Legislation Sponsored by Tom McCall (6)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0081 SupportHospital Authorities and Contractors Intercept Income Tax Returns to Pay Medical Bills Tom McCall
3/1/2018 Senate Read and Referred Ways and Means Finance -
2017/01/27-Report 2018/02/23 Report 2018/03/2 Report Clerk of Court Debra Nesbit
Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons Health and Human Services Hospital Authority Indigent Health Care Juveniles
Magistrate Court Probate Court Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance State Court
Superior Court
This legislation allows health care facilties created, formed or operated on behalf of a hospital authority to intercept tax refunds to pay outstanding medical bills. 
HB 0489 NeutralGeorgia Procurement Registry - Require Posting Tom McCall
7/1/2018 Effective Date Governmental Affairs Economic Development and Tourism -
2018/02/16 Report 2018/03/16 Report 2018/03/2 Report Compensation General County Government
Mandate Procurement Public Works Todd Edwards

This bill requires cities and counties, if they are soliciting a bid or proposal opportunity for goods and services valued at $10,000 or more, or public works contracts for over $100,000, to post the advertisement on the Georgia Procurement Registry at no cost to the local government.  It is then optional for the local government to advertise the bid or proposal opportunity in the legal organ or their website.  Action: the above notices must be posted on the Georgia Procurement Registry.         


HB 0810 NeutralWorkforce Development Boards - Meetings by Teleconference Tom McCall
2/15/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Governmental Affairs --
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development General County Government Larry Ramsey Open Records/Meetings Act
This bill would allow local workforce development boards to conduct meetings via teleconference.
HB 0885 NeutralBurn Ban - Revisions for Agriculture Use Tom McCall
7/1/2018 Effective Date Natural Resources and Environment Natural Resources and the Environment -
2018/03/2 Report Agriculture Air Quality Farm Kathleen Bowen
Nat. Res. & the Environment Preemption Public Safety and Courts
This legislation allows for the burn ban to not apply to those who would like to burn vegetative material for ag purposes on land greater than 5 acres. 
HB 0985 NeutralHull, Town of; revise terms of office and timing of elections for mayor and councilmembers Tom McCall
5/8/2018 Effective Date Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
Elections Local Legislation
HR 1473 NeutralStudy Committee on Industrial Hemp Production Tom McCall
3/23/2018 House Passed/Adopted Agriculture and Consumer Affairs --
Agriculture General County Government Health and Human Services Kathleen Bowen Nat. Res. & the Environment
Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance
This resolution creates a study committee to explore whether the State of Georgia should consider the economic feasibility of developing industrial hemp (an agricultural commodity) and the potential economic benefit to rural parts of Georgia by undertaking industrial hemp production in this state.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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