2020/02/21 Report (51)
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Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0093 NeutralSolid Waste Management - Notification Requirements for Coal Ash Pond Dewatering Jeff Jones
6/20/2020 Senate - Senate Read Second Time Natural Resources and Environment Natural Resources and the Environment -
2019/01/31 Report 2019/03/01 Report 2020/02/21 Report Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment
Water Quality
The bill requires written notice be required to the local governing authority no later than three days prior to commencing the dewatering of coal combustion residual surface impoundments (coal ash ponds) has begun.

"Dewatering" is a task in the process of closing coal ash ponds.
HB 0378 SupportRental Car Excise Taxes - Collection by Marketplace Facilitators Hugh Williamson
3/10/2020 Senate Read and Referred Ways and Means Finance -
2019/02/22 Report 2019/03/01 Report 2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/13 Report Larry Ramsey
Revenue & Finance
This bill would require collection of the local-option 3% rental car excise tax by any entity/online platform (a "marketplace facilitator") that facilitates the rental/leaseof 5 or more vehicles.
HB 0448 SupportHotel/Motel Taxes - Collection by Online Facilitators Matt Dollar
3/13/2020 Senate Read and Referred Ways and Means Assignments -
2019/03/01 Report 2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/13 Report Hotel Motel Tax Larry Ramsey
Revenue & Finance
This bill would require "lodging facilitators" (for example, AirBnb and HomeAway) to collect and remit hotel/motel taxes if the facilitator's platform facilitates at least $100,000 annually in Georgia lodging sales.
HB 0715 NegotiatingOccupation Tax - Eliminate Gross Receipts Method and "$400 Club" Shaw Blackmon
2/26/2020 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Ways and Means --
2020/02/21 Report 2020/02/28 Report Business and Occupation Tax Larry Ramsey Revenue & Finance
This bill would eliminate the option of local governments to use a business's gross receipts as the basis for calculating occupation tax. The bill would also eliminate the provision that gives many professions the ability to play a flat $400 per professional instead of the normal occupation tax formula. These changes would not become effective until 2025.
HB 0757 OpposeElections - Add Special Election Primaries at County Expense Barry Fleming
2/19/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Governmental Affairs --
2020/01/17 Report 2020/01/31 2020/02/21 Report Elections General County Government
Todd Edwards
This bill statutorily authorizes the Georgia Secretary of State to designate filing dates/periods for those running in special elections to fill a vacated seat for federal and state office and local election superintendents to set the qualifying dates for those running for county office.  It also addresses the dates by which persons may register to vote in special elections.  Among other provisions in this bill, very concerning to ACCG is that it would now require "special primaries" for special elections to fill vacated state legislative seats.  This adds another election round that counties must fund in the special election process.  Additionally, it draws out the election, prolonging the filling of a legislative vacancy and leaving the county unrepresented longer at the General Assembly.  ACCG believes that if the state wants to add another round of elections, particularly for state legislative seats, then the state should pay for it.       
HB 0765 OpposeMagistrate Court Judges and Clerks Increase in Minimum Compensation Mitchell Scoggins
6/25/2020 Senate - Senate Passed/Adopted By Substitute Judiciary State and Local Governmental Operations -
2020/01/17 Report 2020/01/31 2020/02/21 Report 2020/02/28 Report Debra Nesbit
Magistrate Court Public Safety and Courts

This legislation rolls all existing COLA's up and provides for a 5% COLA effective January 1, 2021.  Note:  The amounts listed in bill include all existing COLA's already awarded since 2006 to update the code, the only "new" salary increase is 5% on top of all the COLA's.

HB 0777 NeutralState Building Code - Add "Mass Timber" as a Construction Material John Corbett
7/1/2020 Effective Date Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Agriculture and Consumer Affairs -
2020/01/31 2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/06 Report General County Government Todd Edwards
This bill amends the state minimum building standards code to authorize the use of "tall mass timber" as a construction material - provided the Department of Community Affairs approves this addition in their rule making process.    
HB 0779 SupportTitle Ad Valorem Tax - Change Local Distribution Formula Shaw Blackmon
6/29/2020 Effective Date Ways and Means Finance -
2020/01/17 Report 2020/02/21 Report 2020/02/28 Report 2020/03/13 Report Larry Ramsey
Property Tax Revenue & Finance
 For vehicles registered to an address within city limits, this bill would change the distribution of the local share of title ad valorem taxes (TAVT). The county and city shares would reverse from their current percentages: the county would receive 23% (currently 28%) and the city would receive 28% (currently 23%). The school system would continue to get 49%, unless the city has a municipal school system. In that case, the city would get 49%, the school system would get 28%, and the county would get 23%. The distribution of the local share of TAVT for vehicles registered to an unincorporated address would not change (51% county, 49% schools).
HB 0787 NeutralGuns - Honor All Other States' Weapons Carry Permits in Georgia Mandi Ballinger
2/25/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Public Safety and Homeland Security --
2020/01/31 2020/02/21 Report Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
Georgia currently has weapons carry permit reciprocity agreements with many states, meaning gun licenses from those other states will be honored here and Georgia permits will be honored in those states.  This bill states that anyone licensed to carry a weapon in "any" other state is authorized to carry in Georgia.  It also requires the Attorney General to enter into an agreement with any state that requires an agreement to give effect to this expanded reciprocity.    
HB 0792 NegotiatingSupplemental appropriations; State Fiscal Year July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020 David Ralston
3/17/2020 Effective Date Appropriations Appropriations -
2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/13 Report Appropriations Debra Nesbit
 This is annual supplemental amended budget for fiscal year 2020.  For a comphrehensive overview of budget items that may impact your county please click here. 
HB 0807 NeutralOccupation Tax - Financial Information for Businesses in Multiple Jurisdictions Martin Momtahan
6/23/2020 Senate - Senate Read Second Time Ways and Means Finance -
2020/01/31 2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/13 Report Business and Occupation Tax Larry Ramsey
Revenue & Finance
 For businesses that operate in more than one jurisdiction and that are subject to a gross-receipts occupation tax, this bill would allow the submission of an affidavit from a CPA, rather than tax returns, regarding the proper allocation of gross receipts to the operations within each jurisdiction. The bill would also specify that regulatory fees must be used for funding the regulatory operations rather than general county operations. As amended in the Senate, the bill would clarify that local governments are not required to create separate accounts for such regulatory fees.
HB 0808 NeutralTitle Ad Valorem Tax - Loaner Vehicles Martin Momtahan
1/1/2021 Effective Date Transportation Finance -
2020/01/31 2020/02/07 2020/02/21 Report 2020/06/19 Report Larry Ramsey
Property Tax Revenue & Finance
Under existing law, dealer "loaner vehicles" are exempt from TAVT for so long as they are used as loaners vehicles for customers. As amended in committee, this bill would extend to 45 days (from the current 30 days) the amount of time that such a vehicle can be loaned to one customer without such vehicle being subject to TAVT. 
HB 0846 SupportInterest on Taxes and Direct Sales Tax Pay Permits for Certain Industries John Corbett
6/30/2020 Effective Date Ways and Means Finance -
2020/01/31 2020/02/21 Report 2020/02/28 Report 2020/06/19 Report Larry Ramsey
Property Tax Revenue & Finance
This bill would lower the interest rate payable on tax refunds, as well as past-due taxes, to the prime rate (currently, prime rate plus 3%). The bill would further establish rules for direct pay permits for certain industries, allowing those companies to directly pay to the Dept. of Revenue sales taxes on their business purchases (rather than paying sales taxes to vendors who then remit those taxes). Finally, local governments would have the option of having any sales-tax refunds to such direct-pay permit holders deducted over the same period of time as the overpayments, thereby avoiding the budgetary impact of having such refunds deducted all at once (as is currently the case). No interest would run on such permit holders' overpayments until they actually submit a refund request (as opposed to running from the time of overpayment). This bill also makes provides a state income tax credit for manufacturers of personal protective equipment (PPE) and updates the state income tax code to track similar federal law changes.
HB 0897 SupportTimber Harvesting: Changes to County Ordinance & New Notification Website James Burchett
7/22/2020 Effective Date Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Agriculture and Consumer Affairs -
2020/02/07 2020/02/21 Report 2020/02/28 Report 2020/03/06 Report 2020/06/19 Report
Agriculture Econ. Dev. & Transportation Kathleen Bowen
This legislation establishes a framework for a statewide timber harvest notification webpage housed by the Georgia Forestry Commission, increases the fine for harvesters who fail to notify the county that they are operating, and increases the bond amount due by harvesters who have previously been found to cause damage to county roads/rights of way. In addition, the legislation narrows the scope of when the bond can be used and creates a timeline for when and how a county can utilize a bond.

For additional details, including background information, click here.  
HB 0901 SupportGEFA Loans for Land and Water Conservation Projects Mike Cheokas
8/3/2020 Effective Date Natural Resources and Environment Finance -
2020/02/07 2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/06 Report 2020/03/13 Report Kathleen Bowen
Nat. Res. & the Environment
This legislation allows the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) to award loans to local governments and nongovernment entities for projects that permanently protect land and water. 
HB 0911 NeutralCreates Offense of Improper Sexual Conduct by a Foster Parent Ed Setzler
1/1/2021 Effective Date Judiciary - Non-Civil Judiciary -
2020/02/21 Report 2020/02/28 Report 2020/03/13 Report Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts
This legislation creates felony offenses for improper sexual conduct by a foster parent in the first and second degrees and sets penalites for both.
HB 0915 EvaluatingIllegal Immigration - Georgia Anti-Sanctuary Act Philip Singleton
2/19/2020 House Second Readers Judiciary --
2020/02/21 Report General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation will hold local governments accountable for either encouraging illegal immigration into Georgia or for shielding these immigrants from personal responsibility.  It will void any and all local government "sanctuary policies", or those policies failing to comply and cooperate with federal detainer laws or federal agencies cracking down on illegal immigration.       
HB 0917 OpposeGuns - Counties Must Send Weapons License Holders a Renewal Notice James Burchett
2/20/2020 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
2020/02/21 Report Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
This bill requires probate judges, at county expense, to send a notice to weapons carry license holders to let them know when their license is about to expire.  The notice can be sent via mail or e-mail and must be sent no more than 90 days, but no fewer than 30 says, before the expiration date of a person's license.  While this may be a good idea for a county to consider, there will be additional costs, your licensing system may not have this capability, and failure to adhere to this mandate will likely subject the county to litigation.  Lastly, if this is such a good idea, state law should require that notices be sent to the public whenever a driver's licenses or any other state license/permit is about to expire.  ACCG asks you to please contact your probate judge and let us know if this requirement is feasible, and at what cost to the county.  We welcome any other input you may have.   
HB 0925 NeutralSales Tax Exemptions - Computer Equipment Terry Rogers
3/9/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Ways and Means --
2020/02/21 Report 2020/02/28 Report 2020/03/06 Report Larry Ramsey Revenue & Finance
Sales Tax-Local
This bill would update the list of communications/electronics industries for which purchases of computer equipment to be used in high-technology facilities would be exempt from sales taxes.
HB 0926 SupportSolid Waste & Hazardous Waste Trust Fund Fees Terry Rogers
3/5/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Natural Resources and Environment --
2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/06 Report Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment
This legislation halts the reduction in the fees assessed for the Hazardous Waste Trust Fund (HWTF) and the Solid Waste Trust Fund (SWTF), which were set to reduce on July 1, 2020. In addition, the sunset on the collection of the fees is extended until 2025. 

The HWTF and SWTF support efforts including clean-up of abandoned contaminated sites, leaking landfills, scrap tires and illegal dumps; in addition, funds go towards waste reduction and recycling programs. 
HB 0927 NeutralReporting Requirement For Any Spill or Release of Ethylene Oxide Don Parsons
3/13/2020 Senate Read and Referred Natural Resources and Environment Assignments -
2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/06 Report 2020/03/13 Report Air Quality Kathleen Bowen
Nat. Res. & the Environment
This legislation requires any spill or release of ethylene oxide (regardless of the amount) be reported to the Georgia Environmental Protection (EPD) within 24 hours of discovering the release. This information must also be placed on EPD's website. Similar legislation has been introduced in the Senate, SB 426
HB 0929 NeutralCoal Ash Pond Regulations Vance Smith
6/17/2020 Senate - Senate Withdrawn & Recommitted Natural Resources and Environment Natural Resources and the Environment -
2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/06 Report 2020/03/13 Report Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment
Solid Waste
This legislation codifies state and federal rules regulating coal combustion residual surface impoundments (coal ash ponds). Post-closure care will take place for a minimum of 30 years that will include ground-water monitoring. In addition, EPD would be required to conduct an inspection of the coal ash pond at least annually during the closure period and at least once every five years following the completion of the closure.
HB 0937 OpposeDesign Standards - Another Shot at State Preemption Vance Smith
2/26/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported Agriculture and Consumer Affairs --
2020/02/21 Report 2020/02/28 Report General County Government Todd Edwards

This preemption legislation, following on the heels of HB 302 and SB 172, prohibits cities and counties from regulating any building material, product or construction practice for single-family homes if these are approved in the state minimum standard codes - unless permission is granted from an advisory committee at DCA through a lengthy building code amendment process. Residential building design standards for aesthetic purposes would not be allowed (even with the DCA committee's permission) since the only local building code amendments allowed under state law must be based solely on local climatic, geologic, topographic, or public safety factors.  ACCG opposes state preemption of local land use decisions, to include design standards, believing these decisions are best made at the local level by county commissioners elected by, and accountable to, the communities they serve.

To view ACCG and GMA's talking points on HB 937, please click here.    

HB 0938 EvaluatingPermit Requirements for Facilities that Emit Ethylene Oxide Erick Allen
2/20/2020 House Second Readers Natural Resources and Environment --
2020/02/21 Report Air Quality Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment
This legislation establishes conditions for permits for facilities that emit ethylene oxide that includes providing proof to EPD that equipment has been installed that can detect and monitor ethylene oxide emissions from each exhaust point at the facility. In addition, the facility would be required to continuously monitor direct emissions of ethylene oxide and retain records of the daily release of ethylene oxide from each exhaust point. Such reports would be required to be submitted to EPD twice a year. Lastly, each facility would be required to create an ambient air monitoring plan that would include a quarterly air sampling with the results submitted to the local government where facility is located.
HB 0941 NeutralAttorney General Granted Statewide Authority to Investigate and Prosecute Crimes Chuck Efstration
2/28/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Judiciary - Non-Civil --
2020/02/21 Report 2020/02/28 Report Debra Nesbit Public Safety and Courts
This legislation gives the Attorney General statewide law enforcement and prosecutorial authority with the ability to hire certified law enforcement personnel with investigative powers.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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