Legislation Assigned to the Senate Health and Human Services Committee (17)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0345 NeutralProhibition of Shackling Female Inmates in Labor or Postpartum Sharon Cooper
10/1/2019 Effective Date Health and Human Services Health and Human Services -
2019/03/15 Report 2019/03/29 Report Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts
This legislation prohibits the shackling of female inmates who are in labor, or in the immediate postpartum period unless they are a threat to themselves or others.  If the inmate is a threat to themselves or others they can only be handcuffed at the wrist in the front of their body, not behind the back.
HB 0514 SupportCreation of the Georgia Behavioral Health Reform and Innovation Commission Kevin Tanner
7/1/2019 Effective Date Health and Human Services Health and Human Services -
2019/03/01 Report 2019/03/08 Report 2019/03/15 Report 2019/03/22 Report Debra Nesbit
Health and Human Services
House Bill 514 creates the Georgia Behavioral Health Reform and Innovation Commission. The purpose of this commission is to conduct a comprehensive review of the behavioral health system in Georgia. The commission will review the behavioral health services and facilities available in Georgia, the identification of behavioral health issues in children, adolescents, and adults, as well as the role the education system has in the identification and treatment of behavioral health issues. Additionally, the commission will review the impact behavioral health issues have on the criminal justice system, the state's homeless population, delivery of care, access to care, the role of payers in such access, and the impact untreated behavioral illness has on children transitioning into adulthood. The commission will conclude on June 30, 2023.  
HB 0551 SupportProhibit Access to Kratom by Persons Under the Age 18 Dewayne Hill
4/26/2019 Effective Date Judiciary - Non-Civil Health and Human Services -
2019/03/08 Report 2019/03/15 Report 2019/03/29 Report Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts
HB 551 regulates "kratom," a tropical evergreen known as mitragyna speciosa that contains the alkaloid mitragynine. It is a misdemeanor to transfer possession to those under the age of 18, or for those under 18-years old to possess or buy it. Moreover, to sell kratom, the packaging must: clearly label ingredients; provide notice that the sale or transfer of possession to those under the age of 18 is prohibited; state the amount of mitragynine in the product; state the name and principal mailing address of the manufacturer; provide clear directions for safe use of the product; and note any precautionary statements to the safety and effectiveness of the product. 
HB 0958 OpposeThe Maternity Supportive Housing Act Ed Setzler
6/17/2020 Senate - Senate Withdrawn & Recommitted Juvenile Justice Health and Human Services -
2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/06 Report 2020/03/13 Report Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
 This legislation allows the establishment of maternity supportive housing, without any regulation or approval process, additionally zoning requirements for these home cannot exceed what is required for single family residences.
SB 0071 NeutralCreation of Pilot Program to Establish an Exchange for Healthcare Facilities to Purchase and Sell Charity Care Credits Ben Watson
6/25/2020 House - House Third Reading Lost Governmental Affairs Health and Human Services -
2019/02/15 Report 2019/02/22 Report 2019/03/01 Report 2019/03/29 Report Debra Nesbit
Health and Human Services
This legislation provides for a pilot program to establish an exchange for health care providers to purchase and sell charity care credit to meet their charity care requirements.  The proposed pilot shall be operational from January 1, 2021 through December 1, 2021.
SB 0106 SupportPatient's First Act - Allow Governor to Apply for Medicaid Waivers Blake Tillery
3/27/2019 Effective Date Special Committee On Access to Quality Health Care Health and Human Services -
2019/03/22 Report 2019/03/29 Report Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services Hospital Authority
Senate Bill 106, referred to as the 'Patients First Act', authorizes the Department of Community Health (DCH) to submit a Section 1115 waiver request to the United States Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services by June 30, 2020. This may include an increase in the income threshold of up to a maximum of 100 percent of the federal poverty level. Upon approval of this waiver, the bill also authorizes DCH to implement the terms and conditions without any further legislative action. Additionally, Senate Bill 106 authorizes the governor to submit a Section 1332 innovation waiver proposal, or multiple thereof, to the United States Secretaries of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Treasury by December 31, 2021. 
SB 0121 NeutralIncrease the Length of Time Prescription Information is Retained Larry Walker
7/1/2019 Effective Date Judiciary - Non-Civil Health and Human Services -
2019/02/22 Report 2019/03/08 Report 2019/03/22 Report 2019/03/29 Report Debra Nesbit
Health and Human Services
This legislation increases the time period that prescription information is retained by the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program data base from two years to five years.
SB 0151 Evaluating"The Health Act"; enact Dean Burke
2/22/2019 Senate Read and Referred -Health and Human Services -
Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
SB 0199 EvaluatingLead Contamination Testing in Schools and Child Care Learning Centers Nikema Williams
2/27/2019 Senate Read and Referred -Health and Human Services -
Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment Water Quality
This legislation requires testing of drinking water for lead contamination in child care learning centers and all public or private primary or secondary schools. The Department of Public Health in consultation with the GA Environmental Protection Division, Department of Education and the Department of Early Care and Learning will be required to establish rules and regulations regarding the testing of drinking water outlets and the remediation of lead contamination.
SB 0223 EvaluatingControlled Substances; legislative findings; definitions; identification of a standard level of kratom alkoloids and establish recommended dosages; provide Jeff Mullis
2/28/2019 Senate Read and Referred -Health and Human Services -
Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services Public Safety and Courts
SB 0345 NeutralDepartment of Public Health Requirements for Permitting Festivals and Short Term Events Kay Kirkpatrick
8/5/2020 Effective Date Health and Human Services Health and Human Services -
2020/02/07 2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/06 Report Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
This legislation sets forth new requirements for permitting of food service at short term events and festivals.  Specifically local governments can no longer direct the Department of Public Health to handle permitting.  Local Governments will be responsible for permitting those events.
SB 0359 SupportCOVID-19 Liability Protections Chuck Hufstetler
8/5/2020 Effective Date Special Committee On Access to Quality Health Care Health and Human Services -
Kathleen Bowen

This legislation, titled the "Georgia Pandemic Business Safety Act", address liability for businesses, health care providers, local governments, and other entities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. County government employees and county government facilities are included as being afforded liability protection. 

No cause of action (lawsuit) shall exist for the transmission, infection, exposure or potential exposure of COVID-19 unless a local government, business (or other entities as defined in legislation) performed gross negligence, willful and wanton misconduct, reckless infliction of harm, or intentional inflection of harm.

One of the provisions of the bill is a rebuttable presumption for assumption of the risk by the claimant if an entity posts specific signage at their point of entry.  ACCG encourages you to consult with your county attorney regarding the placement of signage in county facilities.  For sample signage with the required language in one-inch Arial font (per the specifications of the legislation), click here. Note that this sample sign must be printed as an 18” x 24” in order to achieve the one-inch requirement as indicated in the legislation.

The Act covers state level claims, not federal claims, and only applies to causes of action accruing on or before July 14, 2021. 

SB 0361 Evaluating"Jay's Law"; establish protocols for the early recognition and treatment of sepsis; require hospitals; enact Lester Jackson
2/5/2020 Senate Read and Referred -Health and Human Services -
Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
SB 0372 NeutralModernize Public Health Statutes Blake Tillery
7/1/2020 Effective Date Health and Human Services Health and Human Services -
2020/03/06 Report Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
This legislation modernizes the statutes regarding public health and updates certain sections.  The bill also eliminates certain council and committees that are no longer needed.
SB 0383 Evaluating'Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired Act'; create; definitions; commission and the policy of this state; provide Gail Davenport
2/19/2020 Senate Read and Referred -Health and Human Services -
2020/02/21 Report Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
SB 0395 SupportCounty and Municipal Hospital Authorities Sale or Lease of Property by Authority, Use of Funds Ben Watson
1/1/2021 Effective Date Special Committee On Access to Quality Health Care Health and Human Services -
2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/06 Report 2020/03/13 Report 2020/06/19 Report Debra Nesbit
Health and Human Services Hospital Authority
This legislation allows County Hospital Authorities to use the funds from the sale or lease of property by the the authority to use the proceeds for indigent care in teh community.
SR 0546 EvaluatingBailey, Ms. Dottie; commend; Mental Health Alert Wristband; local law enforcement agencies to purchase and freely distribute; encourage William Ligon
6/25/2020 Senate - Senate Passed/Adopted -Health and Human Services -
Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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