Mandate (24)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0068 NegotiatingConstruction Zones - Required Emergency Pull Off Andrew Welch
1/25/2017 House Second Readers Transportation --
2017/01/27-Report Econ. Dev. & Transportation Kathleen Bowen Mandate Roads
This legislation requires counties to provide an emergency pull off shoulder for the entire distance of a road expansion project that is wide enough for a vehicle to safely exit the road or to bypass traffic in a construction zone. ACCG is working with the author to address concerns.
HB 0082 NeutralPersonal Information - Notification of Unauthorized Release Sheri Gilligan
1/25/2017 House Second Readers Judiciary --
2017/01/27-Report General County Government Mandate Todd Edwards
This legislation expands the notification requirements when personal information (i.e., name plus social security number, driver's license number, state identification card number, account number, credit card number, debit card number, account password, personal identification number, or access code) is released to unauthorized persons.  Under current law, counties must notify individuals if the security of the system containing the information is breached.  Now they must also do so if the information is released to an unauthorized person intentionally, inadvertently or accidentally.
HB 0152 NegotiatingWorker's Compensation For Firefighters Diagnosed with Cancer Micah Gravley
3/30/2017 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Industry and Labor --
2017/01/27-Report 2017/02/03-Report Debra Nesbit Fire Services Insurance
Insurance Mandate Personnel/Employment Public Safety and Courts
 This legislation allows worker's compensation benefits for firefighters who are diagnosed with cancer that, upon a preponderance of competent and credible evidence, can prove the cancer was directly related to their duties as a firefighter.
HB 0167 EvaluatingElections - Georgia Timely Process Act Patty Bentley
1/31/2017 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
2017/02/03-Report Elections General County Government Mandate Todd Edwards
This legislation requires county voter registration officials to process all applications for voter registration within 45 days of the initial receipt.   
HB 0177 OpposeMandate - Counties Must Provide Multi-Lingual Services Pedro Marin
2/1/2017 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
2017/02/10 - Report General County Government Health and Human Services Immigration Mandate
Todd Edwards
This legislation requires counties and cities to provide equal access to public services to individuals with limited English proficiency, including providing in house staff interpreters, bilingual staff or interpreter programs if contact with individuals with limited English proficiency regularly occurs.  Documents must be translated into any language spoken by at least three percent of the population of the area served by the county. ACCG has no position on whether counties do this, but opposes having the state mandate it upon us.  
HB 0180 EvaluatingElections - Counties Must Beef Up Polling Locations for Convenience David Dreyer
2/1/2017 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Elections General County Government Mandate Todd Edwards
This legislation requires counties to have at least one advance voting location for each 150,000 electors in the county.  It requires that no elector have to go more than 25 miles to a polling place using the most direct rout of travel from the elector's residence.  Any precincts with polling places requiring more than 25 miles of travel would be required to divide or have the polling place relocated.  HB 180 prohibits changing a polling place within 90 days of an election or primary except in the case of emergency or unavoidable event.  It also allows voters to change their addresses and vote on election or primary days.
HB 0189 NeutralContract Cancellation Act Sheila Nelson
3/29/2018 Senate Passed/Adopted By Substitute Governmental Affairs State and Local Governmental Operations -
2017/03/06 - Report General County Government Mandate Procurement Todd Edwards
This legislation requires service contracts with counties that are entered into or renewed on or after July 1, 2017, to include: (1) specific performance and cost parameters; (2) a provision that allows the county to terminate the contract if the other party does not meet the performance criteria or if projected annual costs exceed the cost established in the contract; (3) a provision that the county may cancel the contract at any time of the other party fails to comply with applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations.  The other party to the contract must submit quarterly reports to the board of commissioners showing compliance with the performance criteria and the actual costs that the county is required to pay.   
HB 0194 NeutralCounties Must Consider Schools when Rezoning Todd Jones
3/30/2017 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Governmental Affairs --
2017/02/03-Report 2017/02/24 - Report General County Government Land Use/Zoning Mandate
Todd Edwards
This legislation requires counties and cities to consider the impact that a proposed zoning action has on local school systems and their potential overcrowding - if the local school system provides the county with information and data on such impact after the county request it.  ACCG worked to further amend the bill to require school boards to consider the impact on city or county infrastructure, particularly roads and traffic, when siting new schoolhouses.    
HB 0216 EvaluatingPurchasing - Counties Mandated to Give Georgia Companies Preference Debbie Buckner
2/7/2017 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
Econ. Dev. & Transportation General County Government Mandate Procurement Todd Edwards
This legislation enacts the Georgia Jobs Matter Act, which requires counties and cities to give preference to Georgia businesses.  All bids submitted to counties and cities will be required to include an employment impact statement addressing the number of jobs expected to be created or retained in the state by the bidder if the bid is awarded to the bidder; the number of jobs expected to be created or retained in the state by any subcontractors used by the bidder if the contract is awarded to the bidder; and a guarantee that the bidder will not move any jobs created or retained in Georgia to another state during the duration of the contract.
HB 0235 NeutralSpeed Limit Posting in Urban or Residential Districts Spencer Frye
2/7/2017 House Second Readers Governmental Affairs --
2017/02/03-Report Econ. Dev. & Transportation Kathleen Bowen Law Enforcement Mandate
Public Safety and Courts Roads Traffic Enforcement
This legislation decreases the lowest speed limit that counties can establish on roads in an urban or residential district from 25 to 20 miles per hour.
HB 0367 NegotiatingPublic Employees Privacy Protection Brian Strickland
2/16/2017 House Second Readers Judiciary --
2017/02/17-Report Correctional Institutions/Jail Debra Nesbit District Attorneys Econ. Dev. & Transportation
Georgia Bureau of Investigation Juveniles Law Enforcement Magistrate Court Mandate
Nat. Res. & the Environment Open Records/Meetings Act Probate Court Public Safety and Courts Sheriff
Solicitors State Court Superior Court
This legislation allows certain public safety and judicial officials to execute a certificate of redacted information that requires counties to redact the home address and telephone number of the public safety or judicial official and their relatives from the county's website or other Internet access point within the county's control.
HB 0368 OpposeMandated Salary Supplement for Superior Court Clerks Barry Fleming
2/16/2017 House Second Readers Judiciary --
2017/02/17-Report Clerk of Court Compensation Debra Nesbit General County Government
Mandate Public Safety and Courts Training

This legislation provides an additional $200 per month supplement to be paid by the county for superior court clerks who complete voluntary training with the Carl Vinson Institute of Government and become a "certified superior court clerk".  Clerk's are mandated to complete this training to become a "certified superior court clerk" upon election under current law that has been in effect since 1998.  All training and reasonable travel expenses are currently the responsibility of the county.  Essentially this is a $200 per month salary increase for superior court clerks.

HB 0489 NeutralGeorgia Procurement Registry - Require Posting Tom McCall
7/1/2018 Effective Date Governmental Affairs Economic Development and Tourism -
2018/02/16 Report 2018/03/16 Report 2018/03/2 Report Compensation General County Government
Mandate Procurement Public Works Todd Edwards

This bill requires cities and counties, if they are soliciting a bid or proposal opportunity for goods and services valued at $10,000 or more, or public works contracts for over $100,000, to post the advertisement on the Georgia Procurement Registry at no cost to the local government.  It is then optional for the local government to advertise the bid or proposal opportunity in the legal organ or their website.  Action: the above notices must be posted on the Georgia Procurement Registry.         


HB 0493 NeutralOpen Records - Counties Must Also Record Public Comment Valencia Stovall
3/23/2018 Senate Read Second Time Governmental Affairs Government Oversight -
2018/02/02 Report 2018/03/2 Report General County Government Mandate Open Records/Meetings Act
Todd Edwards
This legislation requires that cities, counties and school boards that post videos of their meetings online to include the public comment section, if any, of their meetings on said posted video, except when a technical difficulty results in less than the entire meeting be recorded or available for public viewing.  That video must be maintained on the web site according to the records retention policy of the local governing authority.       
HB 0521 EvaluatingMinimum Wage - Increase to $10.10 Hourly Erica Thomas
3/3/2017 House Second Readers Industry and Labor --
Compensation General County Government Mandate Personnel/Employment Todd Edwards
This legislation increases Georgia's minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to $10.10 per hour. 
SB 0002 NeutralThe "FAST" Act - Local Fee, Permit and Licensing Requirements Michael Dugan
3/21/2018 House Insisted Small Business Development Economic Development and Tourism -
2017/02/17-Report 2017/03/06 - Report 2017/03/24 - Report 2018/02/16 Report 2018/03/09 Report
Business and Occupation Tax Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons General County Government
Mandate Todd Edwards

This legislation had mandated that cities and counties which charge any regulatory fees (license or permit fees) or have any regulatory requirements to establish a schedule of such fees and requirements which must include time lines necessary for processing completed applications and a list of all documentation needed by applicants to meet regulatory requirements. Upon receipt of an application related to any fee, the applicant will pay only 50% of the fee. The local government must then notify the applicant whether an application is complete. Whenever the local government does not meet its deadline for acting on a "complete" application, the associated fees will be reduced by 10 percent for each 10 days said action is delayed. Local governments are required to set up a second, expedited process for processing all applications and permits and must study how to share applicants' information with other local, state and federal agencies so that applicants don't have to duplicate filing efforts with other governments.  

For a summary of the above, Senate version of SB 2 please click here.      

The above language was removed by the House and replaced with a voluntary "Ready for Partnership Georgia" program whereby local governments can adopt a series of measures to streamline their permitting processes to obtain said designation.  While ACCG has no concerns with the now-current House version of the bill, there will most certainly be efforts by the Senate to reinstall the above language that ACCG opposes.  Stay tuned, as this one will likely be decided in a conference committee report late on the last day of session.      




SB 0042 EvaluatingMandatory Standards for Law Enforcement Engagement in Vehicular Pursuits Gail Davenport
1/24/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Public Safety -
Debra Nesbit Law Enforcement Mandate Preemption Public Safety and Courts

This legislation requires written policies for emergency pursuits to include a requirement that a vehicle pursuit may only occur if probable cause exists to believe that the person committed or is committing murder, aggravated battery, kidnapping, false imprisonment, hijacking, interference with custody, trafficking for labor or sexual servitude, rape, armed robery, or any offnese that creates an immediate threat of death or serious bodily injury.  The policy must also require that the driver of the emergency pursuit vehicle comply with the requirements of O.C.G.A. § 40-6-6:  driving through a red light or stop sign only after slowing down as necessary for safe operation, exceeding the speed limit only if it does not endanger life or property, and using the blue lights and siren.

SB 0053 NeutralRequire Adult Diapering Stations in Public Meeting Facilities Valencia Seay
1/25/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Health and Human Services -
Code Enforcement Fire Services General County Government Health and Human Services Mandate
Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation requires auditoriums, convention center, cultural complexes, exhibition halls, permanent amusement parks, sports arenas and theaters to install adult changing stations (i.e., a wall mounted, ergonomic, powered table for the diapering of adults) in enclosed restrooms for handicapped, special needs or families.
SB 0059 NeutralElections - Require a Voter Verified Paper Audit Trail Horacena Tate
1/25/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Ethics -
Elections General County Government Mandate Todd Edwards
This legislation requires that only direct electronic voting systems that provide a voter verified paper audit trail can be purchased after January 1, 2018.  
SB 0104 NeutralCounties Must Post Human Trafficking Hotline Notice Donzella James
5/8/2017 Effective Date Judiciary Non-Civil State Institutions and Property -
2017/03/06 - Report 2017/03/24 - Report General County Government Health and Human Services Mandate
Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation requires counties to post notices regarding the human trafficking hotline in buildings owned or leased by the county that have public access, as well as provide a link to the GBI hotline notice on the homepage of their Web site.  If the government leases the property, then the notice shall be posted in restrooms that are exclusively used by the government entity.  It also distinguishes between first- and second-degree carjacking; addresses the unknowing possession of a fake insurance document; outlaws taking photos of person's "intimate parts" without their consent; and outlaws a new variation of synthetic marijuana.
SB 0149 NeutralMandatory Training for Local Law Enforcement Officers Serving as School Resource Officers and Prohibition of Tobacco or Tobacco Products in Local Jails Emanuel Jones
7/1/2017 Effective Date Public Safety and Homeland Security Education and Youth -
2017/02/17-Report 2017/03/06 - Report 2017/03/24 - Report Debra Nesbit General County Government
Law Enforcement Mandate Public Safety and Courts Training
This legislation mandates special training for local law enforcement officers that are assigned duty as school resource officers for five consecutive days.  The P.O.S.T. approved course must be completed within six months of appointment as a school resource officer.  Language was added to the bill to prohibit the use or possession of tobacco or tobacco products at any correctional facility.  Criminal penalities are outlined for those who violate the law.
SB 0162 NegotiatingEminent Domain - Payment of Assessors' Costs and Condemnee's Attorneys Fees Frank Ginn
2/14/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Judiciary -
2017/02/17-Report Eminent Domain/Condemnation General County Government Larry Ramsey Mandate
This legislation would require the county to pay all assessors' costs, as well as the condemnee's attorneys fees, in a condemnation case where the total amount awarded is 10 percent or more of the highest amount offered by the county.
SB 0254 EvaluatingMinimum Annual Salary for Sheriff's Deputies and Creation of the Local Law Enforcement Officer Compensation Commission Michael Williams
2/24/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Public Safety -
Auditing/Budget Compensation Debra Nesbit General County Government Law Enforcement
Mandate Personnel/Employment Preemption Public Safety and Courts Sheriff
This legislation requires counties to pay all deputies at the same level as the minimum annual salary for troopers of the Georgia State Patrol.  Each year, the deputies must recieve the same cost of living increase as state employees.  The legislation also creates a Local Law Enforcement Compensation Commission to study salaries and benefits of all local law enforcement officers.
SB 0266 NeutralStop Sign Usage Frank Ginn
3/3/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Transportation -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Kathleen Bowen Mandate Roads Traffic Enforcement
This legislation requires counties and cities to study the stop signs currently placed on their public roads and consider whether they should be replaced with yield signs before July 1, 2028.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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