HB 0354 |
Neutral | Georgia International and Maritime Trade Center Authority |
Ron Stephens |
5/8/2018 |
Veto V1 |
Economic Development & Tourism |
Economic Development and Tourism |
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| This legislation changes the Georgia International and Maritime Trade Center. |
HB 0470 |
Neutral | State Grant Program for Military Communities |
Shaw Blackmon |
7/1/2017 |
Effective Date |
Economic Development & Tourism |
Economic Development and Tourism |
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| This legislation establishes a grant program supporting military communities. |
HB 0489 |
Neutral | Georgia Procurement Registry - Require Posting |
Tom McCall |
7/1/2018 |
Effective Date |
Governmental Affairs |
Economic Development and Tourism |
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| This bill requires cities and counties, if they are soliciting a bid or proposal opportunity for goods and services valued at $10,000 or more, or public works contracts for over $100,000, to post the advertisement on the Georgia Procurement Registry at no cost to the local government. It is then optional for the local government to advertise the bid or proposal opportunity in the legal organ or their website. Action: the above notices must be posted on the Georgia Procurement Registry. |
HB 0642 |
Neutral | Special Improvement Districts |
Chad Nimmer |
3/21/2018 |
Senate Read Second Time |
Governmental Affairs |
Economic Development and Tourism |
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| This bill would allow for the creation by counties and cities of 'special improvement districts' that are created which regard to surface transportation projects. A special improvement district is defined as any 'special service district' that is created under the new Code chapter and under the special district provision of the Constitution. A special improvement district can only be created following written petition by taxpayers. As structured, such special improvement districts are similar to community improvement districts. |
HB 0843 |
Neutral | Income Tax Credits - Expansion of Areas Qualifying as "Less Developed Areas" |
James Shaw |
7/1/2018 |
Effective Date |
Ways and Means |
Economic Development and Tourism |
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| This bill expands the income tax credit for businesses in "less developed areas", to include businesses located in census tracts that contain a military installation and a government-owned industrial park. |
HB 0899 |
Neutral | Public Works Bids - Alter Grounds by Which a Bidder Can be Disqualified |
Dominic Lariccia |
5/3/2018 |
Effective Date |
Governmental Affairs |
Economic Development and Tourism |
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| The legislation amends the public works bidding laws, stating that bidders cannot be disqualified from sealed, competitive bid/proposal public works contracts simply because they lack previous experience with the "construction delivery method" to be used for the job which is being sought. Previously, counties could automatically reject such bids. |
HB 0951 |
Support | Center for Rural Prosperity and Innovation |
James Shaw |
7/1/2018 |
Effective Date |
Small Business Development |
Economic Development and Tourism |
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| This bill would create the Center for Rural Prosperity and Innovation. The Center would study and develop recommendations to support economic development, healthcare, and other concerns in rural Georgia. The Center would also receive recommendations from a permanent Rural Development Council composed of state appointees. |
HB 0995 |
Neutral | Procurement - Consultants for Local Government Bids/Purchases Must Disclose Conflicts of Interest |
Mark Newton |
5/8/2018 |
Veto V15 |
Governmental Affairs |
Economic Development and Tourism |
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| This bill requires consultants who develop or draft specifications or requirements for a solicitation for local governments on bids, requests for proposals, procurement orders or purchasing orders to disclose any potential conflicts of interest they may have when contracting for goods and services for the local government. Furthermore, the consultant shall avoid conflicts during the process; shall not be involved in submitting a bid or proposal; maintain confidentiality; avoid sharing protected information; avoid contact with suppliers participating in the solicitation process; ensure all working documents remain the property of the local government; and cannot work on the awarded project until the termination of the local government agreement. |
SB 0002 |
Neutral | The "FAST" Act - Local Fee, Permit and Licensing Requirements |
Michael Dugan |
3/21/2018 |
House Insisted |
Small Business Development |
Economic Development and Tourism |
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| This legislation had mandated that cities and counties which charge any regulatory fees (license or permit fees) or have any regulatory requirements to establish a schedule of such fees and requirements which must include time lines necessary for processing completed applications and a list of all documentation needed by applicants to meet regulatory requirements. Upon receipt of an application related to any fee, the applicant will pay only 50% of the fee. The local government must then notify the applicant whether an application is complete. Whenever the local government does not meet its deadline for acting on a "complete" application, the associated fees will be reduced by 10 percent for each 10 days said action is delayed. Local governments are required to set up a second, expedited process for processing all applications and permits and must study how to share applicants' information with other local, state and federal agencies so that applicants don't have to duplicate filing efforts with other governments.
For a summary of the above, Senate version of SB 2 please click here.
The above language was removed by the House and replaced with a voluntary "Ready for Partnership Georgia" program whereby local governments can adopt a series of measures to streamline their permitting processes to obtain said designation. While ACCG has no concerns with the now-current House version of the bill, there will most certainly be efforts by the Senate to reinstall the above language that ACCG opposes. Stay tuned, as this one will likely be decided in a conference committee report late on the last day of session.
SB 0195 |
Neutral | Notice of Relocation of Facilities of Certain Employers |
John Albers |
2/17/2017 |
Senate Read and Referred |
- | Economic Development and Tourism |
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| This legislation enacts the Georgia Jobs First Act of 2017. It would require notice to the state Department of Economic Development by any "employer" that intends to relocate an operational facility out of the state. "Employer" means a company that 1) employs at least 50 persons and 2) either does business with the state or local government or has received incentives from the state or local governments. |