Dina (Dina) Neal (D-04)

State Senator Dina Neal

Dina (Dina) Neal (D-04)
Email - Web Site - Twitter

Capitol: 775.684.1429
FAX: 702.399.2114
District: 702.738.5870
Room 2121 Legislative Building 401 South Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701-4747
3217 Brautigan Court
North Las Vegas, NV 89032-6030
Residence:North Las Vegas, NV

Committee Assignments


Legislative Service Nevada Senate, 2020-Present (first elected November 2020) Nevada Assembly, 2011-2019 (first elected November 2010)-five regular and four special sessions 2019 SESSION COMMITTEES- Taxation (Chair); Commerce and Labor; Ways and Means, Public Safety, Natural Resources and Transportation (Vice Chair) 2017 SESSION COMMITTEES- Taxation (Chair); Government Affairs (Vice Chair); Commerce and Labor 2015 SESSION COMMITTEES- Commerce and Labor; Government Affairs; Taxation 2013 SESSION COMMITTEES- Government Affairs (Vice Chair); Education; Taxation 2011 SESSION COMMITTEES- Education; Government Affairs; Taxation; Transportation 2019-2020 INTERIM COMMITTEE- Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools; Interim Finance Committee; Southern Nevada Enterprise Community Board 2017-2018 INTERIM COMMITTEES- Advisory Committee to Monitor Implementation of the Reorganization of Large School Districts; Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools; Committee to Conduct an Interim Study Concerning the Advisability and Feasibility of Treating Certain Traffic and Related Violations as Civil Infractions Legislative Commission, Alternate member, 2015-2016 Other Public Service Adult Literacy Program, Volunteer Clark County Community Development Block Grant Board, Vice Chair Education Commission of the States, Commissioner 2011-2012; Policy Advocate 2013-2014 Southern Economic Enterprise Board, Community Board Member, 2007-2009 Southern Nevada Health District, Teen Pregnancy Committee, 2011-current Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board, Inc., Executive Committee, Director Other Achievements Project Save, Grant writer Ninth Circuit Court, Extern, 2001 Affiliations National Bar Association, Member Committee Member, Task Force on State and Local Taxation, National Conference of State Legislatures, 2018-2020 Member, Board of Directors, Parliamentarian for Nobel Women, National Organization of Black Elected Women, 2017-2019 National Black Caucus of State Legislators, Region 12 Chair, 2016-2020 Committee Member, Labor and Workforce Committee, National Conference of State Legislatures, 2015-2020 National Black Caucus of State Legislators, Committee on Labor and Workforce Development,Vice Chair, 2014-2018 Southern Nevada Enterprise Community Board, Committee Chair, 2013-2017 Finance and Economic Development Committee, CSG-West, 2011-2015 Clark County Democrats Recruitment Committee, Member, 2009 Presidential Caucus, Precinct 4017, Caucus Chair, 2008 Urban Chamber of Commerce, Member, 2005-2007 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Education Chaparral High School, Las Vegas Southern University and A&M College, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Bachelor of Arts, Political Science Southern University Law Center, Juris Doctorate Professional Adjunct Professor, Nevada State College and College of Southern Nevada Personal Occupation- Adjunct Professor Recreation- Research, Writing and Reading Born- Las Vegas, NV Children- Alexandra and Tuwaski

Election / Personal Info

First Elected: 2020    Next Election: 2028
Counties Representing