HB 0001 |
Neutral | Space Flight: Activities, Definitions & Liability |
Jason Spencer |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Judiciary |
Science and Technology |
- |
| This legislation was introduced for Camden County who has an interest in creating a spaceport; however, the bill applies statewide by allowing the commercial space industry to operate in Georgia. More information on the Spaceport Camden project can be found here. |
HB 0015 |
Negotiating | Mandatory Electronic Filing for Civil Cases in Superior and State Courts |
Wendell Willard |
3/30/2017 |
Senate Conference Committee Appointed 46th, 30th, 19th |
Judiciary |
Judiciary |
- |
| This legislation mandates all clerks of superior court accept electronically filed cases by January 1, 2018. The cost of such filing shall not exceed $7.00. The bill includes a hardship clause that extends that deadline for six months for counties who need additional time. An amendment was added to the bill that prohibits the Council of the Superior Court Clerks, any state entity, or governing authority of any local government from keeping any portion of the fee. NOTE: This bill has been added to SB 407, the Governor's Criminal Justice Reform Bill. |
HB 0076 |
Inactive | Clerks of Court - Revisions to Recording Maps, Plats and Plans |
Rick Jasperse |
5/8/2017 |
Effective Date |
Judiciary |
Judiciary |
- |
| This is clean up legislation for HB 1004 from the 2016 legislative session. All maps, plats, plans and condominium plans must now be submitted electronically to the clerk of superior court. The remainder of the bill was worked out over the interim between counties, cities, surveyors, engineers, architects and the clerks, specifying the format for the submittal of plats and plans, required data for plats, which plats must be certified by land surveyors, and other certification required for plats. Attempts to add language stating that maps not creating new roads or utilities do not need local approval prior to submittal to the clerk were unsuccessful. For the guidance document, click here. |
HB 0125 |
Oppose | Sales and Use Taxes - Exemption for Equipment for Boat Repairs/Maintenance Exceeding $500,000 |
Ron Stephens |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Ways & Means |
Finance |
- |
| As amended in the Senate Finance Committee, this bill caps the maximum sales tax on equipment, etc. for boat repairs at $35,000. Annual reporting would be required on the economic impacts of businesses qualifying for sales tax exemptions over this amount. This legislation would sunset in 2020. |
HB 0134 |
Inactive | Single County T-SPLOST Reforms |
James Epps |
5/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Ways & Means |
Finance |
- |
| This legislation adds flexibility, clarifications and enhancements to the existing Single County T-SPLOST law. This bill allows Single County T-SPLOST to fund state transportation projects and removes dates that are no longer relevant so now all counties, with the exception of Fulton County who has their own code section, would follow the same Single County T-SPLOST law. It also permits more than one Single County T-SPLOST to be levied at the same time as long as the amount does not exceed 1 percent and allows cities to bond their T-SPLOST projects. Lastly, the bill clarifies that after January 1, 2018, Regional T-SPLOST and a Single County T-SPLOST cannot be on the ballot at the same time.
A more detailed description of HB 134 can be found here.
HB 0146 |
Neutral | Requirement for Local Governments to Provide Cancer Benefit to All Firefighters |
Micah Gravley |
1/1/2018 |
Effective Date |
Insurance |
State and Local Governmental Operations |
- |
| This legislation requires fire departments to purchase insurance coverage on each firefighter to pay claims for cancer diagnosed after serving at least 12 consecutive months as a firefighter in the department if the cancer or treatment makes them unable to perform their firefighter duties. |
HB 0183 |
Support | Georgia Geospatial Advisory Council |
Robert Dickey |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
State Planning & Community Affairs |
Natural Resources and the Environment |
- |
| This legislation transfers the Georgia Geospatial Advisory Council from the Department of Natural Resources to the Department of Community Affairs and removes the council's sunset. The Council makes recommendations on utilizing Georgia's geospatial capabilities to meet federal notification requirements, achieving governmental data interoperability and advancing geospatial technology among Georgia's state and local governments. |
HB 0205 |
Support | Fracking Regulations |
John Meadows |
5/8/2018 |
Effective Date |
Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation amends the Oil and Gas Deep Drilling Act of 1975. It requires the creation of regulations governing hydraulic fracturing. Counties and cities have the ability to adopt local zoning or land use ordinances limiting the location or timing of fracking activities to protect natural resources, human life and human welfare. A three percent severance tax will be required from the sale price of the gas and oil obtained. Counties, where the fracking occurs, can enact local ordinances or resolutions to levy its own severance tax, which can't exceed nine cents per barrel of oil or two cents per thousand cubic feet of gas. |
HB 0247 |
Oppose | Sales and Use Tax - Exempt Concrete Mixing Equipment |
Dominic Lariccia |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Ways & Means |
Finance |
- |
| This bill expands the energy exemption from sales and use tax and adds machinery and equipment, including mixer trucks, used to mix and transport unhardened concrete. Motor fuel used in the mixer truck remains subject to sales and use taxation. This exemption applies to state sales and use tax and all local sales and use taxes except for ESPLOST and those imposed under a local constitutional amendment. The exemption expires on July 1, 2020. |
HB 0251 |
Support | Allow EMS Personnel Access to Private Property During Declared State Emergency |
Darrel Ealum |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Public Safety and Homeland Security |
Public Safety |
- |
| This legislation gives EMS and all first responders the right to enter private property during a disaster declared by the governor, for search and rescue, debris removal and providing aid. |
HB 0257 |
Support | Local Government Authority Finance Reports |
Jan Tankersley |
7/1/2018 |
Effective Date |
Governmental Affairs |
State and Local Governmental Operations |
- |
| This legislation combines the two annual reports (registry and financial reports) that local government authorities and local independent authorities must file annually with the Department of Community Affairs. Local authorities may not incur debt or credit obligations until they submit the report, though failure to do so will not impact any outstanding debt. |
HB 0265 |
Inactive | Job Creation Tax Credits - Expansion of Program |
Chuck Efstration |
4/25/2017 |
Effective Date |
Ways & Means |
Finance |
- |
| This bill expands the criteria for the 'establishing or relocating quality jobs' income tax credit, to include projects that create at least 50 jobs and invest at least $2.5 million in property acquisition. Additionally, the bill provides for state and local sales and use tax exemptions for: 1) admission tickets to arts facilities; and 2) property used in the renovation or expansion of a theater that contains an art museum, symphonic hall, and theater that charges for admission and is owned by a Section 501(c)(3) entity. This sales tax exemption is aimed at the Woodruff Arts Center in Atlanta. |
HB 0268 |
Neutral | Elections - Numerous Changes |
Barry Fleming |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Governmental Affairs |
Ethics |
- |
| This legislation makes several changes to the elections laws, including the deadlines for election superintendents to complete their certification course; repeal of the nomination petition requirement; dates for filing the notice of candidacy; revisions to third-party filings for candidacy; removing references to municipal election registrars; the evidence of citizenship for voting purposes; requirements for personal identification on voter registration forms; provisions for changing a voter's address; polling places outside a voter's precinct; correcting printed and electronic ballots; application for an absentee ballot; oath of application absentee ballot; and the conduct of campaign activities in the vicinity to polling places. For the Senate's summary of the bill, please click here. |
HB 0319 |
Support | Increase Reimbursement to Counties for Habeas Corpus Proceedings |
William Werkheiser |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Judiciary |
Judiciary |
- |
| This legislation increases the maximum amount that may be reimbursed by the state to the counties for court costs for habeas corpus proceedings at both the trial and appellate levels from $10,000 to $30,000 annually. |
HB 0342 |
Neutral | Enterprise Zones - Sales Tax Exemptions |
Chuck Efstration |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Ways & Means |
Finance |
- |
| This legislation provides a sales tax exemption in certain enterprise zones: those involving investment of $400M or more in a "chronically underdeveloped area." The exemption for state sales tax would be automatic; exemption from local sales tax would require approval of the local governments. School taxes are not impacted by this bill. A proposed substitute to this bill would make the local sales tax exemption automatic in the same manner as state sales taxes; however, consistent with existing law, local government approval is still necessary for creation of such enterprise zones. |
HB 0375 |
Neutral | Tax Executions - New Owners |
Brad Raffensperger |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Ways & Means |
Finance |
- |
| This legislation changes the definition of new owner for purposes of tax executions. Under existing law, new owners (those who purchase after January 1st and after taxes are due) are entitled to a new notice of taxes and at least 60 days before penalties and interest can be applied. This bill would change "new owner" to mean persons who purchase real property after January 1st but on or before taxes are due. This bill would also repeal the provision of law allowing tax commissioners to receive 50 cents for issuance of a tax execution. |
SB 0004 |
Support | Establish Georgia Mental Health Treatment Task Force |
Renee Unterman |
3/30/2017 |
House Disagreed Senate Amend or Sub |
Health & Human Services |
Health and Human Services |
- |
| This legislation creates the Georgia Mental Health Treatment Task Force. |
SB 0006 |
Support | Georgia Commission on Transit Governance and Funding |
Steve Gooch |
3/30/2017 |
House Withdrawn, Recommitted |
Transportation |
Transportation |
- |
| This legislation creates the Georgia Commission on Transit Governance and Funding which will study and assess the needs for efficiencies, coordination and funding methods for mass transportation for any one or more metropolitan areas in Georgia. Composition of the commission includes representation from cities and counties who provide mass transportation and the directors of all metropolitan planning organizations serve as an ex officio member. |
SB 0052 |
Inactive | Remove Sunset on Licensed Professional Counselors Issuing Involuntary Commitment Orders for Mental Health Patients |
P.K. Martin |
5/9/2017 |
Effective Date |
Health & Human Services |
Health and Human Services |
- |
| This legislation removes the June 30, 2018 sunset of O.C.G.A. § 37-3-41 regarding the involuntary evaluation of mental illness and O.C.G.A. § 37-7-41(d) regarding emergency involuntary treatment of an alcoholic, drug abuser, or drug dependent individual. |
SB 0085 |
Inactive | Breweries and Distilleries to Sell Directly to Public |
Rick Jeffares |
5/8/2017 |
Act 178 |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation authorizes brew pubs and breweries to sell up to 3,000 barrels of their malt beverage annually directly to the public either through consumption on the premises or allowing a patron to purchase and carry off up to 288 ounces (a case) of the beverage a day. The current requirement that tours be offered prior to malt beverage purchase is eliminated. The bill also authorizes a licensed distiller to sell up to 500 barrels of distilled spirits annually directly to the public for consumption on the premises or up to 2,250 milliliters, per person, per day, to be consumed off premises. The brewer or distiller will remit all state and local sales, use, and excise taxes to the proper tax collecting authority and sales are conditioned on and governed by local alcohol law. The Georgia Department of Revenue is to promulgate rules governing these processes. |
SB 0096 |
Neutral | Authorize Registered Nurses to Make Pronouncement of Death |
Ben Watson |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Health & Human Services |
Health and Human Services |
- |
| This legislation allows registered nurses to make a pronouncement of death in nursing homes, assisted living and hospice facilities. |
SB 0141 |
Support | Require Engineering Evaluation for All Carnival Ride Permits |
Bruce Thompson |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Regulated Industries |
Regulated Industries and Utilities |
- |
| This legislation requires the operators the first time they apply for a permit in Georgia to provide an engineering evaluation of carnival rides to the State Fire Marshal prior to the issuance of a permit. |
SB 0160 |
Support | Back the Badge Act |
Tyler Harper |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Judiciary Non-Civil |
Public Safety |
- |
| This legislation provides exclusive jurisdiction of 13 to 17 year olds who commit an offense of aggravated assault or aggravated battery against a public safety official. This legislation includes HB 116, HB 258, and SB 154 which gives superior court full jurisdiction for juvenile cases involving aggravated assault, increasing sentences for assaulting a police officer, and additional penalties for those convicted of assaulting a public safety officer while on duty. |
SB 0201 |
Neutral | Sick Leave - Must be Used for Care of Immediate Family Member |
Butch Miller |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Industry and Labor |
Insurance and Labor |
- |
| This legislation requires employers, including counties, that offer sick leave to allow their employees to use up to five days of the sick leave, which must be earned, to care for immediate family members. Nothing requires employers to offer sick leave to begin with and the employee must comply with the terms of the county's sick leave policy. Nothing in this bill shall be construed to create a new cause of against the county. This law sunsets on July 1, 2020. |
SB 0242 |
Support | Expands Number of RN's Allowed to Practice Under a Physician in EMS Operations |
Renee Unterman |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Health & Human Services |
Health and Human Services |
- |
| This legislation would expand the number of Advanced Practice
Registered Nurses who are allowed to work under a physician in an EMS
operations conducted by or on behalf of any county or municipality
which employs a full time medical director. |