Legislation Assigned to the Senate Education and Youth Committee (7)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0430 NeutralGovernor's Education Reform Commission - Charter Schools Buzz Brockway
7/1/2017 Effective Date Education Education and Youth -
Business and Occupation Tax Code Enforcement Fire Services General County Government Land Use/Zoning
Todd Edwards
This legislation sets statewide standards and authorization processes for charter schools by local school boards and the State Charter Schools Commission.  While an earlier version removed charter schools from local zoning and land use ordinances, the bill was amended in Senate committee to require that "the location of a charter school shall be in conformity with existing county or city comprehensive land use plans, if applicable, or existing land use patterns in the area."    
SB 0076 NeutralEducation SPLOST - Amend Distribution Formula Ellis Black
1/30/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Education and Youth -
Larry Ramsey Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
This bill amends ESPLOST and eliminates the option of providing by local Act of the General Assembly for an alternate method of distribution of proceeds between a county and independent school systems. If the county and independent school districts do not agree on a distribution formula, the district with the greater student population may still call for a referendum on the ESPLOST, with the other school district receiving a pro rata share of proceeds. he bill is contingent upon a constitutional amendment, SR 95.
SB 0149 NeutralMandatory Training for Local Law Enforcement Officers Serving as School Resource Officers and Prohibition of Tobacco or Tobacco Products in Local Jails Emanuel Jones
7/1/2017 Effective Date Public Safety and Homeland Security Education and Youth -
2017/02/17-Report 2017/03/06 - Report 2017/03/24 - Report Debra Nesbit General County Government
Law Enforcement Mandate Public Safety and Courts Training
This legislation mandates special training for local law enforcement officers that are assigned duty as school resource officers for five consecutive days.  The P.O.S.T. approved course must be completed within six months of appointment as a school resource officer.  Language was added to the bill to prohibit the use or possession of tobacco or tobacco products at any correctional facility.  Criminal penalities are outlined for those who violate the law.
SB 0150 EvaluatingManadatory Written Agreements Between Local Law Enforcement and Local School Boards Emanuel Jones
2/10/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Education and Youth -
2017/02/10 - Report 2017/02/17-Report Debra Nesbit General County Government Juveniles
Law Enforcement Procurement Public Safety and Courts Sheriff
This legislation mandates a written agreement between local law enforcement and local school boards for the procedures and parameters for School Resource Officers provided under contract or MOU, by local law enforcement.
SB 0457 NeutralGeorgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Provide Guidance and Require School Safety Plan Drills Horacena Tate
3/21/2018 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Public Safety and Homeland Security Education and Youth -
2018/03/2 Report Debra Nesbit Emergency Management/Preparedness Public Safety and Courts
This bill requires schools to conduct school safety plan drills as directed by the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency.
SR 0095 NeutralEducation SPLOST - Amend Distribution Formula Ellis Black
5/9/2017 Act 278 Ways & Means Education and Youth -
Larry Ramsey Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
  This proposed enabling constitutional amendment amends ESPLOST and eliminates the option of providing by local Act of the General Assembly for an alternate method of distribution of proceeds between a county and independent school systems. The bill is implemented by SB 76.
SR 0192 NeutralGeneral Assembly; election of local school superintendents; local boards of education by grand juries as alternative to appointment; authorize -CA John Wilkinson
3/16/2017 House Committee Unfavorably Reported Education Education and Youth -
Elections General County Government Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation asks the voters to approve an amendment to the Georgia Constitution regarding the selection of local school superintendents and school board members.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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