2019/01/25 Report (1)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0311 NegotiatingSovereign Immunity - Waiver for Certain Claims Andrew Welch
5/10/2019 Veto V5 Judiciary Judiciary -
2019/01/25 Report 2019/02/15 Report 2019/03/22 Report
 In response to several Georgia Supreme Court cases in recent years, this bill would waive the sovereign immunity of the state, counties, and cities with respect to certain non-monetary claims. As to local governments, a party could ask a court for an injunction or declaratory judgment based on an allegation that the government is acting in violation of 1) the U.S. or Georgia Constitutions; 2) state statute; 3) a state rule or regulation; or 4) a local ordinance other than a zoning ordinance. Such claims would have to be preceded by 30-days' notice to the government. A losing bidder in a public procurement would also have the power to challenge the award of a contract if that legal challenge is filed within 10 days of the contract's award. Other provisions limit lawsuits against government officers and employees in their individual capacity.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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