Legislation Assigned to the Senate Appropriations Committee (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0030 SupportAmended State Fiscal Year 2019 Budget David Ralston
3/12/2019 Effective Date Appropriations Appropriations -
2019/01/25 Report 2019/02/08 Report 2019/02/22 Report Debra Nesbit
 The Amended Fiscal Year 2019 budget recognizes $435.7 million in additional revenue for a 1.6% increase over the FY 2019 budget passed during the 2018 Special Session. This brings the total appropriation for Amended FY 2019 to $26.9 billion. Please click here for the overview of the Amended 2019 Budget.
HB 0031 SupportState Fiscal Year 2020 Budget David Ralston
5/10/2019 Effective Date Appropriations Appropriations -
2019/01/25 Report 2019/03/01 Report 2019/03/15 Report 2019/03/22 Report 2019/03/29 Report
Debra Nesbit
House Bill 31, the Fiscal Year 2020 budget, is set by a revenue estimate of $27.5 billion, an increase of $1 billion or 3.95% over the FY 2019 original budget. All education agencies receive 55% of available funds, followed by 22% budgeted for health and human services agencies, 8% for public safety activities and the remaining 15% for economic development and general government agencies.  Please click here for an overview of the 2020 Budget.
HB 0792 NegotiatingSupplemental appropriations; State Fiscal Year July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020 David Ralston
3/17/2020 Effective Date Appropriations Appropriations -
2020/02/21 Report 2020/03/13 Report Appropriations Debra Nesbit
 This is annual supplemental amended budget for fiscal year 2020.  For a comphrehensive overview of budget items that may impact your county please click here. 
HB 0793 NeutralGeneral appropriations; State Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021 David Ralston
6/30/2020 Effective Date Appropriations Appropriations -
2020/06/19 Report Appropriations Debra Nesbit
 This legislation is for the big budget for fiscal year 2021.  For a comphrehensive overview of budget items that may impact your county please click here.  
HR 0164 SupportDedication of Trust Funds (Constitutional Amendment) Jay Powell
8/5/2020 Effective Date Ways and Means Appropriations -
2019/02/08 Report 2019/02/15 Report 2019/02/22 Report 2019/03/22 Report 2019/03/29 Report
2020/03/06 Report 2020/03/13 Report Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment Revenue & Finance
This proposed constitutional amendment authorizes the General Assembly to establish, by statute, true and dedicated trust funds whereby fees collected for a specific purpose must go to that purpose rather than be redirected to the state's General fund. 

ACCG has advocated for the General Assembly to dedicate the Hazardous Waste Trust Fund (HWTF) and Solid Waste Trust Fund (SWTF) for more than 10 years.  Click here for additional details, including the history of the HWTF and SWTF and the ballot language that will included in the November 2020 election. 
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

Copyright @1996-2015 Association County Commissioners of Georgia