HB 0008 |
Neutral | Sales Tax Exemption on Menstrual Products |
Debbie Buckner |
1/29/2020 |
House Withdrawn, Recommitted |
Ways and Means |
- | - |
| This legislation exempts state and local sales tax on the purchase of menstrual products. |
HB 0024 |
Neutral | Appointments to Local Boards, Authorities and Commissions |
Vernon Jones |
4/2/2019 |
House Withdrawn, Recommitted |
Governmental Affairs |
- | - |
| This legislation restricts appointments to local boards, authorities and commissions to those made by an elected official or officials. |
HR 0037 |
Support | Georgia Commission on Freight and Logistics |
Kevin Tanner |
5/7/2019 |
Effective Date |
Transportation |
Transportation |
- |
| This resolution creates a joint House and Senate Commission and is tasked with studying and assessing the freight and logistics infrastructure, investment projects and priorities in Georgia. The commission would consist of 22 members, four of which would be local government officials. |
SB 0002 |
Support | Authorize EMCs to Provide Broadband Service and Utilize Electric Easements |
Steve Gooch |
4/26/2019 |
Effective Date |
Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation authorizes Georgia's Electric Membership Corporations (EMCs) to provide broadband services, either directly or indirectly through a contractual arrangement or through an affiliate, within their respective jurisdictions in Georgia. EMC's would not be able to "cross-subsidize" their broadband services through their electric or gas funds, nor would they be able to charge the costs of their broadband services to their electric or gas customers. Those EMCs providing broadband would have a duty to provide access to their poles and rights of way to all communications service providers on rates, terms and conditions that are reasonable and nondiscriminatory. Other communications service providers or EMC members can petition to enforce the above conditions with the Georgia Public Service Commission. EMCs will also be eligible to apply for federal or state loans and grants to provide this service. EMCs already providing broadband services have until January 1, 2021 to comply with the provisions of this law. The language form HB 499 was attached to this bill, permitting broadband services (so long as additional poles or other ground-based structures are not employed) to be deployed in electrical easements provided this does not change the nature of the easement nor interfere with or impair any vested rights of the easement owner or occupier. Broadband providers, or owners of electric easements, may install, maintain, lease, and operate broadband services in the easement without incurring liability or paying additional compensation to the owner of the property subject to the easement. Owners of electric easements may assess fees and impose reasonable conditions on the use of facilities within the easement. |
SB 0015 |
Neutral | Keeping Georgia Schools Safe Act |
John Albers |
5/10/2019 |
Veto V7 |
Education |
Public Safety |
- |
| Senate Bill 15 creates the 'Keeping Georgia's Schools Safe Act'. The act requires public
schools to conduct site threat assessments by a certified private individual or company or by a government
agency. Every public school must conduct a site threat assessment before January 1, 2021 and every five years
thereafter. Every public school must submit a school safety plan to the Department of Education after the local
law enforcement agency has approved the plan. The Department of Education will post a list of which schools
have submitted a school safety plan and which schools have yet to meet this requirement.
Additionally, SB 15 streamlines communication efforts between schools and the relevant state intelligence
agencies by designating a single individual at each school as the school safety coordinator. The bill requires
schools to use and promote a statewide mobile application, the 'See Something Send Something' anonymous
app, to report suspicious activity or potential threats.
SB 0017 |
Support | Authorization for Telephone Coops to Provide Broadband Service |
Steve Gooch |
4/26/2019 |
Effective Date |
Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| Mirroring HB 22, this legislation authorizes Georgia's Telephone Cooperatives to provide broadband services, either directly or indirectly through a contractual arrangement or through an affiliate. Coops will also be eligible to apply for federal or state loans and grants to provide this service. |
SB 0020 |
Neutral | Banking Improvement Zones |
Michael Rhett |
1/1/2021 |
Effective Date |
Banks and Banking |
Banking and Financial Institutions |
- |
| This legislation authorizes the creation of banking improvement zones, with the stated goal of encouraging new banks in areas underserved by banks. Local governments can apply to the Department of Community Affairs for a banking improvement zone designation. If the designation is granted, the local government will designate a bank within the zone to be the depository for local government funds, and subject to agreement with the bank, designate a fixed interest rate that is at or below the posted two-year certificate of deposit rate at the bank. |
SR 0012 |
Evaluating | Use of ESPLOST to Fund School Safety |
John Albers |
1/16/2019 |
Senate Read and Referred |
- | Finance |
- |
| This legislation calls for a state referendum to amend the constitution to authorize school sales tax (ESPLOST) for providing school security projects and to pay for hiring security staff. |