Appropriations (10)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 4/25/2024

HB 0014 OpposeState Approval Before Local Governments Can Receive Federal Funds Turner, Scot 21st
1/26/2015 House Second Readers App --
Appropriations Clint Mueller Revenue & Finance
This legislation prohibits any local government or authority from accepting any federal funds unless the acceptance has been approved by an Act of the General Assembly. Until such approval is granted, the federal funds are required to be deposited in the state treasury. If no approval is given, the funds are to be returned to the federal government.
HB 0075 NeutralFiscal Year 2015 Amended Budget Ralston, David 7th
2/19/2015 House Date Signed by Governor App APPROP -
Appropriations Debra Nesbit Econ. Dev. & Transportation General County Government Health and Human Services
Insurance Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance
This legislation amends the state's current budget ending on June 30, 2015. For additional details, please see the overview and breakdown of the budget items here.
HB 0076 NeutralState Fiscal Year 2016, the "Big Budget" Ralston, David 7th
5/11/2015 House Date Signed by Governor App APPROP -
Appropriations Debra Nesbit Econ. Dev. & Transportation General County Government Health and Human Services
Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance
This legislation is the state's budget for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2015 and ending on June 30, 2016.  For additional details, please see the overview and breakdown of the budget items here.
HB 0750 SupportFY 2016 Amended Budget Ralston, David 7th
2/17/2016 House Date Signed by Governor App APPROP -
Appropriations Debra Nesbit Econ. Dev. & Transportation General County Government Health and Human Services
Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance

This legislation is the state's supplemental budget for July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Click here to see full summary.

HB 0751 SupportFY 2017 Annual Budget Ralston, David 7th
5/2/2016 House Date Signed by Governor App APPROP -
Appropriations Debra Nesbit Econ. Dev. & Transportation General County Government Health and Human Services
Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance

This legislation is the state's budget for July 1, 2016 until June 30, 2017. Click here to view full summary.

HB 0823 EvaluatingExpand Medicaid Now Act Abrams, Stacey 89th
1/26/2016 House Second Readers App --
Appropriations Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services

This legislation would require the necessary state appropriation to expand medicaid and requires that it be 138% of the federal poverty level.

SB 0046 NegotiatingMandatory Audio/Video Recording Devices for all Law Enforcement Fort, Vincent 39th
1/26/2015 Senate Read and Referred -PUB SAF -
Appropriations Debra Nesbit General County Government Law Enforcement Open Records/Meetings Act
Public Safety and Courts

This legislation requires law enforcement officers that respond to emerency calls or perform traffic stops to wear audio and video recording devices while they are on duty. Only the portions of recordings involving an encounter (i.e., a stop, detention or investigation of another person) are public records subject to disclosure.  Recordings must be maintained for 90 days except that recordings involving an arrest, detention, use of force or for which a complaint has been lodged must be maintained for three years.

Counties that fail to implement the recording devices by January 1, 2017, are subject to losing state funding and state administrated federal funding. The legislation provides for grant funding to help small and underfunded law enforcement agencies to comply with this law.

SB 0269 NeutralImmigration Sanctuaries - Locals Must Certify Non-Sanctuary Compliance to get State Funds Stone, Jesse 23rd
7/1/2016 Effective Date Judy SLGO -
Appropriations Econ. Dev. & Transportation General County Government Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts
Todd Edwards Transportation Funding
Under this legislation, cities and counties must "certify" that they are in compliance with Georgia's immigration sanctuary law before receiving any state funds. To certify, cities and counties must sign and submit a certificate of non-sanctuary compliance along with their annual immigration compliance report to the Department of Audits.  
SR 0525 EvaluatingGeorgia General Assembly; recognize the vital importance safe and efficient transportation plays in Georgia's economic/quality of life standards Albers, John 56th
3/19/2015 Senate Read and Referred -TRANS -
Appropriations Clint Mueller Econ. Dev. & Transportation Revenue & Finance Transportation Funding

 This joint resolution of the General Assembly makes several provisions regarding transportation funding including:

1) the 4th penny of state sales and use tax will be dedicated to transportation;

2) bond money will include annually $300 million for transportation funding:

3) 25 percent of increased revenues will be dedicated to transportation;

4) DOT is required to rank and prioritize all pending projects according to safety, critical infrastructure repair, and traffic relief.

The ultimate effect of this resolution depends on how it is passed.  If it is simply read once and adopted in each chamber, it will merely express the desire of the General Assembly. If it is read three times and adopted with the formalities of a general bill, it will have the force and effect of law. In that event, items 1, 2, and 3 above will still be aspirational only as the General Assembly can only bind itself by constitutional amendment. Item 4 will have the effect of a general law however and be binding on DOT.

SR 0527 EvaluatingPublic Roads and Bridges; 10 percent of revenue; providing and maintaining an adequate system -CA Hill, Judson 32nd
3/19/2015 Senate Read and Referred -APPROP -
Appropriations Clint Mueller Econ. Dev. & Transportation Revenue & Finance Transportation Funding
 This proposed constitutional amendment provides that an amount equal to 10 percent of the increase in the amount of the total treasury receipts from existing revenue sources anticipated to be collected in the current fiscal year above the amount collected in the previous fiscal year shall be appropriated to public road and bridge purposes and for grants to counties and cities for road purposes.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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