15 - Parks and Recreation - Alex (6)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/26/2024

HB 1106 No PositionYouth Sports Programs - Restrictions, Registration, Personnel, and Policy Information - Requirements Terri Hill
2/12/2019 Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. WM --
15 - Parks and Recreation - Alex
HB 1118 OpposeUse of Public Funds - Playground and Athletic Field Surfaces - Authorizations, Preferences, and Prohibitions Jared Solomon
2/11/2019 Hearing 3/12 at 1:00 p.m. APP --
15 - Parks and Recreation - Alex
Written Testimony on 3/12/2019
HB 1374 No PositionSplash Pads - Lifeguards Johnny Mautz
2/20/2019 First Reading House Rules and Executive Nominations RUL --
15 - Parks and Recreation - Alex
SB 0095 No PositionNatural Resources – Recreational License Donation Program and Fund – Program Extension and Fund Name Change Bryan Simonaire
4/30/2019 Senate - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 261 E&T EHE -
15 - Parks and Recreation - Alex
SB 0155 No PositionRecreational License Donation Program - Grants to Eligible Sponsor Organizations and Program Extension Bryan Simonaire
1/23/2019 Hearing 2/05 at 1:00 p.m. -EHE -
15 - Parks and Recreation - Alex
SB 0877 SupportWaterway Improvement Fund - Public Boating Construction Projects - Financing Limits Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs
4/30/2019 Senate - Approved by the Governor - Chapter 272 APP RUL -
15 - Parks and Recreation - Alex
Written Testimony on 3/19/2019
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.