Legislation Sponsored by Henderson (2)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 4/26/2024

H 4675 Clarifies the ban on video gaming machines05.08.12 The Senate Judiciary committe gave this bill a favorable report with an amendment. The amendment only makes technical changes.Summary of the bill as introduced: Clarifies that existing regulations on bingo and raffles do not allow any devices prohibited under the state's current video gambling ban.
Sponsor: Henderson House Com: Senate Com:
Status: Scrivener's error corrected Status Date: 5/11/2012
Keywords: General Governance
Of Interest
H 4739 Requires a specific number of lifeguards in a public swimming pool03.20.12 The House Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs committee gave this bill a favorable report.03.08.12 The House Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Social Services, Mental Health and Children's Affairs subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report with amendments. The amendments include Type A pools only and changes the effective date from July 1 to upon signature of the governor.Summary of the bill as introduced: Specifies the number of lifeguards, based on the square footage and number of patrons a public swimming pool, operated by the state or a political subdivision must have as a condition of obtaining and maintaining an operating permit.
Sponsor: Henderson House Com: Senate Com:
Status: Referred to Committee on Medical Affairs Status Date: 4/3/2012
Keywords: Public Safety
Of Interest

Municipal Association of South Carolina
1411 Gervais St., PO Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211
Phone: 803.799.9574, Fax: 803.933.1299, mail@masc.sc