Legislation Assigned to the House PS&HS Committee (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0186 HotCrimes and offenses; carrying weapons within certain school safety zones and at school functions; change provisions Setzler, Ed 35th
2/4/2015 House Second Readers PS&HS --
Conduct Discipline Due Process
HB 0777 PassedSchool buses; drivers use cellular telephones in similar manner as a two-way radio; allow Dudgeon, Mike 25th
7/1/2016 Effective Date PS&HS PUB SAF -
Other Personnel Student Safety Tranportation
HB 0792 PassedFirearms; carrying, possession, and use of electroshock weapons by persons who are students or who are employed at a public institution; authorize Brockway, Buzz 102nd
7/1/2016 Effective Date PS&HS JUDY -
HB 0859 VetoedFirearms; weapons carry license holders; carrying and possession of certain weapons in certain buildings or real property owned or leased to public institutions of postsecondary education; authorize Jasperse, Rick 11th
5/3/2016 House Date Signed by Governor PS&HS JUDY -
SB 0141 HotJuvenile Proceedings; provide that minor violations of weapons in school safety zones are not considered Class B designated felonies Jones, Emanuel 10th
4/2/2015 House Withdrawn, Recommitted PS&HS JUDY -
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.