Legislation Assigned to the House EDA Committee (2)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 1/18/2024

HB 0187 Reviewed by BOGRelative to the emergency powers of the commissioner of health and human services and relative to the membership of the oversight committee on health and human services. William Marsh
8/16/2021 House - Law Without Signature 08/11/2021; Chapter 211; Eff: 08/11/2021 EDA HHS -
Jurisdiction Legislative Powers Public Safety
NHBA Position - No Position
HB 0275 Reviewed by BOGRelative to the governor's power to initiate a state of emergency and various emergency powers. David Binford
11/8/2021 House - Executive Session: 11/08/2021 10:30 a.m. Legislative Office Building306-308 EDA --
Federal - State Legislative Powers
NHBA Position - Information
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.