Governance (9)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0098 WatchPubic Hearings by teleconference in emergency conditions Eddie Lumsden
5/4/2021 Effective Date 2021-05-04 Governmental Affairs Science and Technology -
meetings guidance
HB 0531 MonitorSuperintendent Election (not) Barry Fleming
1/10/2022 Senate - Senate Recommitted Special Committee on Election Integrity Ethics -
Finance - Funding Governance
accept private funding
HR 0496 WatchElect local superintendents Kasey Carpenter
3/31/2021 House - House Second Readers Education --
HR 0630 WorkJoint Study Committee for Consolidation of County Governments and School Systems; create Darlene Taylor
2/10/2022 House - House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Governmental Affairs --
Accountability Finance - Funding Finance - Taxation Governance
SB 0153 HotReduces funding to certain charter schools that serve local public schools Greg Dolezal
5/4/2021 Effective Date 2021-07-01 Education Education and Youth -
Accountability Finance - Funding Governance
SB 0328 MonitorGHSA - change Jeff Mullis
3/9/2022 Senate - Senate Read Second Time -Education and Youth -
Governance Student Matters
SB 0345 WatchProhibits vaccine mandates Jeff Mullis
5/3/2022 Effective Date 2022-07-01 Health and Human Services Health and Human Services -
Accountability Governance Student Matters
SB 0498 WorkAccreditaation Lindsey Tippins
4/1/2022 House - House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Education Education and Youth -
Accountability Governance Student Matters
SB 0588 WorkDisruptive open meetings Butch Miller
4/28/2022 Effective Date 2022-07-01 Education Education and Youth -
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.