Legislation Assigned to the House IntC Committee (8)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 1348 MonitorUniform Act for Out-of-State Parolee Supervision; repeal Cox,Clay 102nd
3/28/2008 Senate Read Second Time IntC I COOP -
HR 0273 MonitorCongress; urge to end violence in Sudan Brooks,Tyrone 63rd
3/27/2007 House Passed/Adopted IntC --
HR 0420 MonitorCongress and President of the United States; 20 U.S.C. Section 1091(r); urge to repeal Holmes,Bob 61st
3/1/2007 House Second Readers IntC --
HR 0688 MonitorSecurity and Prosperity Partnership of North America; urge Congress to withdraw Coan,Mike 101st
4/10/2007 House Second Readers IntC --
HR 0858 MonitorSecurity and Prosperity Partnership of North America; urge Congress to withdraw Benton,Tommy 31st
4/20/2007 House Second Readers IntC --
HR 1609 MonitorHouse Study Committee on Trade, Travel, and Security between Georgia and Western Hemisphere Trade Partners; create Casas,David 103rd
4/4/2008 House Passed/Adopted IntC --
SB 0345 MonitorInterstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children; provide for purpose and policy Harbison,Ed 15th
5/14/2008 Senate Date Signed by Governor IntC ED&Y -
SR 1060 MonitorTransportation Commissioner; urged to provide a series of reports to the General Assembly Mullis,Jeff 53rd
5/14/2008 Senate Date Signed by Governor IntC TRANS -
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.