Legislation Sponsored by Tyler Harper (9)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

SB 0065 NeutralTitle Ad Valorem Tax - Used Car Valuation and Lowering of Tax Rate Tyler Harper
1/1/2020 Effective Date Ways and Means Finance -
2019/02/08 Report 2019/02/22 Report 2019/03/01 Report 2019/03/08 Report 2019/03/15 Report
2019/03/22 Report 2019/03/29 Report Larry Ramsey Property Tax Revenue & Finance
This bill lowers the title ad valorem tax (TAVT) rate from 7% to 6.6% from until July 2023, at which the rate would return to 7%. The bill also revises the methodology for calculating TAVT for used cars sold by dealers, with the TAVT to be calculated on the retail sales price (rather than the current lower "book value", which is an average of retail value and wholesale value). This bill provides that the transfer of a motor vehicle between businesses that are at least 50%-owned by the same person would be exempt from paying title ad valorem tax on that transaction, provided that one of such businesses has previously paid TAVT on that vehicle. 
SB 0072 NeutralOmnibus Hunting Bill (Air Guns, Feral Hogs & Hunting Seasons) Tyler Harper
7/1/2019 Effective Date Game, Fish, and Parks Natural Resources and the Environment -
Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment
This bill legalizes air gun hunting for big game during certain seasons, grants the Georgia Department of Natural Resources the authority to make decisions on hunting seasons and cleans up language regarding baiting of feral hogs.
SB 0153 NeutralRegistration and Regulation of Companies Providing Trauma Scene Cleanup Services Tyler Harper
5/10/2019 Veto V13 Regulated Industries Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2019/03/01 Report 2019/03/08 Report 2019/03/15 Report 2019/03/29 Report Debra Nesbit
Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts
SB 153 regulates for-hire trauma scene cleanup companies through a registration process. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) is directed to oversee the registration process, promulgate rules and regulations, provide the proper forms, and maintain a current list of all registered trauma scene waste management practitioners on the GBI website. A trauma scene waste management practitioner must apply with the GBI and: pay a $100 registration fee; submit to a fingerprint-based criminal background check conducted by the Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); submit a surety bond in the amount of $25,000; and provide proof of insurance coverage in the amount of at least $100,000. The registration is valid for three years and may be renewed every three years thereafter with a $100 renewal fee and completed application. It is unlawful to perform or engage in the cleanup of a trauma scene unless properly registered with the GBI. Moreover, trauma scene waste management practitioners must provide a good faith estimate of expected cost of services to clients. 
SB 0224 NegotiatingAllow Weapons in Judicial Courts by Carry License Holders Tyler Harper
3/4/2020 Senate Read Second Time -Judiciary -
2020/03/06 Report Debra Nesbit Firearms/Carry Laws Public Safety and Courts
This legislation amends the statute related to carrying weapons in unauthorized locations to allow permit holders to carry in judicial buildings when they are not occupied by court officers or when court is not being held.  The bill also sets forth procedures for weapons disposal by municipal corporations.
SB 0234 NeutralJudge of Probate Court; shall also serve as chief magistrate judge of the Magistrate Court of Atkinson County on and after January 1, 2021; provide Tyler Harper
5/6/2019 Effective Date Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Intern 1 Local Legislation
SB 0425 NeutralOcilla-Irwin County Industrial Development Authority; membership; change Tyler Harper
6/23/2020 Senate - Senate Recommitted -State and Local Governmental Operations -
Local Legislation
SB 0450 NeutralOcilla-Irwin County Industrial Development Authority; membership; change Tyler Harper
6/29/2020 Effective Date Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Local Legislation
SB 0474 NeutralGA DNR Can Operate GA Welcome Centers Tyler Harper
7/1/2020 Effective Date Natural Resources and Environment Natural Resources and the Environment -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation General County Government Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment
This legislation would allow the Department of Natural Resources to construct, operate, maintain and sell items at Georgia welcome centers. Currently it is the responsibility of the Department of Economic Development in concurrence of the Department of Transportation.
SR 0885 SupportConstitutional Amendment: Allowing State to Bond Airport Projects Tyler Harper
6/15/2020 House Second Readers Appropriations Transportation -
2020/03/06 Report 2020/03/13 Report Airports Financing General County Government
Kathleen Bowen Revenue & Finance
This proposed constitutional amendment would allow the state to incur general obligation debt in order to make loans or grants to local governments and local authorities that own airports for the acquisition, construction, development, extension, enlargement, or improvement of airports.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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