Government Land Use/Zoning Todd Edwards
Currently, state law prohibits the sale of distilled spirits within 100 yards of churches and within 200 yards of schools and college campuses.  Under this bill, local governments may authorize the sale of packaged alcohol (for consumption off premise) within 200 yards of a college via a less restrictive ordinance; however they cannot enact any greater distances - a more restrictive ordinance.  The term "College" shall include, but not be limited to, all buildings, campuses and grounds of a college.       
HB 0242 NeutralFramework for the Regulation of Massage Therapy Lee Hawkins
5/6/2019 Effective Date Regulated Industries Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2019/02/15 Report 2019/03/01 Report 2019/03/15 Report 2019/03/22 Report 2019/03/29 Report
Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services

HB 242 establishes board certification of massage therapy educational programs, within and outside the state, which meet the standards for training and curriculum set by the rules of the Georgia Board of Massage Therapy. The bill allows the board to request on-site inspections of massage therapy businesses and requires these businesses to continuously maintain liability insurance coverage for bodily injuries and property damages. Further, massage therapy businesses must comply with appropriate advertising. The bill increases fines for non-compliance and unlawful acts.  A provision was added that allows local governments to run criminal background checks on owners and employees.  The massage therapists themselves will undergo a criminal background check through the secretary of state.

HB 0271 NeutralFarm Wineries - Lift Restrictions on Tasting Rooms and Sales to the Public Kasey Carpenter
2/14/2019 House Second Readers Regulated Industries --
Alcohol/Tobacco General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation removes several restrictions on farm wineries having tasting rooms and selling wine directly to the public.  Primarily, it allows the wineries to have more than one tasting room from which to sell their wine.   
HB 0328 NeutralSets Forth Permitting Requirements for Body Artists and Body Art Studios (Tattoo Studios) Karen Mathiak
4/2/2019 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Regulated Industries --
2019/02/22 Report 2019/03/01 Report Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
This legislation requires that all body artists and body art studios be permitted and regulated by the local health departments.
HB 0493 NeutralLocal Plan Review and Permitting - Expand Private Party Participation Kevin Tanner
7/1/2019 Effective Date Regulated Industries Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2019/03/01 Report 2019/03/08 Report 2019/03/22 Report General County Government Todd Edwards

This legislation requires local governments which impose regulatory fees or requirements to establish and make available a list of such fees/requirements and all of the documentation required of an applicant.   The local government has five business days to notify the applicant whether an application is complete.  Once the application is complete, the city or county must inform the applicant whether the regulatory function can be completed within 30 days (that includes the 5 days above) for plan review, or within two business days for inspection of receiving a valid written request for inspection.  If the city or county determines they cannot provide said actions within the above time frames, the applicant may then retain, at its own expense, a private professional provider to perform the plan review or inspection (so long as they don't have a financial interest nor are affiliated in the project under review).  If that option is selected by the applicant, the local government regulatory fees will be reduced by 50 percent.  Even if the local government determines that they can perform the plan review or inspection within the above time frames, the applicant may nonetheless select a private professional to conduct the services, but will pay the city or county 100 percent of its "convenience" fees.  In addition, HB 493: 

  • Allows local governments to pre-qualify companies that choose to handle permit reviews;
  • Requires a local government finding a deficiency in a permit review to provide a written notice of the deficiency within 30 days to allow the private plan review professional to either correct the deficiency or dispute it;
  • Requires a local government finding a deficiency in any inspection to provide a written notice of the deficiency within 2 days to allow the private plan review professional to either correct the deficiency or dispute it;
  • Retains the ability of local governments to issue stop-work orders when problems arise; and 
  • Keeps the granting of a certificate of occupancy with the local government.

Lastly, under the state's soil erosion and sedimentation (E&S) law, the bill now authorizes counties and cities to become local permit issuing authorities if they can demonstrate that they "contract" with qualified personnel to implement local E&S ordinances.  Current law requires the local government to "employ" said personnel. This allows another option from having to rely on the local soil and water conservation district to issue permits.            



HB 0523 OpposeShort-Term Rentals - Preemption of Local Regulations Kasey Carpenter
2/5/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Regulated Industries --
2019/03/01 Report 2020/02/07 General County Government Preemption Todd Edwards
This bill would prohibit local regulation of most aspects of short-term rentals of property of eight days or less. Local governments could not prohibit such rentals, impose occupancy limits, require registration of such properties, regulate rental frequency, or require licenses/permits for or inspections of such properties.  Please contact your House members immediately if you have any concerns with this bill.  To assist, you can find ACCG's HB 523 talking points here.   
HB 0535 NeutralRegulation of Body Artists and Body Art Studios Lee Hawkins
4/2/2019 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Regulated Industries --
Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
This legislation requires that body artists and body art studios or tattoo artists be regulated by the Department of Public Health.
HB 0537 EvaluatingVoting Machines - Must Be Made in America David Clark
3/4/2019 House Second Readers Regulated Industries --
2019/03/01 Report Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation requires that the United States of America be the final assembly place for any voting equipment approved, purchased, leased or otherwise acquired for use in Georgia's elections.
HB 0570 EvaluatingState government; sports betting in this state; provide Ron Stephens
3/12/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Regulated Industries --
General County Government Todd Edwards
HB 0674 NegotiatingStreamlined Permitting for Alcoholic Beverage Licenses Alan Powell
3/5/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported Regulated Industries --
2020/02/07 2020/03/06 Report Alcohol/Tobacco General County Government Kathleen Bowen
This legislation requires the Department of Revenue, on or before January 1, 2021, to develop and implement a state-wide, centralized online platform for retailers to apply for initial applications and renewals for local and state issued alcohol beverage licenses. The Department of Revenue would adopt rules and regulations necessary to implement and administer the licenses. 
HB 0738 NeutralSmall Brewers Can More Easily Switch Wholesalers Charles Martin
1/14/2020 House Second Readers Regulated Industries --
Alcohol/Tobacco General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation authorizes small brewers to discontinue an agreement with a wholesaler if the brewer provides at least 30 days' written notice.  The new wholesaler that the brewer goes with would have to compensate the discontinued wholesaler.  An arbitration process is established in the case the two wholesalers come to an agreement on the compensation.    
HB 0790 WatchStructural Engineers - Require Certification Vance Smith
1/28/2020 House Second Readers Regulated Industries --
2020/01/31 General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation requires structural engineers to be professionally certified by the State of Georgia.  It specifically defines structural engineers and structural engineering, then requires cities and counties to use only structural engineers for services "that could jeopardize the health, safety or welfare of the public."  Local building officials are required to maintain a permanent record of permit information indicating the structural engineer who has sealed the plans of building permits.  There are several exemptions, including local elected officials.      
HB 0809 WatchProhibition of Sale of Tobacco Products and Related Objects to Persons Under 21 Angelika Kausche
1/29/2020 House Second Readers Regulated Industries --
Alcohol/Tobacco Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
 This legislation prohibits the sale of tobacco products and related objects to persons under the age of 21.  Criminal Sanctions outlined for those are charged with selling these products to persons under 21.
HB 0836 NeutralAlcohol Licenses - DOR Can Issue Throughout the Year Kasey Carpenter
1/30/2020 House Second Readers Regulated Industries --
2020/01/31 Alcohol/Tobacco General County Government Todd Edwards
This bill provides that the State Revenue Commissioner will provide annual alcohol licenses at any point during the year.  Currently, licenses must be applied for by November 1 of each year, and the commissioner must issue licenses by January 1.  Furthermore, all licenses issued will be transmitted to the applicant electronically - unless the applicant requests that the license be mailed.         
HB 0879 OpposeAlcohol - Omnibus Bill: Home Delivery, Streamlined Permitting and Sunday Sales Brett Harrell
8/3/2020 Effective Date Regulated Industries Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2020/02/07 2020/03/06 Report 2020/03/13 Report Alcohol/Tobacco General County Government
Revenue & Finance Todd Edwards

This legislation was amended in Senate Rules Committee to include HB 67, which requires the Department of Revenue (DOR), on or before January 1, 2021, to develop and implement a state-wide, centralized online platform for retailers to apply for initial applications and renewals for local and state issued alcohol beverage licenses. DOR is charged with adopting the rules and regulations necessary to implement and administer the licenses.  

***ACCG's Policy Council voted to oppose this legislation only due to two very narrow, specific elements contained in the above section.  First, ACCG asked to extend the effective date from January 1, 2021 to July 1, 2021 in order to provide DOR and local governments more time to adequately develop the online licensing platform.  Secondly, ACCG asked that local alcohol licenses be issued prior to the state issuing its license using this platform.  Both requests were denied.

The legislation also authorizes the sell and delivery of packaged alcohol (beer, wine and liquor), under specific terms and conditions, to persons who establish accounts with the retailer.  Delivery drivers must undergo training, background checks and meet certain conditions and delivery addresses must be located within the local alcohol licensing jurisdiction of the retailer.  Local governments could prohibit, via ordinance, this delivery within their jurisdiction.         

Additionally, this bill alters the hours and process of approving Sunday package and on-premise (restaurant) alcohol sales (aka, the "brunch bill") of beer, wine and distilled spirits.  Cities and counties who have authorized these sales, via a referendum, may now allow sales starting at 11:00 a.m. via passage of an ordinance or resolution (current sales start at 12:30 noon, and local voters currently would have to pass a referendum in order to alter the times).  Cities and counties could also require a referendum to change this time if they would like.  Going forward, any county that newly-adopts Sunday sales - be they on-premise or package for beer, wine or liquor - must still have a referendum adopted, but the hours of said sales would be from 11:00 a.m. to midnight.   

Lastly, current law prohibits the sale of distilled spirits within 200 yards of schools and college campuses.  Under this bill, local governments may authorize the sale of packaged alcohol (for consumption off premise) within 200 yards of college campuses via the adoption of a less-restrictive ordinance; however, local governments cannot adopt more restrictive distances. The term "college" includes, but is not limited to, all buildings, campuses and grounds of a college.     


HR 0378 NeutralGambling - Legalize Sports Betting, Horse Racing and Casino Gambling Ron Stephens
3/12/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Regulated Industries --
2019/03/01 Report General County Government Todd Edwards
Under this proposed constitutional amendment, and if approved by voters in a statewide referendum, Georgia would legalize sports betting, horse racing and parimutuel betting, and casino gambling.  
HR 0380 EvaluatingGeneral Assembly; provide by law for sports betting; authorize - CA Craig Gordon
3/1/2019 House Second Readers Regulated Industries --
General County Government Todd Edwards
SB 0146 NeutralAlcohol - Liquor Tastings and Brunch Referendum Frank Ginn
4/2/2019 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Regulated Industries Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2019/03/01 Report 2019/03/08 Report 2019/03/29 Report Alcohol/Tobacco General County Government
Todd Edwards
This bill authorizes liquor stores (in counties in which the sale of alcoholic beverages is lawful) to conduct up to 24 tasting events per year.  Among several provisions, tasters are limited to one and a half ounces, the tasting hours must coincide with the legal hours of business, only one tasting can occur per day and cannot exceed four hours, only one type of alcoholic beverage may be served at each tasting; and the city or county which issued the alcohol license must be notified in advance.  Tastings are also authorized for malt beverages, but for no more than eight ounces; and wine, up to five ounces.  The bill was amended in House Committee to eliminate the referendum requirement for local governments authorizing Sunday brunch on-premise sales, and to allow Savannah to authorize the package sale of liquor within 200 yards of the Savannah College of Art and Design.          
SB 0153 NeutralRegistration and Regulation of Companies Providing Trauma Scene Cleanup Services Tyler Harper
5/10/2019 Veto V13 Regulated Industries Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2019/03/01 Report 2019/03/08 Report 2019/03/15 Report 2019/03/29 Report Debra Nesbit
Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts
SB 153 regulates for-hire trauma scene cleanup companies through a registration process. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) is directed to oversee the registration process, promulgate rules and regulations, provide the proper forms, and maintain a current list of all registered trauma scene waste management practitioners on the GBI website. A trauma scene waste management practitioner must apply with the GBI and: pay a $100 registration fee; submit to a fingerprint-based criminal background check conducted by the Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); submit a surety bond in the amount of $25,000; and provide proof of insurance coverage in the amount of at least $100,000. The registration is valid for three years and may be renewed every three years thereafter with a $100 renewal fee and completed application. It is unlawful to perform or engage in the cleanup of a trauma scene unless properly registered with the GBI. Moreover, trauma scene waste management practitioners must provide a good faith estimate of expected cost of services to clients. 
SB 0296 NeutralAlternative Cremation Method Bill Heath
6/19/2020 House - House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Regulated Industries Regulated Industries and Utilities -
Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment
This legislation addresses the use of creamation so as to allow alternative cremation methods to take place outside of a furnace, including the process called "Alkaline Hydrosis" (water cremation). See AJC article here on the bill.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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