Criminal Procedure (36)
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Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0053 WatchJuvenile Code Jurisdiction for Children Under the Age of 18 Mary Oliver
1/23/2017 House Second Readers Juvenile Justice --
2017/01/13-Report Correctional Institutions/Jail Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
Juveniles Public Safety and Courts
This legislation increases the age of children who are subject to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and juvenile facilities from 17 to 18 years, thereby increasing the case loads of the juvenile court and juvenile probation.
HB 0090 NegotiatingLand Purchase - Illegal for Board Member to Discuss if Conflict of Interest Robert Gasaway
3/30/2017 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Judiciary Non-Civil --
2017/01/27-Report Criminal Procedure Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development Eminent Domain/Condemnation
Ethics General County Government Procurement Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation makes it a misdemeanor for members of the board of commissioners, city council, school board or local board or authority to knowingly and intentionally vote, attempt to influence a vote, or be present in executive or closed session when their respective body is considering or discussion the acquisition of property if the member has direct or indirect ownership interest in the property, or any business in which the member serves in a fiduciary capacity has an ownership interest in the property.      
HB 0116 NeutralSuperior Court Exclusive Jurisdiction of Juvenile Cases Involving Aggravated Assault Albert Reeves
1/8/2018 Senate Recommitted Judiciary Non-Civil Public Safety -
Correctional Institutions/Jail Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws Health and Human Services
Juveniles Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts Superior Court
This legislation gives the superior court exclusive jurisdiction over juveniles charged with aggravated assault with a firearm.  The language of this legislation was added to SB 160 "Back the Badge".
HB 0137 NeutralRestriction of Contingency Fees for Appointed Assistant District Attorneys in Forfeiture Action Scot Turner
3/7/2018 Senate Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Judiciary Judiciary -
Clerk of Court Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit District Attorneys Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons
Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance
This legislation prohibits district attorneys from compensating appointed assistant district attorneys on a contingent basis by percentage of assets realized from a forfeiture.
HB 0213 WatchMandatory Minimum Sentence for Drug Offenses Involving Fentanyl Rich Golick
1/8/2018 Senate Recommitted Judiciary Non-Civil Judiciary -
Correctional Institutions/Jail Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts
This legislation adds the sale, manufacture or possession of fentanyl to the list of offenses with a mandatory minimum sentence.
HB 0334 EvaluatingGuns - Those w Restraining Orders Cannot Get Weapons License Keisha Waites
2/15/2017 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
Criminal Procedure Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Probate Court Public Safety and Courts
Todd Edwards
This legislation would prohibit individuals against whom a restraining order or protective order has been issued from obtaining a weapons carry permit.
HB 0505 NeutralCivil Forfeiture Proceedings - Stay Until Conclusion of Criminal Proceedings Scot Turner
3/1/2017 House Second Readers Judiciary --
Civil Procedure Criminal Procedure Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons Larry Ramsey Public Safety and Courts
This legislation changes the procedures for civil forfeiture. At present, the courts have the discretion to put on hold any civil forfeiture actions until conclusion of the related criminal proceedings. This legislation would make mandatory that civil forfeitures cannot happen until adjudication of guilt in the related criminal proceedings.
HB 0529 EvaluatingAnimal Welfare - Illegal to Transport Critters in Back of Truck Karla Drenner
3/6/2017 House Second Readers Agriculture & Consumer Affairs --
Agriculture Animal Control Code Enforcement Criminal Procedure Farm
Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons General County Government Law Enforcement Preemption Public Safety and Courts
Todd Edwards Traffic Enforcement
This legislation prohibits carrying live animals in the backs of trucks on Interstates.  Certain farm-related purposes/animals are exempted.  The bill also preempts county and city ordinances, as well as caps fines associated with, the transportation of live animals in the back of vehicles on the interstate.
HB 0541 EvaluatingGuns - Prohibit Certain Persons from Owning or Transporting Brian Strickland
3/9/2017 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
Correctional Institutions/Jail Criminal Procedure Econ. Dev. & Transportation Firearms/Carry Laws Health and Human Services
Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation prohibits individuals convicted of [domestic] simple assault, simple battery, battery, or pointing or aiming a gun at another from receiving, possessing or transporting firearms.   
HB 0660 EvaluatingProvide for Sentencing in Hate Crimes Meagan Hanson
1/23/2018 House Second Readers Judiciary - Non-Civil --
Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts Training
HB 0716 NegotiatingPre-Arrest Diversion for Drug and Mental Health Treatment Act Paulette Rakestraw
1/23/2018 House Second Readers Judiciary - Non-Civil --
2018/01/26 Report Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit District Attorneys Health and Human Services
Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts Solicitors
 This legislation sets forth requirements for local law enforcement to transport any citizen request transportation to a substance abuse treatment programs as well as a number of additional administrative duties. There is no funding or resources available to assist in the provision of the required services.
HB 0746 NegotiatingState Mandated Policies and Procedures for Law Enforcement Contact with Sexual Assault Victims Scott Holcomb
1/29/2018 House Second Readers Judiciary - Non-Civil --
Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts
HB 0768 NeutralRevision of Criminal Procedure Regarding Intellectual Disability Claims Scott Hilton
1/31/2018 House Second Readers Judiciary - Non-Civil --
Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit District Attorneys Health and Human Services Public Safety and Courts
This legislation requires the court to conduct a pre-sentence proceeding if the there is claim of intellectual disability by the accused.
HB 0782 NeutralProvisions for Access to Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Data Base Trey Rhodes
3/23/2018 Senate Passed/Adopted By Substitute Health and Human Services Health and Human Services -
2018/03/23 Report Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services Public Safety and Courts
This legislation sets forth provisions for access to the prescription drug monitoring data base.
HB 0802 EvaluatingElimination of the Death Penalty or Life without Parole for Defendants less than 18 Years of Age. Wendell Willard
2/5/2018 House Second Readers Judiciary - Non-Civil --
Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services Juveniles Parole
Public Safety and Courts
This legislation eliminates the death penalty or life without parole for those defendants who committeed the crime prior to the age of 18 years old.  The bill also allows for consideration of parole for those sentenced previously who where under the age of 18 when the crime was committed.
HB 0803 NeutralCreates and Expands Criminal Sanctions for Trafficking or Abusing an Elder Person Wendell Willard
7/1/2018 Effective Date Judiciary - Non-Civil Health and Human Services -
2018/02/09 Report Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services Immigration
Public Safety and Courts
This legislation creates an offense of trafficking a disabled adult and sets forth criminal penalities as well as expands criminal penalities for elder abuse.
HB 0813 NeutralAllows Previous DUI Convictions to be used in Prosecution Christian Coomer
2/6/2018 House Second Readers Judiciary - Non-Civil --
Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts Traffic Enforcement
This legislation allows previous convictions for DUI to be used in prosecution of another violations when the defendant refuses the state administered breath test.
HB 0834 SupportAllows Termination of Rental or Lease Agreement in Circumstances of Family Violence Mandi Ballinger
7/1/2018 Effective Date Judiciary Judiciary -
2018/02/09 Report 2018/03/16 Report Civil Procedure Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit
Public Safety and Courts
This legislation requires that landlords allow tenant who are victims of family violence to terminate their lease or rental agreements.
HB 0857 EvaluatingMandates Relating to Housing, Health and Care of Female Inmates David Dreyer
2/12/2018 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
2018/02/09 Report Correctional Institutions/Jail Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts
This legislation mandates that all female inmates have access to feminine hygiene products, medical information regarding menopause and other female health related issues.  The bill also requires that only female custodians may conduct pat down searches on female inmates and that all custodians complete gender sensitivity and trauma training.
HB 0860 NeutralCriminal Sanctions for Hosting Under 21 Events with Alcohol Emory Dunahoo
2/12/2018 House Second Readers Judiciary - Non-Civil --
Alcohol/Tobacco Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit General County Government Health and Human Services
Juveniles Public Safety and Courts Traffic Enforcement
This legislation sets forth criminal sanctions for hosting an event where alcohol is served to persons under age 21.
HB 0966 EvaluatingProhibit Juveniles from Appearing in Court in Shackles Mary Oliver
2/22/2018 House Second Readers Juvenile Justice --
Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services Juveniles Public Safety and Courts
This legislation prohibits the shackling of juveniles appearing in court.
HR 0240 NeutralJoint Study Committee on Reforming HIV Related Criminal Laws Sharon Cooper
3/30/2017 House Passed/Adopted By Substitute Special Rules --
Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services Public Safety and Courts
This legislation creates the Joint Study Committee on Reforming HIV Related Criminal Laws.
SB 0039 NeutralIncrease Penalty Provisions for Pimping and Pandering Renee Unterman
3/21/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Judiciary - Non-Civil Judiciary -
2018/03/23 Report Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts Sex Offender
This legislation requires those convicted of pimping and pandering to register on the sexual offender registry.
SB 0099 NeutralJudicial Procedure for Purging Information from NCIC and Change of Definition of Knife in Weapons Carry Statute Elena Parent
3/30/2017 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Judiciary Non-Civil Public Safety -
2017/03/06 - Report 2017/03/24 - Report Clerk of Court Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit
District Attorneys Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Georgia Bureau of Investigation Health and Human Services
Open Records/Meetings Act Probate Court Public Safety and Courts Solicitors
This legislation allows individual's who have been involuntarily hospitalized to have the records purged and not included in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.  This bill was amended to change the definition of Knife in the possession and carrying of a concealed weapon statute from 5 inches to 12 inches.
SB 0127 NeutralVictim's may Assert Rights When Law is not Followed John Kennedy
5/8/2018 Act 468 Judiciary - Non-Civil Judiciary -
Clerk of Court Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit District Attorneys General County Government
Government Immunity Public Safety and Courts Solicitors State Court Superior Court
This legislation amends the Crime Victim's Bill of Rights to allow a victim to bring to the attention of the court allegations that the law has not been followed.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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