Firearms/Carry Laws (22)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0002 EvaluatingGeorgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2019; enact Matt Gurtler
2/6/2019 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
2019/01/31 Report Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
HB 0058 WatchProhibit those Convicted of a Misdemeanor Family Violence Offense from Possessing a Firearm Rhonda Burnough
1/30/2019 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws
This legislation prohibits those persons convicted of a misdemeanor offense of family violence from receiving, possessing, or transporting firearms.
HB 0074 WatchRide Share Drivers No Restrictions on Weapons Carry Scot Turner
1/30/2019 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
2019/01/31 Report Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws Public Safety and Courts
This legislation prohibits ride share network services and transportation referral services from disallowing drivers who are weapons carry license holders from possessing weapons in a vehicle used for ride share purposes, whether directly employed by ride share service or a contractor.
HB 0122 WatchGuns - Remove Exemptions for Carrying in School Safety Zones Robert Trammell
2/7/2019 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
Firearms/Carry Laws Intern 1 Todd Edwards
This legislation removes recently-enacted exemptions for carrying a weapon in school safety zones.  
HB 0137 EvaluatingPersons Convicted of Family Violence Offenses Prohibited from Possessing or Carrying Firearms Debra Bazemore
2/7/2019 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws
This legislation prohibits anyone convicted of a offense family from possessing or carrying a firearm.
HB 0289 EvaluatingGeorgia Firearms and Weapons Act; enact Mary Oliver
2/15/2019 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws Public Safety and Courts
HB 0361 EvaluatingCrimes and offenses; training requirement for certain persons making application for a weapons carry license or renewal license; provide Pedro Marin
2/21/2019 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws Public Safety and Courts
HB 0751 NeutralGuns - Make Georgia an Anti-Red Flag State Ken Pullin
1/15/2020 House Second Readers Judiciary --
Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation directs the State of Georgia to ignore any federal statute, rule or executive order; federal or state judicial order; or judicial findings that would prohibit someone from having a firearm, or from confiscating their firearm, without due process.  Furthermore, local governments will be prohibited from accepting any federal grants to implement any federal statutes or rules that would prohibit firearm ownership or would confiscate a firearm and will charge anyone, including law enforcement officers, who violate these provisions with a felony.         
HB 0787 NeutralGuns - Honor All Other States' Weapons Carry Permits in Georgia Mandi Ballinger
2/25/2020 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Public Safety and Homeland Security --
2020/01/31 2020/02/21 Report Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
Georgia currently has weapons carry permit reciprocity agreements with many states, meaning gun licenses from those other states will be honored here and Georgia permits will be honored in those states.  This bill states that anyone licensed to carry a weapon in "any" other state is authorized to carry in Georgia.  It also requires the Attorney General to enter into an agreement with any state that requires an agreement to give effect to this expanded reciprocity.    
HB 0917 OpposeGuns - Counties Must Send Weapons License Holders a Renewal Notice James Burchett
2/20/2020 House Second Readers Public Safety and Homeland Security --
2020/02/21 Report Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
This bill requires probate judges, at county expense, to send a notice to weapons carry license holders to let them know when their license is about to expire.  The notice can be sent via mail or e-mail and must be sent no more than 90 days, but no fewer than 30 says, before the expiration date of a person's license.  While this may be a good idea for a county to consider, there will be additional costs, your licensing system may not have this capability, and failure to adhere to this mandate will likely subject the county to litigation.  Lastly, if this is such a good idea, state law should require that notices be sent to the public whenever a driver's licenses or any other state license/permit is about to expire.  ACCG asks you to please contact your probate judge and let us know if this requirement is feasible, and at what cost to the county.  We welcome any other input you may have.   
SB 0033 SupportGuns - Prohibit in Government Buildings Emanuel Jones
1/30/2019 Senate Read and Referred -Public Safety -
Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation prohibits the carrying guns/weapons in government buildings. 
SB 0034 NeutralGuns - Prohibit Those with Certain Disabilities from Obtaining License Emanuel Jones
1/30/2019 Senate Read and Referred -Judiciary -
Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
This bill prohibits those diagnosed with mental disabilities, within 10 years preceding their applications, from obtaining weapons carry licenses.  An exception is made if the individual submits a sworn statement from a psychologist or psychiatrist that the applicant is mentally competent.  This also applies to the transfer or sale of a firearm.     
SB 0039 EvaluatingDisposition of Seized Firearms Lester Jackson
1/30/2019 Senate Read and Referred -Public Safety -
2019/01/31 Report Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts
This legislation amends the process for disposition of seized firearms, and clarifies the requirements for municipal corporations.  The bill also prohibits the sale of any seized firearm that law enforcement deems unsafe, and sets forth method for the firearm to be destroyed by the GBI.
SB 0078 NeutralGuns - Training Required Prior to Obtaining a Weapons Carry License Emanuel Jones
2/8/2019 Senate Read and Referred -Public Safety -
Firearms/Carry Laws Todd Edwards
This legislation requires an individual to complete training before obtaining a Georgia weapons carry license.  Effective December 31, 2019, the training must have been completed at least three years prior to applying for the license.  The "handgun education program" is to be conducted by the Georgia Department of Public Safety.  Those having obtained a license prior to Dec. 31, 2019, are not required to undergo the training.      
SB 0084 NegotiatingGuns - Counties Must Provide Free Renewal Licenses Gregory Kirk
2/11/2019 Senate Read and Referred -Public Safety -
2019/02/15 Report Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
This bill provides that counties cannot charge the $30 fee from applicants renewing their Georgia Weapons Carry Permit.  The county still has to produce the renewal license to meet state-mandated specifications; however, other taxpayers must bear the cost of its production.  ACCG has no issues if the state wishes to take over and fund this service from counties, and then charge however much or little as the state deems appropriate.               
SB 0105 Evaluating'Georgia Firearms and Weapons Act'; enact Jennifer Jordan
2/14/2019 Senate Read and Referred -Public Safety -
2019/02/15 Report Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws Public Safety and Courts
This legislation outlaws bump fire stocks on guns, and provides for criminal penalities.
SB 0224 NegotiatingAllow Weapons in Judicial Courts by Carry License Holders Tyler Harper
3/4/2020 Senate Read Second Time -Judiciary -
2020/03/06 Report Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws Public Safety and Courts
This legislation amends the statute related to carrying weapons in unauthorized locations to allow permit holders to carry in judicial buildings when they are not occupied by court officers or when court is not being held.  The bill also sets forth procedures for weapons disposal by municipal corporations.
SB 0281 NeutralGuns - Restrict Automatic and Semi-automatic Guns and Large Capacity Ammo Clips Donzella James
1/15/2020 Senate Read and Referred -Judiciary -
Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
This bill prohibits persons from having in their possession automatic or semi-automatic guns or large capacity magazines unless they are registered with the federal government.  
SB 0305 NeutralGuns - Must be Licensed to Purchase Ammo for Assault Weapons Valencia Seay
1/27/2020 Senate Read and Referred -Judiciary -
Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation requires persons who purchase or receive transfer of assault weapons ammunition to register with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and be licensed.  It then sets out the licensing procedure.    
SB 0314 EvaluatingDisposition of Property Seized; law enforcement agencies; option to destroy or sell certain firearms; provide Lester Jackson
1/28/2020 Senate Read and Referred -Public Safety -
Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws Public Safety and Courts
SB 0357 EvaluatingAllow Firearms in Places of Worship and in Schools Operated by Such Places of Worship Bill Heath
3/2/2020 Senate Read Second Time -Judiciary -
Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws Public Safety and Courts
This legislation allows places of worship who operate schools to allow firearms on their premises.
SB 0378 EvaluatingBrady Law Regulations; certain persons secure a license in order to manufacture a firearm in this state; require Lester Jackson
2/18/2020 Senate Read and Referred -Judiciary -
Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Todd Edwards
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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