Richard (Richard) Brown (D-027)

State Representative Richard Brown

Richard (Richard) Brown (D-027)
Email - Web Site

Capitol: 573.751.7639
FAX: 573.522.2301
District: 816.233.9201
Room 134 State Capitol 201 West Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City, MO 65101
201 West Capitol Avenue
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Residence:Kansas City, MO

Committee Assignments


My story starts at the end of World War II when my dad was stationed in Japan as part of the U.S. Army Occupational Forces. That's where he met my mother, and they were married. A few years later my sister was born, and I was born in the latter part of my dad's military career at Ft. Riley, KS. We were last stationed in Kansas City where we made our home and has been my home for the past 60 years. My family wasn't your typical family as I have a Black father and a Japanese mother and have lived in two of Kansas City's historic Black neighborhoods. I attended Catholic and Public Schools growing up and graduated from Southeast High School. I earned a BS and MA from the University of Central Missouri and recently earned a second master's degree through Webster University. After a 24-year teaching career, I retired from Kansas City Public Schools. As a teacher, I know firsthand the challenges that children face each day outside the school building. As the homicide rate grows, school-age children are counted in those statistics. During my teaching career, I lost too many students who were in my direct care to gun violence. I was a divorced dad, and I had a daughter that I learned so much from. Aja had cerebral palsy from birth. I was her advocate and went through the daily tasks that come with being the caretaker for a disabled child. This includes the day-to-day care, but also getting the appropriate medical care and educational programs that special needs children require. It includes contacting agencies and government departments to get the help your child needs. I've experienced that. Despite doing everything a parent could do to meet the needs of my child, Aja passed away unexpectedly at the age of 15. I was raised Roman Catholic and attended the same parish for 40 years. I met a wonderful Baptist woman, got married and as a couple, we chose to attend her church. I have been a member of my current church for 20 years. My wife was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer shortly after our second wedding anniversary. She was given a 5-year survivability rate by her doctors. I became an advocate for my wife's health care. We had to navigate the system with healthcare providers and insurance companies in order to get the best possible care for my wife. After her 12 year bout, Regina passed away in 2018. I faced the challenges of what happens when a worker gets sick. I've experienced firsthand how families are impacted when a family member becomes sick, disabled, or dies and income is affected. Life aint easy and sometimes it throws hiccups at you. These personal trials that I weathered in my personal life, prepared me to be the state representative for Missouri House District 27. I have the same concerns that you, my neighbors have. I fought to improve Missouri's health care system, passed legislation to help Missouri families keep more money, worked to keep people safe, and stood up to protect the personal freedoms of all Missourians. Missouri is the Show Me state. Let me show you! I am Richard Brown, and I am running to be your Missouri Lieutenant Governor.

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2016    Next Election: 2024
Spouse: Regina   
Counties Representing