Legislation Assigned to the House A&CA Committee (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 4/25/2024

HB 0145 OpposeCounty Purchasing Mandate - Georgia Made Beverly, James 143rd
2/2/2015 House Second Readers A&CA --
General County Government Procurement Todd Edwards
This legislation would require the county to consider an employment impact statement whenever any purchase is made through competitive bid.  The economic impact statement that all vendors and contractors would be required to provide includes: (1) the number of jobs expected to be created or retained in Georgia if the bid is awarded to the contractor; (2)  the number of jobs expected to be created or retained by the use of subcontractors if the vendor or contractor is awarded the bid; and (3) a guarantee from the contractor or vendor that the jobs created or retained in Georgia would not be moved out of state during the duration of the contract.
HB 0397 NeutralMove Soil and Water Conservation Commission to Dept. of Agriculture Knight, David 130th
4/8/2015 House Date Signed by Governor A&CA AG&CA -
Nat. Res. & the Environment Todd Edwards Water Quality

This legislation moves the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission under the Department of Agriculture for administration purposes. While the Governor still appoints members of said commission, members no longer have to be Conservation District Supervisors.

HB 0579 OpposeATV/Golf Carts and Other Vehicles Used for Farming on County Roads McCall, Tom 33rd
7/1/2016 Effective Date A&CA AG&CA -
Clint Mueller Econ. Dev. & Transportation Farm Nat. Res. & the Environment Traffic Enforcement
Farm ATVs on Pulic Roads

This legislation allows farmers who are 16 years of age or older to drive all terrain vehicles and personal transportation vehicles (i.e., motorized vehicles with three or more wheels that can travel up to 20 miles per hour) on public roads to transport agricultural products, livestock, farm machinery or supplies to or from a farm. They may also be used on public roads to transport farmers who are 16 years old or older from their residence to the farm where they work. Cities may prohibit or limit the use of such vehicles on public roads within the city if it is determined that the use of the vehicles endangers the safety of the traveling public, however counties do not have the ability to limit use in unincorporated areas. 

SB 0139 NeutralState Preemption - No Local Regulations on Food/Beverage Containers Harper, Tyler 7th
3/27/2015 House Third Reading Lost A&CA AG&CA -
General County Government Nat. Res. & the Environment Solid Waste Todd Edwards

This legislation prohibits cities and counties from enacting any regulation on the use, disposition, sale, prohibition, restriction, fee imposition or taxation whatsoever on "auxiliary containers". These containers include plastic grocery bags, Styrofoam cups, glass or plastic bottles and boxes, made out of any materials, that transport food and beverages. While concerned with the overall preemption, ACCG is working to ensure that local drop-off, curbside and commercial recycling programs, as well as government properties, are exempted from the bill. 

SB 0148 NeutralOffice of Consumer Affairs - Move from Governor's to AG's Office Kennedy, John 18th
7/1/2015 Effective Date A&CA AG&CA -
Clerk of Court Elections Emergency Management/Preparedness Ethics Franchise Fees
General County Government Georgia Bureau of Investigation Health and Human Services Insurance Insurance
Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance Telecommunications Todd Edwards

 This legislation transfers authority under the Fair Business Practices Act of 1975 from the Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs to the Attorney General. 

Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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