Legislation Assigned to the House B&FAO Committee (3)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0567 MonitorAudits and Accounts, Department of; report federal funds received by certain state agencies; require Clark, Josh 98th
3/12/2013 House - House Second Readers B&FAO --
Finance - Funding
SB 0288 MonitorEducation; provide no high school which receives funding under the "Quality Basic Education Act"; shall participate in/or sponsor interscholastic sport events conducted by any athletic association Charlie Bethel
7/1/2014 Effective Date B&FAO ED&Y -
Miscellaneous Student Matters
Would include GHSA.
SB 0343 HotThis one aimed at GHSA Jeff Mullis
3/18/2014 House Postponed B&FAO ED&Y -
Finance - Funding
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Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.