HB 0447 |
Negotiating | Sales Tax Exemption On Jet Fuel |
Dominic Lariccia |
1/13/2020 |
Senate Recommitted |
Ways and Means |
Finance |
- |
| The exemption of jet fuel from all (state and local) sales and use tax is continued through June 30, 2039. A new state excise tax of $0.005 per gallon is authorized to be levied on jet fuel. The intent of the use of funds from the new state excise tax is to support rural airports, per Governor Kemp's press release found here.Throughout the session, ACCG joined the Georgia Airports Association in advocating for more funds and resources for our local airports. |
HB 0503 |
Neutral | Airport Property Allowed For Lease to Private Parties for Development |
Rhonda Burnough |
2/28/2019 |
House Second Readers |
Governmental Affairs |
- | - |
| Counties, municipalities, or other political subdivisions which establish airports or landing fields can lease property lying within any county having an airport or landing field that is owned or operated by a municipality located outside of such county for a initial term of up to 50 years, and to extend such leases, to private parties for development of such property for hotels and related facilities, conference centers, office buildings, commercial and retail uses, and other similar airport and travel related purposes. |
HB 0867 |
Neutral | City Annexation of County Owned Airports |
Charles Martin |
3/5/2020 |
House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute |
Governmental Affairs |
- | - |
| This legislation would prohibit a city (that contains more than 125 miles within its corporate limits) from annexing a county owned airport unless the county adopts a resolution approving the annexation.
SB 0131 |
Neutral | Georgia Major Airport Authority Act |
Burt Jones |
3/28/2019 |
House Passed/Adopted By Substitute |
Rules |
Transportation |
- |
| This bill named the "Georgia Major Airport Authority Act" creates a state authority to control Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. The legislation includes that the for reasons of safety, security, economy and efficiency, the public welfare of this state is best served by having a state authority in place to oversee major airports. The Senate studied this issue in 2018 and the final report of the Senate Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport Operations and Authority Creation Study Committee can be found here. |
SR 0885 |
Support | Constitutional Amendment: Allowing State to Bond Airport Projects |
Tyler Harper |
6/15/2020 |
House Second Readers |
Appropriations |
Transportation |
- |
| This proposed constitutional amendment would allow the state to incur general obligation debt in order to make loans or grants to local governments and local authorities that own airports for the acquisition, construction, development, extension, enlargement, or improvement of airports. |