Water Quantity (14)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0168 NeutralUpper Oconee Basin Water Authority; abolish Upper Oconee Resource Management Commission Regina Quick
7/1/2017 Effective Date Natural Resources & Environment State and Local Governmental Operations -
Local Legislation Nat. Res. & the Environment Water Quantity
HB 0171 InactiveMeriwether County Water and Sewerage Authority; members and chairperson; change designation Robert Trammell
5/1/2017 Effective Date Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Local Legislation Nat. Res. & the Environment Sewer/Septage Water Quality Water Quantity
HB 0205 SupportFracking Regulations John Meadows
5/8/2018 Effective Date Energy, Utilities & Telecommunications Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2017/02/03-Report 2017/02/24 - Report 2017/03/06 - Report 2017/03/17 - Report 2017/03/24 - Report
2018/02/02 Report 2018/03/09 Report Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment Revenue & Finance
Sales Tax-Local Water Quality Water Quantity

This legislation amends the Oil and Gas Deep Drilling Act of 1975. It requires the creation of regulations governing hydraulic fracturing. Counties and cities have the ability to adopt local zoning or land use ordinances limiting the location or timing of fracking activities to protect natural resources, human life and human welfare. A three percent severance tax will be required from the sale price of the gas and oil obtained. Counties, where the fracking occurs, can enact local ordinances or resolutions to levy its own severance tax, which can't exceed nine cents per barrel of oil or two cents per thousand cubic feet of gas.  

HB 0777 NeutralHistoric Chattahoochee Commission Repealed Gerald Greene
7/1/2018 Effective Date Interstate Cooperation Interstate Cooperation -
Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment Water Quality Water Quantity
The legislation repeals in its entirety the Historic Chattahoochee Commission (HCC), which was organized in the 1970s to promote tourism and historic preservation throughout the Lower Chattahoochee River Valley. More info on the HCC can be found here.
HB 1039 NeutralBig Canoe Water and Sewer Authority Act; enact Rick Jasperse
5/8/2018 Veto V16 Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Local Legislation Sewer/Septage Water Quality Water Quantity
HR 0514 NeutralHouse Study Committee on Water Desalination Keisha Waites
3/13/2017 House Second Readers Natural Resources & Environment --
Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment Water Quality Water Quantity
This legislation creates the House Study Committee on Water Desalination. 
HR 0943 NeutralJoint Georgia-North Carolina and Georgia-Tennessee Boundary Line Commission Marc Morris
3/27/2018 Senate Tabled Interstate Cooperation Rules -
General County Government Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment Water Quantity
This resolution creates the the Joint Georgia-North Carolina and Georgia-Tennessee Boundary Line Commission.
HR 1540 NeutralUrging Congress to Invest in Infrastructure Vernon Jones
3/27/2018 House Passed/Adopted Special Rules --
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development General County Government Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment
Procurement Public Works Transit Transportation Transportation Funding
Water Quality Water Quantity
This resolution states support for the infrastructure plan presented by the President of the United States and urges Congress to take action on said plan. 
SB 0116 OpposeStorm Water Utility Fees - Water Neutral Properties Frank Ginn
2/7/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2017/02/03-Report Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment Revenue & Finance Stormwater
Utilities Water Quantity
This legislation prohibits counties and cities from assessing stormwater utility fees on properties certified as a water-neutral site by a professional engineer. The property owner would be responsible for submitting the proof of certification.
SB 0267 NeutralHapeville Water and Sewer Authority; repeal an Act creating Nan Orrock
7/1/2017 Effective Date Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
General County Government Local Legislation Nat. Res. & the Environment Sewer/Septage Utilities
Water Quality Water Quantity
SB 0425 NeutralLand Surveyors - Define Practice Steve Gooch
5/7/2018 Act 417 Regulated Industries Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2018/03/16 Report Code Enforcement Econ. Dev. & Transportation General County Government Health and Human Services
Land Use/Zoning Law Enforcement Nat. Res. & the Environment Procurement Public Safety and Courts
Public Works Roads Stormwater Todd Edwards Utilities
Water Quality Water Quantity
This legislation removes the requirement that land surveyors receive at least five hours of course study in hydrology. The bill raises the required semester hours of course study, or the equivalent, in surveying subjects approved by the board from 15 to 18 hours. Moreover, HB 833 grandfathers in those who have already received credit in hydrology coursework so that they may sit for the board approved examination for licensure. In addition, HB 833 adds surveyors to the list of professionals subject to a misdemeanor for practicing as a licensed surveyor if that person has not completed the licensing requirements.
SR 0224 SupportJoint Study Committee on Stormwater Management Fees Frank Ginn
3/16/2017 House Passed/Adopted Natural Resources & Environment Regulated Industries and Utilities -
2017/02/17-Report 2017/03/06 - Report 2017/03/10 - Report 2017/03/17 - Report Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons
Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment Revenue & Finance Stormwater Water Quality
Water Quantity

This legislation creates the Joint Study Committee on Stormwater Management Fees. Local governments would have representation on the study committee that would be tasked with reviewing the existing data and current practices relating to storm-water management fees.

SR 0448 NeutralJoint Georgia-North Carolina and Georgia-Tennessee Boundary Line Commission Michael Williams
1/8/2018 Senate Recommitted -Rules -
Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment Water Quantity
This legislation creates the Joint Georgia-North Carolina and Georgia-Tennessee Boundary Line Commission. 
SR 0794 NeutralJoint Georgia-North Carolina and Georgia-Tennessee Boundary Line Commission Butch Miller
5/8/2018 Act 547 Interstate Cooperation Rules -
Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment Water Quantity
This resolution creates the the Joint Georgia-North Carolina and Georgia-Tennessee Boundary Line Commission. This six-person commission will be formed to meet with representatives from Tennessee and North Carolina to survey and establish the GA / NC / TN border. More details here.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

Copyright @1996-2015 Association County Commissioners of Georgia