Legislation Assigned to the Senate State Institutions and Property Committee (5)
Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024
HR 1103
Property; conveyance of certain state owned real property; authorize
Gerald Greene
Effective Date
State Properties
State Institutions and Property
Local Legislation
HR 1104
Property; granting of non-exclusive easements; authorize
Gerald Greene
Effective Date
State Properties
State Institutions and Property
Local Legislation
SB 0104
Counties Must Post Human Trafficking Hotline Notice
Donzella James
Effective Date
Judiciary Non-Civil
State Institutions and Property
2017/03/06 - Report
2017/03/24 - Report
General County Government
Health and Human Services
Public Safety and Courts
Todd Edwards
This legislation requires counties to post notices regarding the human trafficking hotline in buildings owned or leased by the county that have public access, as well as provide a link to the GBI hotline notice on the homepage of their Web site. If the government leases the property, then the notice shall be posted in restrooms that are exclusively used by the government entity. It also distinguishes between first- and second-degree carjacking; addresses the unknowing possession of a fake insurance document; outlaws taking photos of person's "intimate parts" without their consent; and outlaws a new variation of synthetic marijuana.
SR 0228
Property Conveyance; authorize 18 counties
Burt Jones
Act 71
State Properties
State Institutions and Property
Local Legislation
SR 0229
Public Property; granting of non-exclusive easements for the construction, operation, and maintenance of facilities, utilities, roads; authorize 10 counties
Burt Jones
Act 72
State Properties
State Institutions and Property
Local Legislation
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.
Copyright @1996-2015 Association County Commissioners of Georgia