HB 0001 |
Neutral | Space Flight: Activities, Definitions & Liability |
Jason Spencer |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Judiciary |
Science and Technology |
- |
| This legislation was introduced for Camden County who has an interest in creating a spaceport; however, the bill applies statewide by allowing the commercial space industry to operate in Georgia. More information on the Spaceport Camden project can be found here. |
HB 0149 |
Neutral | Requirement for Counties to Use Only GBI Approved Trauma Scene Cleanup Services and Consolidation of Fire Services |
Alan Powell |
3/29/2018 |
Senate Disagreed House Amend or Sub |
Public Safety and Homeland Security |
Public Safety |
- |
| This legislation preempts county and city governments from requiring licenses or permits for trauma scene waste management practitioners or regulated waste transporters. When hiring a company to cleanup or remove trauma scene waste, counties and cities must hire a company approved by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. This bill was amended to include S.B. 319 which provides for the Consolidation of all Fire Services into a separate state agency. |
HB 0381 |
Support | Abandoned Mobile Homes - Method for Removal |
John Corbett |
5/1/2019 |
Effective Date |
Judiciary |
Judiciary |
- |
| This legislation establishes a process whereby private property owners can have abandoned mobile homes removed from their land. Local governments may elect to provide a qualified "local agent" to make a determination, at the request of a property owner, whether a mobile home is abandoned, derelict or intact. If deemed abandoned, the local government posts a notice, then the property owner notifies the last known mobile home owner (or posts a legal notice if no responsible party can be ascertained), which begins a process whereby the property owner can pay for the removal of the mobile home. A hearing procedure is provided in magistrate court for aggrieved mobile home owners in this process. Neither the local government nor the local agent shall bear any liability with respect to any lawful actions taken under this law. Action: counties wishing to participate must first appoint a qualified local agent. |
HB 0408 |
Oppose | Sales and Use Tax - Exempt Transportation Referral Services |
Sam Teasley |
2/21/2017 |
House Second Readers |
Ways & Means |
- | - |
| This bill makes significant changes to the existing, temporary state and local sales and use tax exemption for fares of for-hire vehicles: 1) the sunset is removed and the exemption is made permanent; 2) it is expanded from taxi, limousine, and ride share to also include transportation referral services and providers; 3) it specifically includes MARTA in the list of local sales and use taxes to which the exemption applies. |
HB 0430 |
Neutral | Governor's Education Reform Commission - Charter Schools |
Buzz Brockway |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Education |
Education and Youth |
- |
| This legislation sets statewide standards and authorization processes for charter schools by local school boards and the State Charter Schools Commission. While an earlier version removed charter schools from local zoning and land use ordinances, the bill was amended in Senate committee to require that "the location of a charter school shall be in conformity with existing county or city comprehensive land use plans, if applicable, or existing land use patterns in the area." |
HB 0481 |
Neutral | Drone Ordinances |
Kevin Tanner |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Transportation |
Transportation |
- |
| This legislation preempts local governments from adopting ordinances regulating the use of drones except for ordinances adopted before April 1, 2017, ordinances that enforce Federal Aviation Administration restrictions or ordinances prohibiting the launch, recovery or intentional landing of drones on county property. |
HB 0529 |
Evaluating | Animal Welfare - Illegal to Transport Critters in Back of Truck |
Karla Drenner |
3/6/2017 |
House Second Readers |
Agriculture & Consumer Affairs |
- | - |
| This legislation prohibits carrying live animals in the backs of trucks on Interstates. Certain farm-related purposes/animals are exempted. The bill also preempts county and city ordinances, as well as caps fines associated with, the transportation of live animals in the back of vehicles on the interstate. |
HB 0533 |
Oppose | Local Right of Way - Preempt and Authorize Unlimited, Unfettered Access for Wireless Structures |
Brett Harrell |
3/6/2017 |
House Second Readers |
Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications |
- | - |
| This complex and lengthy bill provides as close to unfettered access to county and municipal rights of way (ROW) as possible for wireless providers to construct unlimited wireless support structures/poles (50' high, or 10' taller than any existing pole within 500'), antennas (up to 6 cubic feet), equipment boxes (up to 28 cubic feet) and other infrastructure in order to roll out 5G service in metropolitan areas. The bill limits or preempts a broad range of county decisions regarding: wireless structures within and outside public ROW, collocation of small wireless facilities, zoning reviews for cell towers and wireless support structures, modifications to wireless facilities outside public ROW, location of wireless facilities on local government owned utility poles, and county jurisdiction over small wireless facilities on private property. For example, HB 535 would bar local governments from subjecting certain wireless facilities to zoning review and approval, limit fees that counties and cities could impose for permitting, regulating and managing access to public ROW by wireless companies, and impose unrealistic shot clocks for counties to make decisions regarding various wireless facilities; otherwise the applications are "deemed approved". In addition, the bill would prohibit counties from requiring that wireless providers indemnify and hold the county harmless against claims arising from negligent acts of the provider and does not provide that these structures be removed or relocated, at provider expense, for road widening, maintenance or emergency situations. Lastly, counties can only deny a permit for this infrastructure if it violates stipulations in the bill... which are slim to none. |
HB 0748 |
Evaluating | Community Association Transparency and Protection Act |
William Boddie |
2/5/2018 |
House Withdrawn, Recommitted |
Judiciary |
- | - |
| This legislation, mirroring SB 374, significantly revises state law on residential property associations (condominium, cooperative and homeowners') and the responsibilities of both developers and residents. Among provisions, the bill stipulates turnover and transition requirements; requires developers to establish a two-year operating budget prior to turnover/transition which includes reserve accounts for capital expenditures and deferred maintenance; requires developers to post performance and maintenance bonds; and spells out civil penalties for violations of the Act. For the proponents' summary of the bill, please click here. |
HB 0876 |
Neutral | Building Codes - Locals Cannot Prohibit Wood Construction |
John Corbett |
7/1/2018 |
Effective Date |
Agriculture and Consumer Affairs |
Agriculture and Consumer Affairs |
- |
| This legislation preempts local governments from prohibiting the use of wood as a construction material so long as such use conforms to all applicable state minimum standard codes and the Georgia State Fire Code. Several cities, concerned with fire safety, have enacted such ordinances. |
HB 0948 |
Oppose | No Local Restriction on any Sale of Goods Regulated by Federal or State Agencies |
Rick Jasperse |
2/21/2018 |
House Committee Favorably Reported |
Agriculture and Consumer Affairs |
- | - |
| This state preemption, mirrored in SB 418, prohibits local governments from prohibiting or otherwise restricting the retail sale of any goods, products or items regulated by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the GA Dept. of Agriculture, so long as any said sales are in compliance with local zoning. This effort to prohibit local ordinances impacting a certain national pet store chain has expanded greatly. ACCG asks that you pay very close attention to this bill and provide Todd Edwards (tedwards@accg.org) feedback on how it may impact any county ordinances regulating the retail sale of animals (pets or livestock), tobacco, alcohol, plants, etc. For a list of all goods, products and items regulated by these agencies (thus preempted by local government regulation) please click here. ACCG opposes taking away a community's ability to regulate the broad swath of goods, products and items covered by the above three agencies. |
SB 0053 |
Neutral | Require Adult Diapering Stations in Public Meeting Facilities |
Valencia Seay |
1/25/2017 |
Senate Read and Referred |
- | Health and Human Services |
- |
| This legislation requires auditoriums, convention center, cultural complexes, exhibition halls, permanent amusement parks, sports arenas and theaters to install adult changing stations (i.e., a wall mounted, ergonomic, powered table for the diapering of adults) in enclosed restrooms for handicapped, special needs or families. |
SB 0141 |
Support | Require Engineering Evaluation for All Carnival Ride Permits |
Bruce Thompson |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation requires the operators the first time they apply for a permit in Georgia to provide an engineering evaluation of carnival rides to the State Fire Marshal prior to the issuance of a permit. |
SB 0233 |
Neutral | Religious Freedom 2017 |
Marty Harbin |
2/22/2017 |
Senate Read and Referred |
- | Rules |
- |
| This legislation applies the Federal Religious Restoration Act to the State of Georgia and counties. The Federal Religious Restoration Act prohibits the government from substantially burdening a person's exercise of religious unless it is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest and is the least restrictive means of furthering the compelling governmental interest. |
SB 0319 |
Neutral | Creation of the Department of Fire Safety |
John Albers |
3/29/2018 |
Senate Disagreed House Amend or Sub |
Public Safety and Homeland Security |
Public Safety |
- |
| This legislation provides for the creation of the Department of Fire Safety and transfers the State Fire Marshall's Office, the Firefighter's Standards and Training Council and all other activities related to fire service to the newly created department. |
SB 0374 |
Evaluating | Community Association Transparency and Protection Act |
Donzella James |
1/31/2018 |
Senate Read and Referred |
- | Judiciary |
- |
| This legislation, mirroring HB 748, significantly revises state law on residential property associations (condominium, cooperative and homeowners') and the responsibilities of both developers and residents. Among provisions, the bill stipulates turnover and transition requirements; requires developers to establish a two-year operating budget prior to turnover/transition which includes reserve accounts for capital expenditures and deferred maintenance; requires developers to post performance and maintenance bonds; and spells out civil penalties for violations of the Act. For the proponents' summary of the bill, please click here: |
SB 0404 |
Neutral | Water Service Fees For Fire Sprinkler Systems |
Matt Brass |
5/3/2018 |
Act 400 |
Governmental Affairs |
Natural Resources and the Environment |
- |
This legislation states that no county, municipal, or other public water system shall charge or assess a separate fee for water service for fire sprinkler protection systems for more than the cost to provide such service. |
SB 0414 |
Neutral | Charitable Collection Receptacles |
Lindsey Tippins |
3/5/2018 |
House Second Readers |
Governmental Affairs |
State and Local Governmental Operations |
- |
| This legislation allows local governing authorities to issue written notices for the failure to clean and maintain charitable collection receptacles. In addition, the local government could file a lawsuit in Superior Court for an order to remove a collection receptacle if the owner of the receptacle does not comply with violation notices on at least three occasions in one calendar year. |
SB 0425 |
Neutral | Land Surveyors - Define Practice |
Steve Gooch |
5/7/2018 |
Act 417 |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation removes the requirement that land surveyors receive at least five hours of course study in hydrology. The bill raises the required semester hours of course study, or the equivalent, in surveying subjects approved by the board from 15 to 18 hours. Moreover, HB 833 grandfathers in those who have already received credit in hydrology coursework so that they may sit for the board approved examination for licensure. In addition, HB 833 adds surveyors to the list of professionals subject to a misdemeanor for practicing as a licensed surveyor if that person has not completed the licensing requirements. |
SB 0426 |
Support | Broadband - EMCs and Rural Telephone Cooperatives Authorized to Provide |
Steve Gooch |
3/29/2018 |
House Passed/Adopted By Substitute |
Energy, Utilities and Telecommunications |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| Originally, this was the wireless industry's attempt to preempt local management of the public's right of way. The bill was changed in House Rules Committee to allow EMCs and rural telephone cooperatives to provide broadband service to rural areas under certain conditions. |
SB 0428 |
Negotiating | Statewide Regulations for the Practice of Booting Vehicles |
Matt Brass |
2/15/2018 |
Senate Read and Referred |
- | Transportation |
- |
This legislation (similar to HB 774) defines and sets statewide standards for vehicle immobilization devices and services - commonly known as "booting". In addition, this bill allows a county or city to pass an ordinance stricter than the provisions set out by this bill; however, of concern is that the language does not clearly state that a local government can ban the practice of booting vehicles. |
SB 0452 |
Evaluating | Mandate for Law Enforcement to Notify Federal Authorities upon Arrest of Illegal Alien |
Jesse Stone |
3/27/2018 |
House Postponed |
Public Safety and Homeland Security |
Judiciary |
- |
| This legislation requires that local law enforcement notify US Immigration and Customs Enforcement 72 hours prior to the release of any illegal immigrant from custody. |
SB 0469 |
Oppose | Zoning - Preempt Local Practices |
Matt Brass |
2/21/2018 |
Senate Read and Referred |
- | State and Local Governmental Operations |
- |
| This legislation preempts local governments from enacting any zoning ordinances regulating "building design elements" which include such factors as exterior building colors, style or materials of roofs or porches, location or styling of windows or doors, interior layout of rooms, etc., so long as these elements meet minimum standard codes. Exceptions are made for historic landmarks/districts. It further goes to redefine and restrict zoning powers, perhaps in violation of the Georgia Constitution. |
SR 1170 |
Neutral | Study Committee - Are Local Fees Going Toward Intended Purposes? |
Jack Hill |
3/29/2018 |
Senate Read and Adopted |
- | - | - |
| Following much discussion over the past several years regarding the redirection of state-collected fees from their intended purposes, this Senate study committee (consisting of 5 senators) will examine whether or not local government fees are fairly and equitably imposed and whether the monies collected from them are being appropriately used and directed for the purpose(s) for which they are intended. Examples of fees cited by this resolution include: storm water management fees, fire service fees, and traffic add-on fees. |